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  1. sarge

    Saddle Anenome doing handstands?

    Thanks, I'll try that and hope for the best.
  2. sarge

    Saddle Anenome doing handstands?

    Sorry I forgot about part 2. He's just floating on the bottom, his base is straight up, but he is surrounded by rock.
  3. sarge

    Saddle Anenome doing handstands?

    Yes I fed it right before it move and turned upside down. Maybe he didn't like the shrimp.:nope:
  4. sarge

    Saddle Anenome doing handstands?

    My Saddle Anenome has been upside down for about a week. Should I be concerned? It's still full sized (about 12" across). Just curious. Thanks. :notsure:
  5. sarge

    blue tang ?

    IMO that does not sound good. My own experience with Blue Tangs is 0-3. All of mine did what you mention before dying. 2 of them had ick also. My tank is now a year and 7 months old and everyone is fine. I might be tempted to try again. I hope yours pulls through.
  6. sarge

    Help! Maybe?

    Yes. At this point the water seems clear in the sump. I just have to wonder if the calurpa gave off something.
  7. sarge

    Help! Maybe?

    Could look like heat waves, everything seems to be working ok. I have a MAG7 return pump and a CPR Skimmer and the Heater.
  8. sarge

    Help! Maybe?

    Okay I just noticed what looks like gas fumes in my sump/fuge. I was topping off the water when I noticed it going into the tank. It reminds me of the gas fumes you see when putting fuel in your car. Could this be a byproduct of the calurpa? Or..... a byproduct of a Plate Coral that was dying...
  9. sarge

    Algae Question

    Is it possible for the Algae tablets I drop in the tank for the crabs to promote Algae growth? My tank as been clear of Algae for the past 6-7 months, then I started thinking that maybe I should add some Algae tablets once a week or so for the crab when lost a Sally and a Emerald crab and...
  10. sarge


    Service Manager for a local Audio/Video store by day, Emergency Medical Tech with a local Rescue Squad by night.
  11. sarge

    Splain something to me Lucy........

    Let me refine the wording a bit, not exactly like CC, but the grains a quite a bit larger. Also alot of shells and stuff. I could not get the picture to come thru.
  12. sarge

    Splain something to me Lucy........

    Just received my LS today and was a bit shocked!:eek: Why in the world did I look all around for SD sand or a very fine grain sand, that looks really nice, just to top it off with LS that looks like CC? I purchased my LS from this site. Is this normal? :(
  13. sarge

    Should I take out my Bio Balls?

    Okay, let me see I have this right. I have a DSB and LR, as my DSB starts doing it's job, I can start removing the bio balls, right?
  14. sarge

    Switching from CC to DSB.. General questions..

    I agree with Tangman, I just did the same thing with my 75gal. It is a messy job, but everything will settle in a day or so. You don't say if you have any LR or not, I assume you do, what I did was gently move 1/2 of it to one end of the tank, then I took a 4" wide net and started scooping the...
  15. sarge

    Should I take out my Bio Balls?

    Should I take the Bio Balls out of my W/D SumP? I have read in that they are a Nitrate factory. If yes should I put anything into it? Could I convert it to a refugeum?
  16. sarge

    Live sand coming, I have a question.

    Thanks for the input. I'll be sure and post some pics!:)
  17. sarge

    Brown Sand?

    Beth, you mention that bio balls are great at producing nitrates, how do they do this? I have a wet/dry sump with bio balls, if I take them out do I put anything back in its place? My nitrates are 40 to 80ppm. Just added 4" sand and waiting for SWF to ship my live sand to top it off.
  18. sarge

    Live sand coming, I have a question.

    Hmmmm.....never thought about pvc, if anything it would help getting to those hard to reach places. Thanks:)
  19. sarge

    Now that I have made the switch from....

    Not really thinking of anything to get right now, just didn't want to make a mistake later. Thanks for the input.:)
  20. sarge

    Word of advice.....and a question.

    Yes this morning the water was pretty clear. I am sure that I am going to enjoy it. After reading all the postives of Live Sand, I would never use CC again. Thanks for the advice group!:)