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  1. shookbrad

    anybody have input on a jebo turbo protien skimmer

    Yes, the skimmer will produce a lot of bubbles and you want the flow of the water through the baffles to the return section to help eliminate any of them making it back into your main tank.
  2. shookbrad

    New Creature.

    Don't worry the penny was not in the tank.
  3. shookbrad

    New Creature.

    I found these growing in my overflow box. Anyone know what they are?
  4. shookbrad

    Power of the sun

    Has anyone set up a reef tank using the sun for the primary light? I am wondering if a reef tank was set up with one of those new sky lights that reflect like 95% of the sun into the room right above the tank into the hood with reflectors all around the hood to help keep the sun in the tank...
  5. shookbrad

    Something is wrong with my tank.

    Aprox 135 gallons. tank is about 4 months old. I have a lot of water flow. PH 8.1, Nitrates 0, Nitrites 3, Amonia 0 Nemo also won't eat.
  6. shookbrad

    Something is wrong with my tank.

    Ok First my PUffer developed what looks like pop eye, My lion fish is losing his color and now my Percula Clown(nemo) has stayed in the corner of the tank all day verticle with his head near the surface. He is moving. :help: All my levels in my tank are testing normal. What do I do?
  7. shookbrad

    Pale Lion

    woops! I meant 8.2 not 6.2. I just tested it again and it is about 8.0
  8. shookbrad

    Pale Lion

    Can anyone ell me what might be up with my Lion fish. He looks very pale. He is eating very good and is about as active as expected to be for a lion fish. I have a 130 gallon tank and I have been doing 4 gallon water changes every day for the past week. I did about a 20 gallon change last...
  9. shookbrad

    HELP! Puffer looks bad

    He looks the same. I fed him some ghost shrimp and he gobbled them up quickly.
  10. shookbrad

    HELP! Puffer looks bad

    Beth, This is day 4 and the puffer is still refusing to eat the frozen food. Should I feed him the live shrimp now?
  11. shookbrad

    HELP! Puffer looks bad

    Thanks for the info. I moved the puffer to a 12 gallon QT tank and added Melafix last night. I will do about 20% water change in it this evening and add move more Melafix to the QT tank. I am going to continue doing abou 4 gallon water changes at least once a day to the main tank to try to get...
  12. shookbrad

    HELP! Puffer looks bad

    BethMy puffer will not eat the frozen garlic soaked shrimp. He hasen't eaten since Friday night. Should I go ahead and feed him some live shrimp or wait and keep trying to give him the frozen food?
  13. shookbrad

    HELP! Puffer looks bad

    Hey Puffer42/7 will pimafix and melafix harm inverts or live sand or rock? I am going to go pick some up today.
  14. shookbrad

    HELP! Puffer looks bad

    I did about 5 - 4 gallon water changes yesterday. I plan on doing the same today. The Puffer refuses to eat any frozen food. So he has not gotten any garlic. His eye looks a little worse now. I am pritty sure he has pop eye. If his eye was injured he had to have done it since I have never put...
  15. shookbrad

    Help!! Puffer looks bad

    I feed him about 6 ghost shrimp every evening. all Nitrites are about 3, Nitrates are 0, Amonia is 0 PH is 6.1.
  16. shookbrad

    HELP! Puffer looks bad

    I have live sand and rock. [just before redosing with antibiotics]. Do you mean the QT tank?
  17. shookbrad

    HELP! Puffer looks bad

    I can set up A QT
  18. shookbrad

    HELP! Puffer looks bad

    PH 8.1 Nitrites 0 Nitrates about 3 How do I get the puffer to eat garlic soaked food? He has only been eating live shrimp. His eye seems a little swollen.
  19. shookbrad

    HELP! Puffer looks bad

    HELP! My puffer has one eye that is not blue today and looks kind of white around it. Anyone know what it is? I have just recently treated my tank with Maracyn. for a bad red slime outbreak. I just recently added 1 extra power head that runs during the day and is off at night.
  20. shookbrad

    Help!! Puffer looks bad

    HELP! My puffer has one eye that is not blue today and looks kind of white around it. Anyone know what it is? I have just recently treated my tank with Maracyn.