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  1. new2saltwater

    Moving fish, is it worth the risk ??

    By April I should be well on my way to moving to Arizona. My question is should I just trade my fish that I have now for equipt for my new tank I'll be setting up?? Im not sure how fish will do during road trip, just hoping my LR as long as its submerged during the trip will be ok. Any replies...
  2. new2saltwater

    Help !! High Nitrates & Cyno-bacteria??

    I found the cause of the Cyno, the RO water unit at my Local Grocery store has been broken but the store failed to so hard telling what was in the water I had done water changes with. Used botteled RO for 40% water change and cyno is gone but I lost my Brain Coral :mad: Sometimes a deal isnt...
  3. new2saltwater

    Help !! High Nitrates & Cyno-bacteria??

    My tank was over fed all week this past week while I was away, came home to Maroon colored algae all over L/R and Nitrates sky high. Ive done partial water change 8 gal but Nitrates are still around 30 is there anything else I can do?? I didnt want to change too much water at once how soon can I...
  4. new2saltwater

    Sick Tomato Clown

    My water tested fine this A.M. Amon. 0 Nitrates & Nitrites tested okay PH was 8 only thing I did different was add some dKH buffer in with top off gallon now My clown is away from anemone near bottom of L/R and seems to be (panting) or breathing rapidly. All other fish in tank are doing fine...
  5. new2saltwater

    Bubble Tip Anenome

    your anemone will choose its own spot wherever it feels the most comfortable and if you must move it point a powerhead toward it (dont place it right next to it ) just aim it toward it and it should release and move elsewhere. ;)
  6. new2saltwater

    Which anemone goes with tomato clown?

    Im also just laying my PC across the top, it hasnt really affected my temp much though. I'll eventually attempt a canopy but I can deal with my set up for now.
  7. new2saltwater

    Bubble Tip Anenome

    I agree with previous post and would like to add that after its acclimated it will shrink up from time to time so please dont assume its dead and pitch it . It will look like like it died but it will expand back to full size. Good luck ;)
  8. new2saltwater


    Hi Adam, Ive got a Antennata in my 46 gal and all I can say is they dont stay Dwarf for long. They do not get as large as the Volitan but 7-8 inches gets pretty big in a small tank. If you plan on getting larger tank down the road find one as small as you can and if your LFS will let you put a...
  9. new2saltwater

    Which anemone goes with tomato clown?

    I had a pair of percs that got "clownfish disease" Brooknella?? or some thing like that and once they got sick "poof" bubble tip ate em :eek: :eek: My Tomato has been nice and healthy "knock on wood" and watching them in the tank together looks great. Good luck with yours.
  10. new2saltwater

    Strong Powerheads????????????????

    Ive got 2 Maxi 900 placed on each end of tank 1 high blowing against LR and 1 low again pointed at LR and 1 max-1200 on the back center of tank and with a bow front it started to swirl my sand around too much so now I just use the 1200 to clean off my LR every other week and let the HOT Mag...
  11. new2saltwater

    Help need advice on my Bak-Pak 2!!!!!!!!!!

    I bought the venturi kit to replace the Rio with a Maxi-jet 1200 but the darn kit came with out instructions so Im waiting for them to respond to e-mail. I hope you have better luck with your Bak Pak than I have. I should have shelled out the extra$$ for the Remora -Pro. previous post was right...
  12. new2saltwater

    Which anemone goes with tomato clown?

    Mine loves its green bubble tipped anemone hopefully the new purple tipped sebae doesnt eat my clown.Good luck. :)
  13. new2saltwater

    Adding another anemone?? Can I mix different types??

    Thanks for the info, off to LFS.......
  14. new2saltwater

    Adding another anemone?? Can I mix different types??

    Can I add a purple tipped sebae anemone to a tank that already has a Green bubble tipped in it?? Ive read where some corals will sting eachother but was unsure about anemones. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: [ November 09, 2001: Message edited by: New2Saltwater ]
  15. new2saltwater

    How do I stop my husband from fish addiction?

    There are far worse things out there for a man to occupie (sp?) his time. My wife wasnt to pleased with the cost of things she at first thought okay we live near Lake Michigan so sand and water are freebies I guess I forgot to mention to her that L/R was $4.50 a pound and the L/s wasnt much...
  16. new2saltwater

    Fixit and Blueberryboomers Reef pics/200gal pics

    Your tanks look great :D :D in time I hope mine look as good. Thanks for sharing. :)
  17. new2saltwater

    Clear water

    I dont want to come off the wrong way but have you checked the filter on the HOT Mag?? I only run my HOT Mag250 to polish water it only takes about 45min to clear up what my lousey BakPak wont pick up. When the flow of the water drops (you'll notice it) thats when its time to clean the Micron...
  18. new2saltwater

    hippo or Naso

    My Naso is the tank clown :D I have the same size tank you do and Im currently paying on a larger tank so if you get it small and plan on getting a larger tank later you should be okay but Ive had mine less than a 7 months and he's grown alot in this short amount of time. Good Luck ;)
  19. new2saltwater

    Coral Beauty!

    Congrats & good luck with your CB they are one beautiful fish. Ive got one thats done just fine aside from a few fights(nothing serious) with my Halfblack angel :D