Search results

  1. cptrigger

    finaly got good pics of my 350

    Dude can you adopt me???? I'm house broken and come with all my shots!!! I am SO jealous. Looks great, maybe one day mine will look as good as that.
  2. cptrigger

    New 125g three view room divider

    Bump Just cause I'm hoping there are more pics to show
  3. cptrigger

    New 125g three view room divider

    Lazy K, Great looking tank!!!! When are we going to see some new pics on it? My wife loved it to and it's something we are planning to do when we get into our new house (hopefully this summer). What would be the chances of showing the design plans? I don't get the wife to agree on many...
  4. cptrigger

    My 125 reef

    I think it looks terrible. So terrible that it needs to be moved to my house. Not terrible, on a serious not, tank looks great. I just wish that when I get mine up and running again after I move looks this good. Great job and keep up the great work!!!
  5. cptrigger

    "Newbie" tank set-up help

    Okay so I feel kinda like an idiot asking this question as I've been setting up tanks off and on (more off than on) for the past 10 years. When I first started setting up tanks the technology and knowledge base of most people was very low on things. So on to my question: I am planning on...
  6. cptrigger

    Any traders in CT/RI/MA???

    Sounds good about next weekend. I should be able to get some white star polyps done by then to if you want to do the kenya and zoos for the colt and stars, sounds like a good trade to me. We'll just have to find a place to get together over the weekend. Email me and we'll set up the time and...
  7. cptrigger

    Any traders in CT/RI/MA???

    Sounds good Ren. Little laid up from getting my wisdom teeth pulled today, but shoot me an email and we can try to hook up over the weekend or something. Just fragged my colt coral the other day and still needs a few more days to take hold. Let me know if you'd be interested. CPTrigg
  8. cptrigger

    Black Sun Coral

    Runner, How did you feed it, with a stick or something like that?
  9. cptrigger

    Any traders in CT/RI/MA???

    Actually from Newport RI right now. Looking for something that would be either close to travel to or not too expensive on the shipping rates to trade.
  10. cptrigger

    Fragging Elegant Coral?????

    I have an elegant coral in my 37gal tank. Since I got it about 6-8 months ago, it has almost doubled in size. Great looking, but starting to get too big for my tank. My question is, is there a way to frag this coral and not damage it or is it better to try to sell it somewhere/how and get a...
  11. cptrigger

    Any traders in CT/RI/MA???

    Looking for some traders in CT/RI/MA. These boards are loaded with people in other parts of the country but rarely do I see anyone from the New England area. Email me if interested,, and please put Coral Traders in the subject. Hope to hear from everyone soon. CPTrigger
  12. cptrigger

    Returning Dead fish to

    I had a great experience with Mailed my casualty back with the receipt and within about a week had an email confirmation that they were crediting me and instructions on how to get the new one. From the sounds of it, they will give you a one for one credit and not "money" back for...
  13. cptrigger

    Vintage Movies

    I'm looking for a way to appraise vintage movies. I have an original 8mm copy of "Deep Throat", yes the original ---- movie (standing by to take some shots on this one). My mother-in-law gave it to me after my father-in-law passed away. Does anyone know somewhere I can get a dollar amount of...
  14. cptrigger


    I added another power head and even redirected them a couple times and it seems to have gotten worse for me. Should I keep moving the power heads or does anyone have a better idea? I've never had this problem when I had my previous tank about 8 years ago. CPT
  15. cptrigger

    anyoen in Connecticut

    Just found a new LFS that is pretty good for fish/corals. Good coral selection and cheap prices (all corals $39.99). Fish were scarce, but it was towards the end of their shipment. Will check it out when their new shipment comes in to see what they usually get in. CPT
  16. cptrigger

    are yellow tangs nasty?

    Originally Posted by mryoung7 agreed. any size tang will be miserable in such a small tank. I tend to agree. I learned this the hard way in that I have excellent water conditions, checked by several people, and bought a yellow tang this weekend and woke up and it was dead. LFS replaced after...
  17. cptrigger

    Xenia near Cleveland OH

    Just picked up some from him today. Great stuff and awesome looking tank. Look forward to working something out when I get back to Cleveland in a couple months. Thanks again!!!!!
  18. cptrigger

    DeMartini's 14G BioCube

    Originally Posted by DeMartini And the stuff i added to get rid of the red slime is called Chemiclean red slime remover Thanks. Appreciate the info.
  19. cptrigger

    DeMartini's 14G BioCube

    Originally Posted by DeMartini yaaaaay! the red slime is gone!!!!!!! just took this picture 5 minutes ago!...plan on going to my LFS today to find something new :happyfish Been fighting the red slime in my tank as well. What did you do to get rid of it??????
  20. cptrigger

    anyoen in Connecticut

    I go online to get mine for the big pieces, locally in RI are too expensive. If you're going for smaller amounts there are a couple in RI that aren't too bad.