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  1. 30 hex

    little green slugs?

    sorry, no pictures. I got some hitchikers on calurpa. They look like little mint green nudibranches. They mainly eat the roots only of the plants. There were 5 or 6 in a small bunch of plants. Any Ideas, are they safe,do they multiply out of controll? Please help.
  2. 30 hex

    hitchiker on some plants?

    I got some live plants from my l.f.s. and had them in a jar before i put them in my tank. Today I found some worms :confused: that have the body of what looks like a brown inch worm with the face of a sea cucumber or sea apple. any idea what they are? babby cukes? are they safe? sorry i cant...
  3. 30 hex

    I need a plant expert.

    unfortunatly I wont have room for one for about a year. That is when i buy a house and get to build a closet to put a bigger tank in and have all the equipment hidden in the closet behind the tank. Then I should have room for all the neat equipment. Right now i am small time with only 30 gallons.
  4. 30 hex

    Feeding the cleaning crew?

    Thanks guys, I was just worried because I have a big clean-up crew and only 2 small fish.So i give a little extra food to the fish at feeding time.It may sound wierd but I set up the tank because I mostly wanted clean-up crew type critters. I en watching them hide and run around the l.r. So I...
  5. 30 hex

    Feeding the cleaning crew?

    How do i feed my cleaning crew. They did such a good job I am worried they may not get enough to eat.
  6. 30 hex

    I need a plant expert.

    When growing salt water plants in their own container (no fish, l.r. etc...) how do I feed them? Is the sludge from the protine skimmer good to add to the water they are in? If so, how often/much? Has anyone tried keeping a salt water plant only container for feeding purposes? calurpa is sooo...
  7. 30 hex

    fresh water from a de-humidifier

    I think the coil is aluminum wich was my main concern.
  8. 30 hex

    fresh water from a de-humidifier

    does anybody know if the water collected from a de-humidifier is good to use. It is water taken right out of the air so i dont see where it would have any impurities in it. Just so long as you keep the machine clean. Any ideas/comments? :confused:
  9. 30 hex


    i just took a closer look its dark tan with light tan bumps. a verry lively critter :eek:
  10. 30 hex


    No, it is not a chocolate chip,just a plain old brown. I only have live rock but it doesa have some nice plants,coral algae,and button polups.
  11. 30 hex


    somone gave me a starfish from florida gulf coast I belive. Its about half dollar size and tanish brown with little bumps all over it (the typical one you see dried in souvenire shops).Will it hurt anything in a reef setting? I know most starfish are harmfull. I didnt really want it just got...
  12. 30 hex

    who is the most friendly urchin

    any info on these guys would help.
  13. 30 hex

    nano - mini

    i dont think anything is too hard for a novice, but things are impossible for the un-prepared. i take on challenging situations all the time but not before i do my homework. teaching yourself before starting is half the battle, diligence after you begin is the other could have all the...
  14. 30 hex

    green leg hermits

    you always talk about blue and scarlets, are green legs safe/friendly with a reef and other critters
  15. 30 hex

    lights on or off

    its not that i dont have time to buy the timer but my hood needs the switch held in to start the bulb and i dont have time to change my lighting system.i guess my mini might will work with a timer and that will be better than nothing.
  16. 30 hex

    lights on or off

    i am going away for 3 days. should i leave the lights on or off. all i have is some live rock, 2 small crabs and 5 "feeder" shrimp. i want my algae to turn green and i have a lot of plants on my rocks. no time to get a timer
  17. 30 hex

    make brown algae green

    my mini might gives me 9 watts daylight and 9 watts atinic i also have 14 watt strip light.
  18. 30 hex

    make brown algae green

    thanks guys, i am not planing on keeping corals yet,just l.r.,a big cleanup crew and about 3 small fish (psudochromis size). I love watching the shrimp and crabs most of all. Any suggestions on how to optimize on doing this? I do want green algae so how much light do i add for that?
  19. 30 hex

    make brown algae green

    how do i do it or does it happen by itself. Set-up is 30 gal 30 lb live rock. 20 lb live sand 3 weeks old. nothing in dual mini might & 15 inch high output flo. bulb on 7 am to 7 pm. :rolleyes: :confused: :p :) ;)
  20. 30 hex

    black & yellow striped snail safe?

    my lfs has little black and yellow striped snails. they are nice looking but are they safe?