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  1. 5280_humu

    JoKe is spelled F-E-M-A

    It's a shallow mind that take the word of the media as truth. The media will slant the story as needed. Truth doesn't sell news papers or comercial spots on the tv. BAD news sell's.
  2. 5280_humu

    New 180 agressive setup need help

    what can I say its like I never left :scared:
  3. 5280_humu

    new pics of my baby Nala

    BLA BLA BLA Don't worry you'll do just fine. shark keeping is not the imposibility that a lot of people want to make it out to be.
  4. 5280_humu

    Myspace And Kids

    It's way to easy to blame a web site . Don't get me wrong Places like that should be adult only . But what really needs to happen is parents need to take back some responsability. Tomany parents are so caught up in being busy that they forget to raise their children. The internet has become a...
  5. 5280_humu

    New 180 agressive setup need help

    I see the problem around here is your either under experianced or over educated .
  6. 5280_humu

    New 180 agressive setup need help

    Have to have a few of these so people will take me seriously
  7. 5280_humu

    New 180 agressive setup need help

    To give my opinoin on the shark debate . A lot of people will just snap out the answer "thats too small".Even a few people that have NEVER kept a shark of any kind. They answer this question trying to use a formula where they use gallonage as the determening factor to base an answer on ...
  8. 5280_humu

    New 55 with pics

    Originally Posted by Vanos I've read in magazines where some people have gotten away with a niger and a humu humu with no other fish in a 46 gallon bowfront without fighting. Why not give it a try..... BAD IDEA ! I can garantee they didn't house them that way for very long. Nigertrigg: You...
  9. 5280_humu

    140 deep vs. 150 long aggressive loading

    seriously with that list Your going to need a 220 . The triggers will become more and more aggressive as they get bigger and their territory starts to over lap. I would loose the clow and the cross hatch and stick with the bigger tank. thats the best advice I can give. A fish veiws it's...
  10. 5280_humu

    Who has a quirky fish?

    Originally Posted by psusocr1 haha i had a poor 3 stripe damsel that never bothered anything, minded his own buisness never would swim further than the rock in the left corner in my tank. and he was the first victim to my lionfish! on the other hand i have this blue and gold damsel that i hate...
  11. 5280_humu


    Originally Posted by jr2857 they need huge tanks just so you know. they get about 6 ft long and are continuesly swimming sharks. 1000 even for a juvi. 4000+ gallon for an adult Gee you sound as if you have a lot of experiance. Hopefully I can talk to you more when I finish my pond and get...
  12. 5280_humu

    Update pics........

    Originally Posted by jr2857 nice pics. if it is a 90 gallon you might consider upgrading by any chance. Why would he need to upgrade? it looks great just the way it is.
  13. 5280_humu

    Update pics........

    nice set up . Very colorfull .
  14. 5280_humu

    New member sharing pics

    If you think it will be compatable with your other tank mates I can ship you one of these. I had babies a while back and for some reason nobody can house them properly.
  15. 5280_humu

    age poll

    31 and the option should read POST college. Even then to surey age you shouldn't assume that education is a refelection of age . :notsure:
  16. 5280_humu

    New member sharing pics

    Bye barista
  17. 5280_humu

    New member sharing pics

    Originally Posted by jr2857 so you ARE jcrim? Who me ?
  18. 5280_humu

    New member sharing pics

    Oh come on JOE I thought we were all good ?
  19. 5280_humu

    New member sharing pics

    everyone? think before you make statments like that
  20. 5280_humu

    New member sharing pics

    Originally Posted by 37g Joe Jcrim I dont know why you have to come on here with several Identities maybe its because you dont like who you realy are and you have to keeep trying to reinvent yourself to get away from yourself. I agree its cool you have a shark woooo hooo. I believe you enjoy...