My 125 reef


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Thanks, 1/2 teaspoon seems more reasonable, and I like the idea about mixng it in a small amount of saltwater first. This will probably make it less likely to just float on top of my water.


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Originally Posted by azfishgal
Thanks, 1/2 teaspoon seems more reasonable, and I like the idea about mixng it in a small amount of saltwater first. This will probably make it less likely to just float on top of my water.

I really like using it in a glass of saltwater instead of just sprinkling on top of the water, seems to get mixed up faster. Also by pouring it in the fish don't think it is food!!!


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This is a beautiful tank! I'd love to have it in my living room to look at daily.


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Originally Posted by Anonome
I use to go to a fish store in stafford....MARU off of courthouse road. They were really nice, had awesome livestock. I was in there maybe 8 months ago and actually got into a somewhat heated argument with the "head" fish person. Needless to say, my last word out the door was "shame on you". Their tanks were in very poor condition. I actually told a man looking at some leathers don't even think of buying them....the red slime was so thick. I haven't been there since, I just hope they have made changes. You have to understand I drove almost 1 hour to get there and the place had changed for the worst drasticly.
I now frequent Marine Scene in Herndon....very much worth the drive. Nothing but saltwater fish, coral and equipment. Check them out on the They will not ship, but will hold fish in stock for you.
I have been waiting 3 months for a female bellus angel, she was quarantined in their store, (10 days) they contacted me that she survived the shipping, and was qt at my house 4 1/2 weeks . She is now in the display and couldn't be more beautiful if she tried.
Good luck with the search, saltwater fish are hard to come by up here too. Although if you really want the drive, That fish place in Lancaster, Pa is awesome.
Oh, as far as dry supplies, live rock, cleanup crew, I'd say That Fish Place can't be beat (I used to live 5 minutes from there, but now it's about a 45 min drive), but I don't know if I'd buy any fish other than damsels there. They have a closed loop system so all the fish are living in basically the same water. That makes me nervous a bit. There's one up here that's saltwater only, so I've been going there instead. They actually have their fish in display style tanks so people can see what they'll look like in theirs. It's called Treasures From the Sea, in Mechanicsburg. They don't have an on-line presence, but the store is cool.


Active Member
hey m0nk, where is the place in mechanicsburg? I used to go to a place called the Salt Box, but last time I went It was closed down, that was a while back. I go to TFP all of the time.


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New coral to add to the mix....A very healthy candycane. Healthy meaning after adding to the tank, opened up immediately, then when I dosed the tank with the black powder look at the tenticles that appeared!!! I bought it locally, for $45.00. Good deal I think.


Active Member
Have you noticed when you add the black powder that your cleaner shrimp kind of go crazy eating the stuff that lands on the rock and sand? Maybe you don't have cleanser shrimp, but last night I added my 1/2 teaspoon of Black Powder (mixed in a glass of saltwater first
) and the shrimp went nuts. Didn't really notice any difference in my corals, but I'm sure they all got some.


Active Member
I have a request: Can you take another shot of your tank and post it on photobucket, that way it will be larger on here. I would love to see a larger full tank shot.


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Yes, my shrimp go nuts over the black powder also. I have 2 scarlet cleaners, and 2 fire shrimp. My royal gramma likes to eat the stuff too!!


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Thought I would update the progress on the red lobo brain. Other than I have turned the brain around, ( I did some rearranging of the rock work) you can see that the red is definately getting redder, and the bleached out part is turning more of a cream color. It really swells up big time when it is feeding. I'm pleased with the progress.
I'm still worried about the hole in the middle, doesn't seem to be bigger, but still worries me. Does anyone know if this is something I should be worried about?



Your stock of coral are looking amazing. I forgot to asked you what type of sand do you have because I'm looking for a good live sand to use that I can have goby or blenny that is safe for to shift the sand. Any suggestion. Also sorry for your loss.


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Originally Posted by GhettoTang
Your stock of coral are looking amazing. I forgot to asked you what type of sand do you have because I'm looking for a good live sand to use that I can have goby or blenny that is safe for to shift the sand. Any suggestion. Also sorry for your loss.
Well Jay, I have Aragonite reef sand as the base and Arag-Alive reef sand on top. I also bought about 10lbs of live sand from the lfs in Reston that I told you about Marine Scene. To seed the tank. It is all sugar-size (oolite) sand.
I bought a rock today for the tank.....put in the tank and tons of pods went scrambling around the new rock, it was loaded. I have been extremely pleased with this LFS.
I have a diamond spot goby that covers every square inch of this tank and keeps the sand extremely clean, and "fluffy".


Originally Posted by Anonome
Well Jay, I have Aragonite reef sand as the base and Arag-Alive reef sand on top. I also bought about 10lbs of live sand from the lfs in Reston that I told you about Marine Scene. To seed the tank. It is all sugar-size (oolite) sand.
I bought a rock today for the tank.....put in the tank and tons of pods went scrambling around the new rock, it was loaded. I have been extremely pleased with this LFS.
I have a diamond spot goby that covers every square inch of this tank and keeps the sand extremely clean, and "fluffy".
Thanx for the respone I guess if I want to have goby I should have the sugar size (oolite) sand brand so that it easy to pass thru goby's gill. Also does that type of goby eat's shrimp or meaty food. How were you keeping that goby so that the sand does not go all over the coral.
Again thanx for the advice.


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I got real lucky with this goby....he eats anything the fish don't get to fast enough. He will even swim to the top to get food off the top! But I also spot feed him sinking shrimp pellets.
As far as the live shrimp, I have 2 scarlet cleaners and 2 fire shrimp. He has not once tried to harm them, in fact my fire shrimp will clean him often. See enclosed picture.
He has eaten 2 small neon gobies.....I never should have bought them, they were really tiny. Other than that he has been a model citizen and very entertaining.
As far as the sand on the corals, that can be a problem. I try to keep the coral up on the rock. In this picture the zoas aren't doing so well because of the sand, I moved them up and in a months time have doubled. I do have a cabbage leather in the sand and I have to routinely fan the sand off the coral, but is a lot better than when I first put him in the tank. What a mess. The tank had been up for about a year and the sand was really messy. I couldn't see into my tank for about a week.


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Originally Posted by Anonome
Black Powder is an additive that you add for the coral, and anenomes. It is an enzyme that the corals go nuts over. But should not be dosed too frequently....can mess up the tank. I only use blackpowder maybe once in a 2 week period. DT's are the other food, that is used on odd weeks....basicly oyster eggs....
I have never gotten the response of the coral with the DT's, but the blackpowder...awesome. I am now rethinking this feeding schedule.

DT's is PHYTOPLANKTON not oyster eggs and the reason why you get a response from the LPS corals out of the black powder is due to the fact that some LPS and Most Soft corals eat phytoplankton only. SPS corals and the toehr half of LPS corals eat ZOOPLANKTON (brine cysts). One is MEATY and the other is PLANT. Black Powder not only covers the PHYTO side, it also has the ZOO side as well. hence the reason why you didnt get much reaction to the DT's.


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Originally Posted by jonthefishguy
DT's is PHYTOPLANKTON not oyster eggs and the reason why you get a response from the LPS corals out of the black powder is due to the fact that some LPS and Most Soft corals eat phytoplankton only. SPS corals and the toehr half of LPS corals eat ZOOPLANKTON (brine cysts). One is MEATY and the other is PLANT. Black Powder not only covers the PHYTO side, it also has the ZOO side as well. hence the reason why you didnt get much reaction to the DT's.
Well, thanks ..... But, I feed DT's natural reef diet which is oyster eggs. It is frozen and about the size of cyclopeze. Check this one out, it says that it is for LPS and SPS, and softies. DT's also makes a product called DT's natural phytoplankton. I haven't used this product, but have used phytoplex.
I think I will continue with the Black Powder....."what ain't broke, don't fix."
It is obviously giving the tank what it wants.....both meaty and plant.
Please don't think I am getting on you, because that is not true,
I just didn't want you to think I didn't know what I was feeding my tank.


Active Member
Thanks azfishgal.....I'm still trying to figure out the whole posting of pics on one site, then copying ( or what ever the correct wording is) to another. I'm such a dweeb when it comes to computers.

Glad your trip was good, and all things that should be swimming still are!
Welcome back.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Anonome
Thanks azfishgal.....I'm still trying to figure out the whole posting of pics on one site, then copying ( or what ever the correct wording is) to another. I'm such a dweeb when it comes to computers.

Glad your trip was good, and all things that should be swimming still are!
Welcome back.

Not problem, it's really easy once you figure it out. Next time just put your cursor over the IMG code and click once, it will automatically copy it for you and then all you have to do is go to your post and right click and copy.