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  1. damselsrck

    NANO questions

    What size tank do you mean by "nano"? A 5-gallon is a nano. Do you want bigger or smaller? My opinion is in saltwater the bigger is always better.
  2. damselsrck

    NANO questions

    1. What makes a Nano tank different from a regular? A nano is usually a tank under 30 gallons. 2. Is a good starting size for a nano 3 gals? I think that is a little small..or, no fish should be in that! 3. Do you still use Live sand and LR for a nano? yes 4. What are the best type of fish for a...
  3. damselsrck

    ?Lighting Question?

    Ok, I think I'll take of the glass top when I get the halides. You talked about a is the fixture I was looking into buying and it says it has fan(s). What is an eggcrate? I have 1 occ. clown and one yellowtail damsel (soon to be gone). My future stocking list would be: 2 occ. clowns...
  4. damselsrck

    As promised, pix of new zoos.

    nice pics
  5. damselsrck

    order to add fish

    Do mandarins need algea? I thought they needed pods??
  6. damselsrck

    Bristle Worm(s)

    Thanks! I think I'll leave him alone. I don't have any corals now...well I have some unkown thing, either a polyp or bta that was a hitchiker on lr. But I don't really care if he eats it becuase I only have flourescents and I think it will die eventually...I did the test of putting a net near it...
  7. damselsrck

    Help!!!!! new six line wrasse is dying

    hmm...I don't think that acclimation was slow enough (imo). I would try to return him to the store.
  8. damselsrck

    odd starfish? or hitchhiker?

    Thank you! That's exactly what I have! :cheer: mine is brown with three arms...hmmm I guess that means there might be another...well I've only noticed one. I'll get rid of them/him if he/they start(s) to damage things! :jumping: Thanks again!
  9. damselsrck

    Comments on Stocking Thoughts - 46 Gal

    I think that would be a little much...I have a 46-gallon also. Here is my stocking list (to be) for you to get an idea...maybe I'm understocking (although I doubt it). 2 occ. clowns. 1 six line wrasse 1 lemonpeel angel If I were you I would go with: perc.s or occ.s Yellow Watchman Goby Flame...
  10. damselsrck

    Help!!!!! new six line wrasse is dying

    I'm not an expert, my only guess would be that he is acclimating to the tank. How did you acclimate him to your qt? drip?? float?? how long? I wouldn't mess with him and just watch him for several days. You might want to return him if he isn't seeming better after a week. idk, that's my opinion.
  11. damselsrck

    odd starfish? or hitchhiker?

    Hi. I was looking at my rock this morning and spotted something very odd moving along the bottom of a cliff sort of thing.. It looked like a starfish until I saw it was missing it's bottom two legs! Then I noticed it didn't look like a starfish in the way it moved. What would this be? It is...
  12. damselsrck

    Neon Dottyback

    Ok, well I'm not really that interested in the purple ones. Thanks anyways!
  13. damselsrck

    Bristle Worm(s)

    Hello, I was looking at my tank and I discovered a bristleworm. It is very small in diameter (don't know length yet). I turned off the light and left it off for about 10 minutes, came back and looked in the same place and the worm had stretched out of his hole about 1 inch..maybe, (sorry he went...
  14. damselsrck

    ?Lighting Question?

    Hi. I am looking into buying a MH light and I had a few questions for you experts... 1. I have a glass cover on the aquarium and I was wondering if it would be fine just to mount the lights over the glass cover? 2. If not, what would I do to "cover" the tank? (don't want fish jumping out)
  15. damselsrck

    What do you name your fish?

    yellowtail damsel - Jem occ. clown - Julius (after Julius Orange smoothies)
  16. damselsrck

    Neon Dottyback

    Ugh...once again trying to find a great stocking list... ...It's pretty much impossible in this hobby, once you think you have a great one, you see one more fish you want to sneak in, but you know you can't. This time with me it is the Neon Dottyback. Reading about them it says that they are...
  17. damselsrck


    promise, how difficult is your starry blenny? I was looking into getting one and would love an owner's thoughts...
  18. damselsrck

    Live Rock from this site...

    You could have no die-off, but I would play it safe. Maybe something died and just isn't smelling yet ? I would cure it in a tub and keep testing the water for a spike.
  19. damselsrck

    Protein Skimmer

    Ok, well It looks like it will probably be a Coral Life! I just wanted to get more than one opinion on it (no offense to you Jonny).
  20. damselsrck

    Protein Skimmer

    Hey, I bought a SeaClone 100 skimmer, and am very dissapointed...luckily I got it from a well known site for $20 new, so not much of a loss. What skimmer brands are nice, but not overexpensive? I know Berlin is good, but I want some other options becuase of my budgets, any input would be great!