Search results

  1. glinton

    southdown sand

    Thanks NM Reef- Somebody else gave me the same website and I e-mailed them about their shipping prices. The only problem is that the shipping charges are about $27. So, even though the sand is $11 for a 40# bag, the shipping is not worth it. Oh well.. I am going to buy a tank from Aquarilease...
  2. glinton

    southdown sand

    Do you find the silica sand in most stores? Is it the regular sand for sandboxes, etc.? Why doesn't it look good? is it a different color? I am assuming it is a brown color instead of white.
  3. glinton

    southdown sand

    I live near Lubbock, Texas and from what I can tell we don't have Southdown sand here. Does anyone know of any other "play sand" that would be just as good? I am trying to avoid paying so much for the CaribSea sand. Any suggestions?
  4. glinton

    how to dose dt's

    When you feed with DT's, do you need to supplement with any other food?
  5. glinton

    looking for 29 or 30gal in DFW area

    My wife and I are going to be in the DFW area at the end of this month and thought I would check to see if anyone had a 29 or 30gal tank for sale. I may be buying one locally, but thought I would check before I buy it.
  6. glinton

    how to dose dt's

    Excuse me....what are dt's? Newbie here.
  7. glinton

    looking for 29 or 30 gal in DFW area

    My wife and I are going to be in the DFW area at the end of this month and thought I would check to see if anyone had a 29 or 30gal tank for sale. I may be buying one locally, but thought I would check before I buy it.
  8. glinton


    I saw a post that said something about DSB. What exactly does it stand for? I know it has something to do with the substrate.
  9. glinton

    Live Sand Activator

    So when I first get my tank and put all that stuff in there, do I need to have any fish in the tank to keep the bacteria alive or do I need algae to keep the strombus grazers alive?
  10. glinton

    looking for 29 or 30 gal in West Texas

    How much do you want for the 30gal with PC lighting (2x55) hood and a glass top? Do you sell stands as well? If so how much?
  11. glinton

    looking for 29 or 30 gal in West Texas

    I would definitely be interested. Post the pictures and I will look at them. Is the 30gal still in good condition? What kind of light hood does each tank have? Also, when you say the 25 gal is reef ready (excuse my ignorance) what exactly do you mean? Thanks!
  12. glinton

    Live sand

    Roll what?
  13. glinton

    Live Sand Activator

    What do you think about this product I found on the web? It is called Surfzone Live Sand Activator and supposedly it activates new substrate with "a rich culture of nitrifying bacteria, detritivores and micro-invertebrates." Sounds great, but does this stuff really work? Is it really necessary...
  14. glinton

    looking for 29 or 30 gal in West Texas

    I live in Plainview, TX (45 mi north of Lubbock) and I am looking for a 29gal tank. If anyone has one for sale, let me know.
  15. glinton

    Live sand

    WAR EAGLE! Yep, the Auburn Tigers. And yes, LSU does have bragging rights for now (y'all embarassed us last year). But that will change soon enough! I was pulling for you guys too against Va Tech. I always pull for other SEC teams (except Alabama!). HURLEY-yes, this is my first tank. So when I...
  16. glinton

    Live sand

    I am starting a 29gal reef & fish tank. I am going to be adding Fiji LR slowly (about 10# at a time). Do I also need live sand right away?
  17. glinton

    Fish Tank for sale

    What kind of lighting does it have? Where do you live?
  18. glinton

    coraline algae growth in a new tank

    Do you still need to add Ca if you have aragonite sand? I thought the sand released Ca into the water.
  19. glinton

    coraline algae growth in a new tank

    what about the substrate? Do I have to buy live sand? Wont the sand eventually become alive with time?
  20. glinton

    what in the world is that black dot????

    Why do I have a black dot on the envelope to the left of my thread??? Every thread I reply to has one as well. Am I blackballed from this online community????:eek: