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  1. sarge

    Live sand coming, I have a question.

    Yeah will do, I have another 40lbs of dead, with 40lbs of live coming, should be real nice. Thanks.
  2. sarge

    Live sand coming, I have a question.

    My LS from SWF should be here this week, can I add straight to the tank or am I supposed to do something to it first? I have already added 80lbs of "dead" sand.
  3. sarge

    Word of advice.....and a question.

    After just converting from CC to Live Sand, some words of advice. Don't do it this way, start with Live Sand and forget about CC. If my tank survives I'll be very happy:) What a pain:eek: Anyway it looks alot better. I do have one question, In between laying the sand is a thin layer of "dirt"...
  4. sarge

    Now that I have made the switch from....

    Now that I have made the switch from CC to Live Sand, are there any creatures that I should stay away from? I know Horseshoe crabs, anything else?
  5. sarge

    A Poll - Live Sand vs Crushed Coral

    Before I switch over to Live Sand, I would like to poll the group on what you use. Thanks.
  6. sarge


    I have one Fox, was one of the first fishes I added. I have read that you should only have one color of any fish. In other words a Fox and a yellow tang might not work out. I don't think I would do two foxes, they do seem very territorial.
  7. sarge

    Cannot find Southdown

    Is there a good second choice when it comes to sand? None of the stores(Home Depot, Lowes..) sell Southdown. The only brand they have is made by Quikrete. Although it would cost more, is there any reason not to add all live sand?
  8. sarge

    How long for bubles to form in DSB?

    Can you tell what you mean by bubbles? I am going to convert from CC to Live Sand soon I would like to know what to look for.
  9. sarge

    Catching a Flame Hawk

    Any advice on catching fish? I mean with all the rock and hiding places it seems impossible. I need to remove my Flame Hawk, my LFS will gladly make a trade with me provided I can catch him. Thanks for any suggestions.
  10. sarge

    Risks from Converting from CC to Live Sand

    You make a valid point. I'll take out as much as I can. Thanks.
  11. sarge

    Risks from Converting from CC to Live Sand

    Well since I only have about 1" to 1"1/2 of CC I think I will just add Southdown and some Live Sand on top of it. I might take out some at the front of tank but the back will almost be imposible. I might have to wait till after Xmas to do this however. Thanks for all the feedback! :)
  12. sarge

    Risks from Converting from CC to Live Sand

    Tank has been up and running since Feburary of this year.
  13. sarge

    How much Live Sand?

    When you say "dead" sand, are you talking about play sand?
  14. sarge

    How much Live Sand?

    I have a 75g tank with about 80lbs of live rock, how much Live Sand should I get? I want to do a DSB.
  15. sarge

    Risks from Converting from CC to Live Sand

    Okay, looks like I am going to convert from CC to Live Sand, what risks are there? should I leave the very bottom layer of CC? or get out as much as I can? Or since I only have about 1" of CC just put the Live Sand on top of it.
  16. sarge

    Live Sand

    Okay, looks like I am going to convert from CC to Live Sand, what risks are there? should I leave the very bottom layer of CC? or get out as much as I can? Or since I only have about 1" of CC just put the Live Sand on top of it. Thanks for the replys so far.
  17. sarge

    Live Sand

    Been reading a lot on this board about Live Sand. I started my 75g back in Feburary of this year and I'm quite pleased. However at the recommendation of my LFS, I used Crushed Coral. Now I am wondering if I should take out the CC and put in Live Sand. Any suggestions? Everyone is doing fine in...
  18. sarge

    sand beds?

    Not an expert, but from what I have read here and been told, undergravel filters are not recommended. Not sure about the sand bed depth.
  19. sarge

    Yellow Cucumber

    Hi, Just have a simple question, is it a bad thing when your Yellow Cucumber decides to split in half? The "front" half seems to be doing fine, the arms still come out for feeding and it moves. The back half is just sitting there, no color change or nothing. Anybody else out there had this...
  20. sarge

    What is "Drip Method"?

    Thanks for the help!