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  1. shookbrad

    Brisstle Worms Bad???

    Does anyone have pics of the few bad brisstle worms. They would be nice to have for a reference.
  2. shookbrad credit for sale

    Beth Yes it is transferable. I have the e-Mail from the staff to prove it. I can forward you the e-mail to prove it. I would appreciate more consideration in the future before jumping to conculitions and closing my post. I still have the cleaner shrimp credit available if...
  3. shookbrad

    What is this?

    What is a Vermetid? Is it good or bad?
  4. shookbrad

    What is this?

    Does anyone have any idea what this is? It is very small about 1 cm in size
  5. shookbrad

    Wanted Bubble Tip Anemone

    bump TTT
  6. shookbrad

    Wanted Bubble Tip Anemone

    I have a Percula Clown that I want to give something to play in.
  7. shookbrad

    Wanted Bubble Tip Anemone

    I am looking for a small Bubble Tip Anemone. Perferably one in or close to Odessa, TX. Our LFS does not seam to want to carry them. Thanks, Brad
  8. shookbrad

    What disease is this?

    First of all thank you to everyone's responses. I believe everyone was right it was lymphocystis. I mixed up some brine shrimp with fresh garlic and froze it. I broke it into small pieces and started feeding it to the entire tank. within 1 week the Tang looked much better and within two weeks...
  9. shookbrad credit for sale

    Ok Doc Holiday our fellow reefers have convinced me that I paid too much for this cleaner shrimp here on If you still would like the credit for $10.00 It is yours. Let me know. Thanks, Brad
  10. shookbrad

    Skimmer for sale, up to 30 gallons

    please send pics to "shookbrad at" replace the obvious. thanks, Brad
  11. shookbrad credit for sale

    Maby I should rephrase my original post to best reasonable offer. Try buying a cleaner shrimp for $12.00 from your lfs. either you want to save $8.00 on your next order or not.
  12. shookbrad credit for sale

    bump ttt
  13. shookbrad credit for sale

    Originally Posted by NM reef Hmmmm...before you buy this "credit" I'd check to insure they are transferable. Yes see post 8
  14. shookbrad credit for sale

    Originally Posted by Speg Man what a great idea.. I have one cleaner shrimp credit as well and obviously this site doesnt plan on getting much coral in any time soon... so havent made another purchase =c( Yes see post 7
  15. shookbrad credit for sale

    This is the response I received from when I asked if I can sell the credit I have for the cleaner shrimp. Hi, Sure, go ahead. Thanks, Customer Service Team So, If anyone is interested send me a PM. Brad
  16. shookbrad

    65 breeder setup

    what are the tank measurements?
  17. shookbrad

    anything for sale in texas

    Ya I could meet you half way. I am asking $200.00. I can post some pics if you are still interested.
  18. shookbrad credit for sale

    Did your shrimp arrive DOA like mine did?
  19. shookbrad credit for sale

    I am varifying right now with that the credit is transferable. I will post the e-mail as soon as I receive it from Also, Sorry but I can not take $10.00 for the credit. $12.00 is the lowest I will go. That is still an $8.00 discount off what you would pay if...
  20. shookbrad credit for sale

    Sorry if took so long to reply I came home sick today. Make it $12.00 and you got a deal.