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  1. new2saltwater

    Want to add Corals to FOWLR&LS any suggestions for a new guy??

    I found a DYS dual PC with 1 MH kit for a really good price (friend bought but never used it) but Im wondering if this is too much light considering that its only 17inches from water line to top of sandbed?? Or can I just stick with my CSL Britelight with 50/50 bulb?? :confused:
  2. new2saltwater

    Dead rock to live rock

    I believe the translation would be Local Fish in any closest to you. ;)
  3. new2saltwater

    HELP>>HELP>>Goldstrip Clown problem!!

    FoCAL: do you have a Hospital Tank ?? If so use it for the injured fish. As for the next time you add a fish I usually (as the others have stated) turn off the lights and re-arrange my Live rock the day I add a new fish. Good luck.......
  4. new2saltwater

    Adding Live Rock ????

    My LFS just had a 450 & 75 gal tank retuned from a bussiness display. The 450gal has been up for 5 years and had close to a half ton of Beautiful Fiji & Marshall Island rock that is full of life. I want to go from FOWLRLS to a reef tank and was wondering if adding about 30 more pounds of this LR...
  5. new2saltwater

    BAK PAK2R "little mistake, huge results"

    Hey "Tangs" thanks for all the info :) Ill be purchasing the Bubble trap combo asap!! I'll also make sure I have enough water ready before I do my next change. :rolleyes:
  6. new2saltwater

    BAK PAK2R "little mistake, huge results"

    JRANG the collection cup height is a roll of the dice, I tried the instructions and got alot of water in cup. I get lucky on occasion and get it just right so I get a drier foam. I had the sponge insert in until it clogged and overflowed,now it runs just fine w/out sponge...
  7. new2saltwater

    Invert pkg arrived!!

    Hey there "goofieones" Im not sur how big they getI got mine when they were about the size of a Quarter & now they are about the size of a 50cent piece. I got them for $5.00 each from the same place I get my live rock....... :D
  8. new2saltwater

    BAK PAK2R "little mistake, huge results"

    I planned on doing a waterchange and found out after I drained water to top of RIO powerhead on BakPak2R realized I didnt have any premixed water left and I was out of salt-mix. So after waiting over night to go to store I couldnt belive how much more stuff my BakPak skimmed up overnight!!! When...
  9. new2saltwater

    Invert pkg arrived!!

    Hey coop Ive got a pair of Horshoe crabs myself :D I was saddened briefly as I noticed one was laying up against the LR not moving for sometime. I took it out of the tank and it was lifeless. As I thought about going to my LFS to get another I saw one come up from under the sand and well being...
  10. new2saltwater

    Using just a bakpak2 ...

    Ive got a 46 gal FOWLRLS 49.5 lbs of LR and Im only using the CPRBakpak2r and 3 Max-Jets 2-900's and 1 1200 I try to relocate the power heads every couple of weeks and so far so good. Only problem Ive had from BAKPAK is the tiny bubbles and getting the collection cup adjusted just right. Good...
  11. new2saltwater

    Don't paint your tank!

    I did what RMC did and cleaned glass really good let dry then spray painted back panel Medium Blue gloss protective enamel. I put on around 4 to 5 coats and it looks good to me and the little fishies :D
  12. new2saltwater

    Cleaning Liverock??

    I never thought of doing a water change at the same time "flydan" Im gonna try this next week when I clean tank :D
  13. new2saltwater

    Cleaning Liverock??

    Thanks for the quick reply Burn,great pics too.....
  14. new2saltwater

    Cleaning Liverock??

    Once a week I use one of my maxi-900 to clean off my Lr is this okay??? besides clouding up tank for an hour it doesnt really seem to bother my fish. Does anyone else do this or should I stop doing this?? :rolleyes:
  15. new2saltwater

    Another "new" stranger in the tank, Can anyone help ID??

    Yes Goby it has hairy little legs....... :eek:
  16. new2saltwater

    Want to add Corals to FOWLR&LS any suggestions for a new guy??

    Adron, Ive had the anemone since the tank cycled, its seems to be doing just fine. It gets to be around 8-10 in when fully spread. As for the naso I got it about the size of a 50 cent piece. I plan on transferring it over to a 90 gal corner tank by x-mas. Thanks for the info........ ;)
  17. new2saltwater

    Want to add Corals to FOWLR&LS any suggestions for a new guy??

    I currently have a 46gal bow with 49.5 lbs of Liverock 3.5 in DSB 2 maxi900 and 1 maxi-1200 CPRBakPak2r Britelite 96watt PClighting. Tank residents are 12 (6)Turbo (6) Astrea snails 2 Horsehoe Crabs 1 sand stirrer starfish. 1 Bubble tip Anemone 1 Tomato Clown 1 Naso Tang 1 Coral Beauty 1...
  18. new2saltwater


    Have someone anyone come and feed your fish, last time I left on vacation they fed my fish but not my anemone and it had one **** of a feast on my fish........Just my 2cents
  19. new2saltwater

    Another "new" stranger in the tank, Can anyone help ID??

    I like to check on my tank a few hours after lights-out (I guess its just the parent in me) and tonight I found a crab hiding in a rock, its a small I wanna say 6legs with 2 front claws and beady little red eyes its kinda purpleish/grey in color. Anyone have any Idea what it may be?? :rolleyes:
  20. new2saltwater

    Anemone food (shrimp from Supermarket)??

    Thanks for the quick replys,I didnt want a cheap meal to be its last. :rolleyes: