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  1. damselsrck

    Good Stocking List?

    I am wondering, when Clarkii Clowns mature, do they become blackish, or is this the Sebea clown? I got the impression that a Clarkii starts out yellowish and then becomes predominately black. A recent post seemed to contradict it, what is the correct theory? Oh, even without knowing the color, I...
  2. damselsrck

    Id Please

    Your welcome! Glad I could help. (first time in this hobby )
  3. damselsrck

    Good Stocking List?

    Well, I really like clowns but I would like a not as common looking clown..
  4. damselsrck

    Good Stocking List?

    Well, I think I finally have a stocking list I like, I would have to get rid of the two fish I currently have...what do y'all think? (In order of additions) Pair of Juv. Clarkii Clowns 1 Six Line Wrasse Lemonpeel Angelfish How does this look? Will the Clarkii's get too big?
  5. damselsrck

    Good Stocking List?

    Yeah, I've been thinking about it...I really like Pyjama Cardinals all of the if this lasts I might adjust the fish list. I've been thinking about a pair. Ugh!! I just don't know...too many great fish, not enough tank space...
  6. damselsrck


    I'd rather not, what's your email?
  7. damselsrck

    New pics of corals and tank

    I love your corals! Just stunning!
  8. damselsrck

    Sump Questions

  9. damselsrck


    Thanks Wax32!
  10. damselsrck


    Hi, I was looking into buying PCs and then found a great site, very cheap lighting. They, however, do not sell "Power Compacts". They sell compact flourescants(sp) that the same thing? The website says next to the compact fourescants(sp), "Ideal for high demanding reef aquariums!". I doubt...
  11. damselsrck


    MY only advice to you, and it is not about the actual moving, is that if you haven't bought the 55 yet, go as big as possible! (wish I'd gone bigger myself..not even done stocking tank...)
  12. damselsrck

    Sump Questions

    Hello, I am trying to get all of my equipment set up before I get any more fish and definately before I get coral. I am not going to do a diy sump (don't have time or the means). I am trying to find cheaper equipment to make a sump that won't leak. Reccomendations would be great! Here are two...
  13. damselsrck

    38 g equipment list

    I'm not sure about the powerheads, but as for fish I might be able to help. What kind of wrasse? Most get too large for your tank. A six-line wrasse would work, but you have to monitor them w/ hermits and snails. A dwarf angel would work, but be wary that some are not reef safe (it is a...
  14. damselsrck

    Exotic additions...

    Thanks for your replies. I decided I will keep the occ. clown without buying a mate for her just so that I could have more of a variety of fish species. Thanks Oceana for the info on butterflys, no one had said anything 'til then, thanks!
  15. damselsrck

    My 4.5 month 75gal Reef. Ideas are welcomed!

    I really like your corals and anemones! If your chromis ever seems lonely I would suggest getting him at least one more chromis to hang with.
  16. damselsrck


    Ok, well now I am pretty sure it is a button polyp, becuase guess what I just found? Aiptasia. It's only one small one, but it's enough for me to compare the two, they look NOTHING alike. Ok, well, I had a question. Do I have to manually remove the Ap. to get rid of it, or will it die becuase...
  17. damselsrck

    Good Stocking List?

    Yes, I wasn't going to have two angels...I can't decide, here is my new fish list, how does this look? 1 occ. clown (already have it) 1 yellowtail damsel (already have it) 1 Lemonpeel Angelfish 1 Six-Line Wrasse 1 Lawn Mower Blenny I will probably be turning in the damsel to the pet store, so I...
  18. damselsrck

    Exotic additions...

    Thanks for the replies. I think I will risk it for a short time with a 6-line wrasse, I don't have a reef so nothing super valuable in my tank invert wise.
  19. damselsrck

    stocking 150

    I personally would go with list one, but I would drop the Idol, doesn't have a good success rate in the home aquarium. List one is my personal preferance.
  20. damselsrck


    maybe it's a button polyp...I have never seen one that looks like this. I did a google search, but none of the Aiptasia looked like the thing I've got.