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  1. new2saltwater

    Info on Half Black Angel

    Hey there pufferlover, my LFSsaid the same thing about the Flames. She said it was the method in which they are captured?? Until they can find a wholsaler that catches them in a diiferent way they refuse to carry them. Its not everyday you find a fishstore that doesnt try to make a quick buck.
  2. new2saltwater

    a lionfish question for "lionfish"

    Hey Ozzfan, have you tried ghost shrimp or frozen MYSIS shrimp?? My dwarf Antennata loves the mysis I just drop it near the stream of the powerhead and he chases it down goodluck with your dwarf....
  3. new2saltwater

    Anemone without Clownfish?

    I feed mine small piece of shrimp once a week and My Tomato Clown feeds it when I feed him.
  4. new2saltwater

    Lost my first fish

    Hey Broomer, first Im sorry about your loss but I wanted to ask how the Flame Angel and the RustyAngel get along?? I came across your list of fish in the "aquarium" and had to ask. :rolleyes:
  5. new2saltwater

    Power Outages ??????

    thanks for the quick replys,I was going into panic mode :rolleyes: I was trying to explain to my wife that we could use a generator for more than my tank ;)
  6. new2saltwater

    Power Outages ??????

    How long can a tank survive without any power?? Its a FOWLR 1 anemone and some crabs. We are getting some bad storms this way and just preparing.... :rolleyes:
  7. new2saltwater

    lionfish question

    The damsel will dissapear sooner than later :D
  8. new2saltwater


    Hey Gobylover, make sure it eats frozen foods before you bring it home. My LFS had my Antennata weened off of live food before I brought it home his main diet is Mysis shrimp and some live ghostshrimp for a treat every month..... Goodluck with the fish........ :D
  9. new2saltwater

    Clown Tang Or Naso Tang??

    Go for the Naso, its like a puppy :D It will follow you back and forth while your by your tank it will eat out of your hand, Heck I think if I worked on it long enough mine would play fetch with its lettuce clip :D
  10. new2saltwater

    horse shoe crab help

    Ive got 2 in my 46gal, I thought my first one died so I ran out and got another then I found out they molt. They are great at keeping my sand clean, but I know I'll have to trade them in sometime. I got them the size of a quarter and 1 has already molted twice and thaey are a blast to watch. So...
  11. new2saltwater

    2 Dwarf Lions in a 30g?

    That tank is way too small for even 1 Dwarf Lion let alone 2 of them. I have a Antennata in a 46 (big mistake, I just thought he looked cool) he will be the 1st fish in new 92gal tank that should be up by X-mas. Dwarf doesnt always mean tiny they get up to 8 inches and thats not small...
  12. new2saltwater


    My friend had success adding a perc pair after his Clarkii pair had been in his tank for a year. He introduced them after a water change with lights out and re- arranging his rockwork and adding another but different type of anemone for the new fish. So far so good and as soon as I can find a...
  13. new2saltwater

    Anenome Dieing?

    The more you read the more you'll find out that no one is perfect and that there is no one certain way for anything in this Hobby. What may work great for one person turns into disaster for another, this is just my opinon though since I too am very new to this hobby. Good luck with your tank and...
  14. new2saltwater

    Anenome Dieing?

    If I had a dime for every time I thought my anemone was sick or dead I could pay cash for the new tank Im making payments on. One day its full and 11inches wide another day it looks like something deflated it then by nightfall or next morning so relax and keep a close eye on it before you throw...
  15. new2saltwater

    RockBeauty Tri Color How big do they get??

    Thanks for the quick replys :D It seems that my tank is way too small for this fish :(
  16. new2saltwater

    RockBeauty Tri Color How big do they get??

    I was at Shedd Aquarium in Chicago today and saw a Rockbeauty and was just wondering how big these fish get.
  17. new2saltwater

    Sand sifter star fish

    Hi Shel, Ive had a Sandsifter for a few months now and it seems to do just fine in our tank. The only thing is because its a sand sifter you wont see it much (unless mine is just being shy :rolleyes :) Good luck with yours........
  18. new2saltwater

    i need lionfish info!

    Hey Ozzfan, Ive got an Antennata and he loves mysis shrimp and live ghost shrimp. I was lucky enough to get him after my LFS got him off the live food and accepting the frozen. As per advice from (Mr) Lionfish from this BB im currently making payments on a 92gal corner Tank for my little buddy...
  19. new2saltwater

    Which coral

    Actually he said 55watts not gallons Tonga
  20. new2saltwater

    Want to add Corals to FOWLR&LS any suggestions for a new guy??

    So should I replace the 96watt Smartlight I have with the DIY kit( 2 96 watt 1 MH) my friend wants to sell me ??