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  1. jimbo449

    Coraline Turn White

    My alkalinity was a little low when I did the water. Do you think that could have been the problem. I just have never had this happen before.
  2. jimbo449

    Coraline Turn White

    No I did not expose it to any other water other than the new salt water that I used to refill the tank. Time wise it was the normal time that it takes me to do a water change. I would say no longer than 15 to 20 minutes
  3. jimbo449

    Coraline Turn White

    Last week I did about a 20% water change in my 90 gallon tank. The next day all the coraline algae at the top of the tank from where the water line was with the change turn white. Does anyone have any suggestion what could have happen here. I have done these changes many of time and this did not...
  4. jimbo449


    Hey kip or Bang Guy or anyone who knows. does anyone know how much kalk powder to add to a Kalkreactor i just purchased the the precision marine reactor and I'm not real sure how much kalk powder to put in it and also when do you know to add more. Any suggestion would be deeply appreciated:notsure:
  5. jimbo449

    help with shoal tang

    no I have not caught him yet. This guy is good he can see me coming across the room. What I have been doing for now is spot feeding the other tangs and they are starting to look a little better. I guess right after the holidays I'm going to have to dismantle the tank a little to catch him. If...
  6. jimbo449

    help with shoal tang

    I agree with all of you. Does anybody have any suggestions on how to catch him. He's very smart and fast. He see's that net and won't come out from behind the rock. I have tried several time to corner him with no luck. This is the first mistake I made with this tank. I got caught up in is beauty...
  7. jimbo449

    help with shoal tang

    Every time I feed my fish me Shoal Tang won't let the Blue Hippo and the Yellow tang eat anything. I took a good look at them today and they are really losing weight. Anybody have any suggestion on what I can do:confused:
  8. jimbo449

    Bumping Calcium Up

    :notsure: is there a better time to bump up the calcium in your tank. Another word is it better to do it at night when the lights are off or day when their on. Or does it really not matter. Also, what are your thoughts versies Turbo Caulk or B- Ionic. Thanks in advance for any help that you can...
  9. jimbo449

    Icecap experts

    did they send you the correct ballast. is it a one light ballast. I would check with the company you bought it from and make sure it's the proper ballast:confused:
  10. jimbo449

    where are all my fish going?

    Do you have any brittle stars and if so i would suspect them guys as why your fish are disappearing. I had the same problem a few months back and finally i saw one of my star fish having a great dinner on one of my large fish. I really don't think these predators should be in a home fish tank...
  11. jimbo449

    Star Fish

    :confused: Does anyone I have a good way of capturing a star fish. I have for a while now suspected these guys of killing all my fish. I have even gotten up in the middle of the night to try to catch these guys but to no avail they have not been out or have not exposed themselfs enough to grab...
  12. jimbo449

    Brittle Stars

    Any one have any ideas on how to trap and catch large Brittle Stars. I suspect them of being the culprits that have been killing my fish 10 to be exact:help:
  13. jimbo449

    mysterious deaths

    i'm not 100% sure if your fish have ick but my experience with fish with ick they usually show signs of being sick like swim on their sides or not swim at all. I thought you said that they just disappeared over night. If your fish do have ick you have to remove them all and leave them out of the...
  14. jimbo449

    mysterious deaths

    you don't have any Brittle Stars in there do you. I'm going thru the same thing myself right now but I'm suspecting my Brittle Stars are the culprets. I have lost 10 large fish in the last two weeks. these fish were not sick, I would feed them at night and they would very aggressive in eating...
  15. jimbo449


    Should you shut down the protein skimmer when feeding DT's photoplankton and if so how long of period. Also what is the best time to add this to your tank. Thanks in advance for any help.:help:
  16. jimbo449

    Can I keep clams with this set up??

    I recently purchased a claim with this exact light set up plus two 40 watt regular floren and the claim do not make it . I would not recommend a claim unless you have MH.just my opinion. Have a nice Christmas:nope:
  17. jimbo449

    "How old are You?"

    54 I have one questiion though How can you young people afford to get into this hobby:confused:
  18. jimbo449

    Turbo Calcium

    I have been putting turbo Calciumin in my tank now for about a week and I'm also using a kalawasser drip and my Calcium is still at 300. Last night I used 1/2 teaspoon per 50 gallons and the Calcium is exactly what it was yesterday. Anybody have any suggestions:confused:
  19. jimbo449

    bio balls

    I have a 90 gallon tank with about 125 lbs. of live rock. I was stold by one of the sales people at my LFS that I should take out the Bio Balls in my wet -dry sump filter and just use the protein skimmer which I have, and the live rock in the tank for filtration. Has anyone ever done this and is...
  20. jimbo449

    calcium kalkwasser Mix

    i want to thank everyone for their help with this subject. I don't know what us novice people would do with out the help of experienced one's. i commened your dedication