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  1. salsells

    40 gal tank lighting

    what should i be feeding my fish???? i feed Tetra marine flakes, the rainbow blend and frozen brine.
  2. salsells

    add corals, what type?

    i want to add some corals to my 40 gal, any suggestions. Looking at 3 on this site, bown zoo, mushroom small
  3. salsells

    40 gal tank lighting

    i have had my little scooter for about 2 weeks and he seems to be doing great, my LR was given to me by friends who set up tank and they have 5 saltwater tanks, largest 150 gal and the LR came directly from their tanks, i tested my water again and it is as follows salinity 1.025 ph 7.8 temp 78...
  4. salsells

    40 gal tank lighting

    sorry but what is bioload????new hobby...
  5. salsells

    40 gal tank lighting

    I have a 65W 4 bulb 24 hour lighting sys in tank (lunar incuded) is this enough light for an anemone? and do I leave the lunar on all night??? I currently leave light on fron 8 am to about 2 pm then put lunar on until around 8pm and lights off???is this right?????40 gal tank and has cycled, have...
  6. salsells

    Lets Make This The Biggest Thread Ever!!

    I sure can't wait until i can get photos like these, my tank to new. Here it is with lunar light on. Fish seem to love it.
  7. salsells

    couple of pics

    Great picks...
  8. salsells

    Lunar Lights

    Here is my 40 gal with lunar lights, in 4th week and all livestock doing great...Knock on wood.
  9. salsells

    My 40 gal tank

    I have a lot of LR in my tank, it was set up by two friends who have 5 tanks and brought me LR and LS, didn't they do a great job. It is very exciting and I can't wait to put some really pretty fish in here, can I put anoems (spelling) in yet? For my clowns???
  10. salsells

    My 40 gal tank

    Here is photo of new tank, 4 wks old, LR and LS,
  11. salsells

    posting pics HELP

    paint did not work changing size of pic to 500 x 500 any other suggestions???? :help:
  12. salsells

    posting pics HELP

    :help: I have a Nikon coolpix775 and have taken pics of tank, will not let me post says to big, needs to be 500 x 500, how do i change? current photos 1600 x 1200???
  13. salsells

    water test

    i am a newby also, tank going into 4th week, readings as of today are PH 7.8, salinity 1.025, ammonia 0, nitrate under 10 nitrite 0, temp 76, have i cycled???
  14. salsells

    Starting out! Total Newb!

    i am new also and i have a 40 gal long tank with live rock and live sand, doing really well so far. good luck. I have 2 clowns, 2 damsels, scooter and wrassa, would not reccomend wrassa, aggresive.
  15. salsells

    brittle star fish

    thanks, i added clowns, damsel, scooter and wrassa in 3rd week and they seem to be doing great. Hope it keeps up, the only problem i have is with the brittle, i have one more in tank and it seems to be okay. going into 4th week of new tank. I will not add anything else, what are the best...
  16. salsells

    brittle star fish

    thanks, i added clowns, damsel, scooter and wrassa in 3rd week and they seem to be doing great. Hope it keeps us, the only problem i have is with the brittle, i have one more in tank and it seems to be okay. going into 4th week of new tank. I will not add anything else, what are the best...
  17. salsells

    brittle star fish

    ok i tested water as follows salinity is 1.026 ammonia 0 nitrate under 8 nitrite 0.1 age 3 wks ph 7.8 temp 77 is this okay for brittle star fish??? i had 2 now just 1 and i cannot figure if my wrassa killed one or it's my water??
  18. salsells

    brittle star fish

    thanks i will get other test kit and let you know.
  19. salsells

    brittle star fish

    i am tryng to test water, I have the strips for saltwater and it shows all my levels are excellent but i don't have numbers. Have another kit, fastest saltwater aquarium master test kit, i have put in tank water and added packet 1 for 3 min and then packet 2 let stand for 15 - 20 min and...
  20. salsells

    brittle star fish

    yesterday just pieces, today he was in several pieces, i mean whoe legs...disgusting. He was okay when hiding in the LR but he got brave and was crawling around the sand and I saw the warssa picking at him. This morning he was in about 3 pieces.