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  1. teog

    Southdown sand

    Does anyone know where I can get southdown play sand in florida?
  2. teog

    Making a Acrylic tank

    Has anyone made there own acrylic tank? Was it a simply deed or a pain in the ---? What did you use to seal the acrylic together? etc,etc,etc. Thanks for any info!
  3. teog

    Red Algae

    I would look into the lighting and reducing hours or better ventilation. How is your phosphate? I have a prizm on my 29 gallon and it works like a champ.
  4. teog

    pic of tank, too much live rock?

    I have found lots of LR is the key to a suucessful tank. I have a 55-60 lbs of LR in a 29g and it looks amazing. Also its great filtration too!
  5. teog

    29 gallon tank with 55 lbs of live rock

    I too have a 29 g with 55 lbs of Figi and florida aquacultuer rock. I have 30 snails, 25 crabs, 1 emerald, 2 seroents and 3 perc clowns. I use 40 lbs of live sand( 3-4 inch bed). Lots of soft coral The only filtration is a prizm skimmer and a aquaclear 200 for water movement (no media). And...
  6. teog

    Gold tail eel vs Volatin

    I bought my first eel today. Its a awesome golden tail. Its very beautiful. Does anyone own on of these eels? If so so how are their temperment. I was told by some they are very much like Snow flake eels. Is this true? I also but a large size Black Volatin today too. He is bad! He is one...
  7. teog

    water readings "Please Help"

    any other ideas?
  8. teog

    water readings "Please Help"

    I have a 90 gallon tank that was set up on 9/15/01. I have one yellow tang and three damsels in it. It was a FO tank until two days ago I added about 10-15 lbs of LR. I did this because I will be adding an Golden Tail Eel hopefully soon ( the fish will be relocted to another tank). But still...
  9. teog

    sea clone/prizm

    I have a prizm in for 30 gallon reef and I love it. It sucks up much GUNK! I dont find that noisey either. The tank is in my bedroom and the first night it kinda bothered me but now I couldnt sleep without hearing it.
  10. teog

    A tough first tank

    what should my water levels be once i cycle my 90 gallon. I set it up on 9/18. Nitrite .1 Nitrate 10 amonia 0 why would my nitrate be a 10. I also did a water change yesterday....
  11. teog

    Why ween a lionfish???

    what type of live food do lions eat in the wild. I've read fish and shrimp. But wouldnt it be OK to feed it what it eats in the Ocean? Or do you have to wean to frozen? I can understand not to feed it freshwater feeders, but what about getting live saltwater feeders. And how often should you...
  12. teog

    red hairy stuff

    Hi all. I have a 30 gallon tank with 3in LS bed and a totoal of 50lbs of fiji and Florida aquaculture live rock. The tank has been set up for about 3 months. I have in it about 10 blue leg hermits, 5snails, green star polyps and blue mushrooms. One serpent and one brittle star. I also have...
  13. teog

    Cycle help!!!!

    I need advise PLEASE. I have a 90 gallon fish only tank that I set up on 9/13/01. I originally had 6 damsels in it. All was great until my 5th week. I had to adopt 2 perc clown and a medium size yellow tang. After two days I had a red/brown algae outbreak. After three day 1 damsel died. I...
  14. teog

    magnets with reefs

    Is it ok to us a magnet in a reef tank for cleaning? If so which kind work best?
  15. teog

    honey comb eels

    Can anyone give me info on honey comb eels? How do they differ than teresaletta eels beside color pattern? Thanks
  16. teog

    How Much Money Do You Have In Your Aquarium

    between my two tanks I could have purchased a month vacation in Australia and dove with the fishies!
  17. teog

    What type of Rock does everyone prefer

    I have both marshal island and florida aquaculture and I prefer the florida! It has so much stuff growing on it. Like sponges, corals, green stuff, etc. The Marshal island is ok with coraline algea on it.
  18. teog

    boxfish in a reef

    Jason, I would stay away from them in a reef. Everything I see says to be cautious. Also they release poison in the tank if scared and when they die. This will kill all in the tank!
  19. teog

    kiler hermits

    is it normal for blue leg hernits to kill turbo snails and taje their shell? Ive had about 5 hermits kill snails in the last week and take the turbo shell.
  20. teog

    tang Vs red blotches

    Hey I have a computerless friend that I have a question for. She has a yellow tang which developed red blotches within the last two days. She also has two perc clowns which seem fine. I dont know what the water is like, she will have it tested today. I know that she feeds flake food and dried...