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  1. new2saltwater

    what does member status mean?

    Hi there Mad,with the exception of the Sharks Ive found it best to look for people on this board that have The fish or set-up you already have or that you want. Anyone can post what theyve read in a book that normally describes things in general but its hard to doubt a person that actually has...
  2. new2saltwater


    Congrats on the new addition. I got mine around the size to give me enough time to buy a larger tank. Mine took to Mysis shrimp& and Romaine lettuce pretty quick but his very favorite has to be Seaweed Selects Green Marine Algae. Mine will eat it out of my hand while Im putting it in the clip...
  3. new2saltwater


    Congrats flood, Naso's are great. Mine is the clown of the tank. I wish you luck and hope you enjoy yours as much as we do ours.
  4. new2saltwater

    Bubble Coral not opening up all the way??

    I feed it DT's & Silversides & Mysis but the silversides dont seem to stick to well on him I hope its not starving. Thanks for the quick replys ;)
  5. new2saltwater

    Ghost Shrimp

    Thanks for the tip fishymissy I would have never thought of that. ;)
  6. new2saltwater

    need info on CSL 96w PC retro smartlites

    Hey fishfreak can you e-mail me the place you got these from ??
  7. new2saltwater

    Ghost Shrimp

    Hi Mark, my Antennata loves ghost shrimp and trust me he will have no problem hunting them down. And as mentioned in previous post 20 for a buck is a great price. Try feeding it some (thawed) frozen Krill, I drop mine near a power head so it looks like its trying to hide and My antennata chases...
  8. new2saltwater

    Bubble Coral not opening up all the way??

    I just had my water tested at LFS cause I thought I might be reading mine wrong but except for my Calcium being a fraction low they say its fine but my Bubble Coral isnt opening up as much as it did before anyone have any ideas??
  9. new2saltwater

    Lost my last surviving horseshoe crab

    Hey Coop are sure its dead or did it molt?? I thought for sure mine was a goner till about a week later it came crawling from behind the L/R. I think after they molt they burrow down until the new shell hardens some (just a guess) if not sorry for the loss.
  10. new2saltwater


    I hope this post was a joke :eek:
  11. new2saltwater

    Starfish Death

    I gotta agree with Adron & Flydan you can't acclimate them like a fish if you want it to live do a slowwww drip method if not within 24hrs bits and pieces of it will be floating around the tank.
  12. new2saltwater

    Lost my Mandarian

    I came home and found my Mandarin DOA under the tank stand tonight :( I had made the typical newbie mistake and bought him cause he looked cool but was feeling good since he had grown atleast a half inch since I put him in a few months ago (and would read posts about how fast they would...
  13. new2saltwater

    brine shrimp or not?

    Have you ever tried MYSIS shrimp Denise?? I havent used brine since I found this stuff an my fish love it. Goodluck :D
  14. new2saltwater

    Dwarf Lionfish and hermit crab?

    Hi, Ive got an antennata (dwarf lion) and its never bothered any of my hermits. Good luck with your tank :D
  15. new2saltwater

    Coral Beauty

    Puffercat if you keep those damsels your bi-color will probably meet the same fate. They are just mean and the older they get the meaner they get and will pick on all newly intrduced fish and stressed fish = dead fish. Good luck......
  16. new2saltwater

    Powerhead question

    Ive also got a 46gal Bowfront and I use 2-Maxi-jet 900 aimed at each other and 1 maxi-jet 1200 placed behind L/R almost at the bottom of tank.
  17. new2saltwater

    Need Help Getting Started

    Besides alot of reading find people that already have set ups your looking for, they can tell you from experience what can work v.s. what you or someone else read in a book. Goodluck
  18. new2saltwater

    Need Help Getting Started

    Youll need alot of cash :D :D Some Live sand,Live Rock and some R.O. Water and alot of patience a good Protien skimmer and Lighting (wont say what type because youll see there are many,many different opinons on this subject ;) ;) )And youve alredy done the most important thing ! That is...
  19. new2saltwater

    Hang On Protien Skimmers whos got the best??

    As Ive slowly started purchasing stuff for my next tank set up" salt on sale, stand material" and after going to old posts and just asking other people in LFs My next Hang on Skimmer will be the Remora Pro. My LFS owner when she is nice will match any internet price :D
  20. new2saltwater

    LionFish in a Reef tank?

    I'll let you know how it goes over time. Ive got an Antenatta in my tank that im converting to reef. So far he doesnt bother anyone or anything in the tank Kinda a loner. He will be in this tank until I get my next tank paid for and running.