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  1. teog

    gold tail eel question

    Im sorry to say but he actualy escaped out of the tank a few nights ago and died....He was a very neat eel.Its amazing how strong these guys are.
  2. teog

    sick lion please help ASAP

    lion update- he has been in the hospital tank now for three days...he seems to be doing better. He did eat a piece of krill yetseday and was amazingly fast to eat the three live feeder too...the lfs said he was off feeders completely but Im not sure if i believe them 100 percent... I will...
  3. teog

    sick lion please help ASAP

  4. teog

    sick lion please help ASAP

    I originaly feed him 3 small pieces of krill the first three nights...I have never feed him live food...I saw him eat two silver slides at the lfs before I bought him.the fourth night he would eat and was lethargic...I checked my nitrite and nitrate this evening and it was undetectable...I also...
  5. teog

    sick lion please help ASAP

    I have a 160FOWLR..only about 35 lbs of lr..The tank has been up and runing for about 2 months now...I used an established 75 gallon and dumped it into the 160 and filled the rest with new had a golden tail eel and about 20 blue leg crabs and some snails...last saturday I bought a...
  6. teog

    Possible to have LR and LS w/ a wet/dry filter?

    Let me throw this into the mix-I have a FO tank for 5month that I converted into a reef just two months ago. Its a 90 gallon glass tank. I have 200lbs of LR and a 4inch LS bed. I have a hand full of soft corals and tons of critters and 1 naso tang..(he will be moved once he gets bigger into a...
  7. teog

    snail life???

    I dont have a good record with turbos...I put 100 in my 90 about 1 month ago and Id say 15 have died. Everything else is fine and I acclimate just as I should....
  8. teog

    puffer in community tank

    Thanks for the advise!
  9. teog

    puffer in community tank

    Von- My 160 has 50lbs of LR plus a wet/dry for a 300g tank with protien skimmer. I also have a 25watt UV sterilizer.I also have a 2 rainbow filter on top of this.(1 mechnical,1chemical) So I think I have filtration covered.... Anthem- Yes I have heard they would pick the fins on lion fish..I...
  10. teog

    puffer in community tank

    Im thinking about adding a puffer (dog) into a community tank..I currently have a lion(Ive heard about puffers running into lions and dying) But Ill soon have a large naso streamer, queen angel and harliquin task...the tank is 160 gallons... Anyone have any problems with there puffers messing...
  11. teog

    vho questions!

    Adam, My canopy is made out of oak and it has some sort of white plastic sheeting..not sure what type. My lights currenlty do extremely well for my sofct coral (mushroom, ricordia, leather, star poylps)...However I wanted to get some sps I just ordered 2x96 pc's...Im not sure how its...
  12. teog

    vho questions!

    I have 4 URI's 95wt VHOs over my 90....the inside of my canopy is white plastic....My VHo's are warm but not hot, I can touch them with no problems(I dont leave my hand for too long though...)My lights are about 3inches off the water and never had a problem..hope this helps..if you paint your...
  13. teog

    my tank temp is 85º!!!! i cant get it below that!!!!!

    I too was having problems with overheating 84-85...But I went from an external pump to a submerssible and also added 2 of those radio shack fans to run during while my VHOs are on...No my tank is between 77-80...And I live in Orlando.....
  14. teog

    TBSaltwater's LR

    I too have purchased LR from tbsaltwater (70lbs). All of mine has done great! I also recieved a few oysters in mine and no problems at all. I have had it for 8months or so. All my perimeters are perfect I had a few crabs on the LR that I diposed of but no problems. Is is normal for amonia...
  15. teog

    what brand tank and size do you have?

    160 custom acrylic drilled with overflows.....
  16. teog


    I have a custom 160 with a large volitan lion and a large golden tail eel. Im wanting a pinktail trigger, adult french angel, large naso streamer, harlaquin tusk...
  17. teog

    vho,pc with sps

    I actually had a 1x65 csl smartlite fiture laying around and I took it apart to intstall in my 90...I hook everything up and at the last second broke the bulb....*^$&#YTyut. anyway i think I will get the bulb replaced and try it also for a while.
  18. teog

    Hydrothrustor QV variable speed pump?

    i went through two of them, the double side pump model and they were..$$$$ [hr] .....Threw them both away and went to a mag pump, huge improvemnt
  19. teog

    mh's how high up

    how high up should metal halides be off the water? and is it dangerous for al living things if they were placed closer to the water?
  20. teog

    mushroom frag 1st timer

    I just frag some of metalic green mushroom...I took a razer blade and cut the head...I did 5 pieces and put them on a small rock and put a covered with panty hose so they wont float long before the stick by them selves? Thanks