My 125 reef


Active Member
Originally Posted by Alex4286
hey what kind of skimmer do u have? I think i got the same one as u (i bought mine used) so i dont know the name of it
Sorry to get back to you so late, didn't realize my thread had been bumped.
My skimmer is an aqua c remora pro, awesome skimmer!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by regina13
your tank is beautiful!

I hope when I get my bigger tank it looks that good.
What is your stock list?
Do you have a sump?
If you dont have a sump how many filters do you have?
Thanks regina13 for the kind words on my tank.

My stock list is pretty long, not your typical reef tank. In fact, nothing about my tank is typical.
Most reef tanks have a sump, mine does not. I have had many tanks over the years and when I decided to upgrade my 46g to a bigger tank I had many filters, and pumps from previous tanks, so decided to see if I could accomplish a full blown reef without a sump and refugium. Using only filters that I have acquired over the years of fish keeping.
Well, I learned the hard way really that a reef tank absolutely needs a refugium, which I now have. It is the aqua fuge 18", a hang on the back model. Well worth the money. My mandarin and corals are much happier with a supply of pods, etc.
I have 2 fluval canisters 404 and 304 models, 1 whisper 60 for carbon, 1 aqua c remora pro skimmer, and 4 powerheads. And of course a lot of live rock.
This is deffinately not optimum as far as the beauty, but has worked very well for me. There are many times I wished I had taken the plunge for a reef ready tank. Now, it is a matter of "if not broken don't fix."
With a tank set up like mine the maintanence is top priority, deffinately weekly. But, I am pleased with the results and no plans of changing things anytime soon.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mach03InFront
wow you do have a fatty mandarin

Thanks Mach03.....yes he is a fatty, not sure if you saw the photo when he was first put in the tank...pretty pathetic, really tiny, and skinny. He seems to have found the mother load of pods!!!! I got him in April, and he was maybe one inch, now he is almost 3 inches. His mid section has increased too!! But we won't go there.



Beautiful tank. I've got a 110 g of similar dimensions. I have a Koran angel, sailfin tang, 2 percs, and a coral beauty and was told that I was close to overloading.
It looked like you have several tangs? Will they work together?
Also what kind of brain do you have (coral that is


Active Member
Originally Posted by bkvreef
Beautiful tank. I've got a 110 g of similar dimensions. I have a Koran angel, sailfin tang, 2 percs, and a coral beauty and was told that I was close to overloading.
It looked like you have several tangs? Will they work together?
Also what kind of brain do you have (coral that is
Thanks! As I have stated in prior posts, nothing in my tank is typical, and I am a true slave to my tank. Many water changes monthly to achieve this bioload, and happy coral. All of my tangs get along very well, no aggression.
I have 2 brain corals, 1 lobed brain--cream, and one green with red open brain. I had a red lobed brain that I intended to bring back to life, it had a hole in the middle, that no such died.
I will be moving this tank soon, (by the end of the month) so I have decided to part with the large barred rabbitfish, and the sailfin. My new addition in our new house is almost ready...."the fishroom". Yeah, a true fish room!!! So, I have decided that this is the best time to part out some of the biggest bioload producers. Hate to see them go, have seen them really grow up, but I know that I have to lower the load. I hope for a smooth move.......


man i havent been on this site in FOREVER! nice pics thanks for sharing.


Amazing tank...actually looks like a real reef out in the wild or something. Cant wait till mine looks like that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bkvreef
Thanks for the response. You think you could convince my wife into letting me have a fish room?

Not sure on that, it took a lot of convincing to do the addition. But, luckily the house is an old farm house on a nice lot, but the joists were too far apart to put that much weight on them. So, the only logical thing to do is add a room. You could drive a 18 wheeler on that part of the house. We did do overkill, but nothing is going to happen to my tank. The floor joists are 2x8 and 6 inches apart!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReelBigJawn
Amazing tank...actually looks like a real reef out in the wild or something. Cant wait till mine looks like that.
Thank you.......that is exactly what I was trying to accomplish. You have made my day.


Originally Posted by Anonome
Ok, I would like you to be honest...... What do you think?..... 21 months running. Open to any new suggestions. This is my first full tank give it to me. Good or bad.
I think you tank is gorgeous. Don't change a thing!


New Member
I think it looks terrible. So terrible that it needs to be moved to my house. Not terrible, on a serious not, tank looks great. I just wish that when I get mine up and running again after I move looks this good. Great job and keep up the great work!!!


Originally Posted by Anonome
Not sure on that, it took a lot of convincing to do the addition. But, luckily the house is an old farm house on a nice lot, but the joists were too far apart to put that much weight on them. So, the only logical thing to do is add a room. You could drive a 18 wheeler on that part of the house. We did do overkill, but nothing is going to happen to my tank. The floor joists are 2x8 and 6 inches apart!!
You didn't use the word logical on this site?

Once again thanks for the pictures, They look awesome!