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  1. fishytim

    Is this ICK? PLEASE help

    I cleaned up my 20 gallon long tank and have the fish in there now... salinity is at 1.022. I will be moving it lower a little bit till I get to 1.009.. 6 weeks of
  2. fishytim

    Is this ICK? PLEASE help

    something else I just thought about.... Yesterday was the first time I fed the fish "Rod's Fish Food". It's a frozen food... Dont know if that could have anything to do with it, but thought I'd give any info that I could think of..
  3. fishytim

    Is this ICK? PLEASE help

    As a side note, one clown is sitting on the sand some....but he will then swim around some as well..
  4. fishytim

    Is this ICK? PLEASE help

    That's very interesting... I saw a couple spots last night, but just a few. before then none at all. This picture is from Thursday...(man I'm glad I decided to take some pics) Originally Posted by SrgVigil Did you just first notice them this morning? Because if so then it would not make sense...
  5. fishytim

    Is this ICK? PLEASE help

    so it's time to get all the fish out and treat them all correct? Originally Posted by pbnj Yes, that's ich. The parasites drop-off the fish during their lifecycle only to hatch on the substrate into even more parasites. They usually re-attach at night when the fish is sleeping near the sand.
  6. fishytim

    Is this ICK? PLEASE help

    This morning both clowns seemed to have white specks on them. One (seen in the pictures below) seemed to have more than the other. I had an appointment and I just got back and they seem to be gone. In this tank I have 1 fire fish, 1 mimic yellow tang, 2 chromis and the two clowns (false...
  7. fishytim

    Too much flow?

    I may have to put a video on youtube see what everyone thinks.. hard to tell..
  8. fishytim

    Too much flow?

    My fish seem to be just hanging out in the corners and they look lke they are getting blown around sometimes.. i have three Koralia 3's.... is that too much in a 90g? Right now i just have the fish, shrimp, snails, hermits, mushrooms and zoas...
  9. fishytim

    New Fish........Problem? Help needed

    Amazing. Went out this morning and god some seaweed and a clip...popped them in there... we wasnt real sure at first and hid behind the rocks.. then slowly appraoched it and started chowing down. He is swimming all over the tank now...
  10. fishytim

    New Fish........Problem? Help needed

    i know, he kinda makes me nervous watching him Originally Posted by meowzer I don't really know anything about that, but it kinda looks nervous
  11. fishytim

    New Fish........Problem? Help needed

    see for yourself....
  12. fishytim

    New Fish........Problem? Help needed

    Tank is a little over a month old... 90 gallons.... I have tried ORAGLO pellets and flakes... I have a 55 gallon sump with a protein skimmer(Kent Marine Nautilus TE - working like a charm), 25 pounds of live rock, 70 pounds of base rock... also have a little firefish in there that is...
  13. fishytim

    New Fish........Problem? Help needed

    by the way..... i tested my water.... 1.024 salinity ph is good ammonia and nitrite are zero nitrate is 5 79 temp
  14. fishytim

    New Fish........Problem? Help needed

    I bought this yellow tang on Wednesday evening. I acclimated him using the drip method like I have always done with my fish... He looks great, his color is very vibrant, except his lips look a little whittish, but not alot. He has not eaten anything yet.... plus he is keeps swimming up and down...
  15. fishytim

    Noob to the site, have some questions...

    seriously, get a tank with built in overflows.....its so much easier and cleaner!! it's a must! I would suggest looking for used equipment as well MOD EDIT plz dont offer websites other than this one Originally Posted by renogaw RR means reef ready, it has builtin overflow/returns. if you...
  16. fishytim

    my first saltwater

    Welcome to the hobby! You have picked a great place to learn. I have had about two years of saltwater experience and I am still asking questions and learning something new almost everytime I log into this board. Here is some good advice.. Read the below threads and read them slowly. There is so...
  17. fishytim


    Id add some more snails....maybe some nars or margaritas to mix it they are good cleaners...
  18. fishytim

    Cycle Question...

    I think it will be ok. The firefish found a little cave that he likes. He went there when I first put him in the tank and when the lights went out. Lights came on this morning and he was out and swimming all over the place. I dropped a couple ORA glow pellets in this morning and he ate them...
  19. fishytim

    Cycle Question...

    updated full tank pic...
  20. fishytim

    Cycle Question...

    I did a 25% water change today.... after the change here are my test results... Ammonia 0 ppm nitrite 0 ppm nitrates 5 ppm I decided it was time to take a trip the the fish store! I bought.. 15 blue hermits 2 scarlet hermits 20 Nassarius snails 10 Margarita snails 5 turbo snails 2 xl turbos 1...