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  1. new2saltwater

    what can kill a clam

    Just wanted to ask about your lighting, was asked in a previous post but never answered.
  2. new2saltwater


    I have to agree with you 99% DAB. Sometimes death is an easy way out. Its the 1% of some one being able to live (although) locked up but still interact with people and having 3 girls of my own makes me want to voulunteer to flick the switch.
  3. new2saltwater

    Congratulations Mr.Salty !

    Congrats Mr. Salty Im also waiting for what may be my last Spring Choho/Skamania run down here in Indiana. So may your tanks prosper& your livewell stay full this spring :D
  4. new2saltwater

    Antennata going blind??

    I recently broke my tank down and gave my fish away, I gave my Antennata to a friend hopeing one day to get him back ;) but when I stopped over the other day I noticed a cloudy white film over both of his eyes that were never there before :mad: Nothing in his "sissy fish" tank could be...
  5. new2saltwater

    Eibli Angel ??

    Thanks for the reply fishgod :D
  6. new2saltwater

    what happened to the ratings?

    With the exception of the Sharks did the ratings really matter ?? When you read a post take a Shark for instance view the recent posts and you'll see they are all from Fish or reef forums while Ive seen people with well over 500 posts and 95% are from the Aquarium forum and are realatively new...
  7. new2saltwater

    Eibli Angel ??

    Has anyone ever had one of these?? I use to have a Half-Black and was wondering if they shared the same aggresive temperment?? :rolleyes:
  8. new2saltwater

    My Clowns

    I agree with fshhub dont change a thing right now. Keep us posted as things progress. ;)
  9. new2saltwater


    Like previous posts have stated 1st of all slow down. Your adding too much way too fast. Most (not all) LFS will sell you fish after fish to replace the ones that die, thats thier job. If you must use live fish like the Damsels to cycle your tank then leave them onlyin your tank for atleast a...
  10. new2saltwater

    Cannot Keep A Fish Alive. Please Help

    Hi, im quoting my first reply from my very first post similar to yours " stop putting fish into the "death tank" youve had a set up before so just slow things down a bit. An empty tank looks pretty dull but a tank full of dead fish doesnt look all that attractive either. Id drain it, refill with...
  11. new2saltwater

    Clown has a new best friend!

    You never mentioned which type of Clown you had but Ive read post after post about Maroons to be one of the most aggresive clowns. Just my 2cents :rolleyes:
  12. new2saltwater

    Tank Raised Clowns and Anemones??Will they pair up ??

    Thanks everyone, I was just worried cause my Anemone would often shrivle (?sp) up and my old Tomato would wiggle around in it until it filled out again. Since my 1st clown died my Anemone has moved to a different spot in tank (natrually where he cant really be seen) so I was just kinda of...
  13. new2saltwater

    horshoe crabs

    Mine is pretty cool to watch, they do grow quickly though. I thought it was dead at first but it had only molted. I got it a little smaller than a quarter no its about time to return it for some thing new, it does keep top layer of sand spotless though. Goodluck.
  14. new2saltwater

    horshoe crabs

    Mine is pretty cool to watch, they do grow quickly though. I thought it was dead at first but it had only molted. I got it a little smaller than a quarter no its about time to return it for some thing new, it does keep top layer of sand spotless though. Goodluck.
  15. new2saltwater

    Tank Raised Clowns and Anemones??Will they pair up ??

    After doing the last part of clean up after my Cyno outbreak I forgot to replace glass on top of tank. :( :( I noticed Tomato Clown dead on floor behind tank :eek: I replaced him (had to it was daughters favorite) with tank raised Tomato and my question is will it take to the Bubble tipped...
  16. new2saltwater

    Dwarf Angels

    I have a Half Black in my 46 with a Coral Beauty and they dont have a problem my Tomato clown doesnt care for the Half Black much though. As for the Lemonpeel my LFS said they were very difficult to keep in anything smaller than 150 with lots and lots of LR :)
  17. new2saltwater


    A Dwarf would be fine just keep the water changes on schedule they are messy eaters with the few corals I have I dont consider it a reef set up yet but my Antennata has never bothered any of the corals I have nor has it bothered any hermit crabs but it did make a quick snack out of my cleaner...
  18. new2saltwater

    Tomato clowns favorite anemone?

    Try a Bubble tipped anemone, my Tomato has been in his since I put in in the tank. good luck
  19. new2saltwater

    Moving fish, is it worth the risk ??

    Thanks for the replies, Its a pretty long drive from Chicagoland area to Glendale AZ so as hard as it may be Its probably best to find a new home for them I think I'll miss the Naso & Antennata the most but trade in time was just around the corner for the Naso anyway. Thanks again for the...