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  1. teog

    Raising Calcium

    I use kent marine tach c and b once a week and it keeps my tank between 400-450.
  2. teog

    vho vs. pc

    I couldnt decide either so I also bought both. I have 4x95wt vhos and 2x96 pcs....
  3. teog

    Help me with my wet/dry system

    most people use a filter pad on the drip plate..this is the plate that is on top of the bio ball area. The filter pad is blue on top and white on the bottom. You should also have a some type of pre-filter on your overflow box. I also use this same type of filter on my return pump to catch...
  4. teog

    Canopy and Glass Top????????

    I too have vhos and i have gone topless..i have no glass canopy but only the hood
  5. teog

    reef help...please!

    I have a 90g with 200lbs of LR and 4in LS bed...The tank has been up and running since sept 01. It was converted to reef 3 months ago. I also built a refugium 1 month ago, its 7 gallons with 10lbs of LR and 3 inch LS bed with 2 bags of caulerpa and some snail and crabs....I have tons of...
  6. teog

    OT: Just curious what kind of people are into reef tanks

    Ohh yeah me too...Im teo i live in orlando i work for att in managment. Im 25 married one lil girl..i spend my whole paycheck on fish. I ride a sport bike and i also breed cockatoos.
  7. teog

    Invert problem

    Marine Fanatic, Many times blue legs hermits are aggressive to each other and other inverts...I had a large blue leg that killed other turbos and crabs. After I removed him from the tank I stopped losing inverts. Others have mentioned ideas that would come to mind as well. There has been times...
  8. teog

    Volitan Lion Handling Question

    Congrats on your lion..I too have a new volitan( my second first died due to city spraying pest control) I dont wear gloves when I clean my tank but I do watch him carfully just incase. I understand there sting is very painful and many go to the hospital to get it treated. I also see you...
  9. teog

    phosphate remover

    I initially used tap which is decent in my area..but I having been slowly been swapping it with RO water..however my unit only produces 15 gallons a day max and its a 160g tank....
  10. teog


    I just successfuly fragged my shrooms...I cut the head off and then cut the head into 4 pieces. I took a small tupperware container and put some small rock in it and put the shrooms in there and placed the container in a low water movement area....after a week the shrooms stuck and now are...
  11. teog

    phosphate remover

    will kent marine phospahte remover, remove phosphate for good out of the water that is in the tank?
  12. teog

    aggressive Volitan

    Quick question for you lion owners: I have a large sized volitan in my 160g tank that i bought a few weeks ago. He was the only fish in there with an eel. I bought a large sized foxface lo and a large purple tang. I have noticed twice the volitan chase the foxface...has anyone expeirenced...
  13. teog

    From 225w of VHO to PC

    Justin, I have a 90g that Im running 3 95watt blue actinc and 1 95watt white VHOs plus Im running 2 10,000k 96 watt pcs...This gives me 572 total watts. I heard the blue pc are not as nice as the VHOS hence my light set up.. My lights are rockin now! I have had many soft corals for months...
  14. teog

    What fish to you have in your tank?

    my 90g reef has 1 coral beauty 1 flame hawk 1 blone naso tang( I know he will be moved) 75 turbos 50 scarlet reef hermits 3 emerald crabs 2 peperint shrimp 1 cleaner shrimp 3 letuce nudi 200lbs of lr my 160 FOWLR 1 very large purple tang (6in plus) 1 foxface lo 1 volitan
  15. teog

    claims vs lighting

    not to disagree golfish but many people keep SPS strictly with VHO' champion was also speaking to a guy today who propagates all types of corals here in florida and striclty uses vhos and pc's....He has been in the business for 15 I sure he kinda knows what he is...
  16. teog

    tank update

    Just thought Id share....I bought a 2x96 pc kit in addition to my already 4x95 vho lights on my 90g...Im runing 3 blue actinic vhos, 1 white vho and 2 10,000k PC's..this gives me 585 watts of light... I also bought a coral beauty and flame hawk today as well for this tank...wooohooo what a...
  17. teog

    Are nudibraches (sea slugs) reef safe?

    I have three lettuce nudis in my 90g reef tank..Ive had them for about two weeks now. Howvere they will float down to the sump. I have rescued mine at least three times already. They are very cool though and are always munching in algea off the glass...
  18. teog

    claims vs lighting

    What do you think? I have a 90 gallon with 4 URI 95 wt bulbs. 2 whites and 2 blues...I just bought a CSL 2x96 pc kit...Im getting one 7100 and one 10,000 for it. Do you think this can be enough lighting for a squamosa claim? Also what SPS would be good too?
  19. teog

    dyed "yellow" & dying anenomes in FL lfs!

    which LFS in orlando..
  20. teog

    PC questions please read

    I just bought a used CSL 2x96 pc kit. When I opened the box one of the bulbs were broken. So I tried lighting the one good bulb with out question is does anyone know if you can light just one bulb on the CSL 2x96 retro kit?