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  1. biggdriver

    Double ended MH....and mogul based..UV FILTEREDLIGHT??

    [hr] I was told by many people on other sites that have told me MH bulbs (the ones with mogel sockets) I assume they are the screw in ones don't need a uv filter..Now I'm confused..they said the only ones that need one are the double ended ones..I have never seen a double ended MH what are they...
  2. biggdriver

    UV filter??

    I was told by many people on other sites that have told me MH bulbs (the ones with mogel sockets) I assume they are the screw in ones don't need a uv filter..Now I'm confused..they said the only ones that need one are the double ended ones..I have never seen a double ended MH what are they I...
  3. biggdriver

    Cheap Metal Halide

    I b0ught a 400 watt MH diy kit included the bulb, ballast, and mogul socket with reflector for only 124.00 That's a steal..The said the bulbs are hamilton 6500k e-mail me for info
  4. biggdriver

    Live Rock Cycling??

    I agree definitely no crushed coral..Real fine sand is best..Also you might want to add more light..175 watts isn't very much for corals in a 65..I am setting up a 65 and have a 400 watt MH and 2 28w power compacts ..
  5. biggdriver

    Appleton Wisconsin...What happened to Pet World??

    I am from Marshfield Wi and am now getting back into the reef hobby..I used to get my corals from Pet World..It was worth the drive for me to pick out what I want ..I see Pet world is now closed..Are there any other places in the Central Wisconsin are..Or Aplleton Area that carry a good...
  6. biggdriver

    All whom have an abudance of knowledge in reef tanks, please enter.

    by the way dsb stands for deep sand bed,,usually 4-6 inches deep..can be up to 8 but in many peoples opionion anything over 8 is a waste of space and can be deterimental to the system..The upper layer of sand hosts bacteria that will feed on the ammonia and nitrites, while the lower level of...
  7. biggdriver

    Need Help - on lites MH how much is TOO much

    I would recommend going with the 400..Italso is going to depend on what kind of corals your will have...You can also suplliment the MH with some actinics to tone down the intesity for your eyes
  8. biggdriver

    Can i put a mirror in my light hood for better reflection?

    You have to be carefull using mirrors on a saltwater tank...Make sure the coating is Salt resistant..I tried this a few yrs ago on a fish only tank ..(siliconed glass to the back) It looked really cool but the salt ate away at the relective coating on the back of the glass...THsi could be toxic...
  9. biggdriver

    Help!!WAnt to set up asump...NEED AN OVERFLOW BOX...

    Does anyone know where I can get agood overflow box for a 65 and one for a 90?? THe problem i'm having is I never had a sump before I kind of understand how they work but Is there an overflow that won't break siphon when the power goes out..Can Make one ..And if so does anyone have plans on how...
  10. biggdriver

    need fast info wanna buy MH tonight questions on 400watt pendants

    any info on overflow boxes for a refugium would be appreciated also,,want a slow rate of water flow ..THIS is a 65 gallon tank
  11. biggdriver

    need fast info wanna buy MH tonight questions on 400watt pendants

    I want to buy a 400w Mh pendant bulb but none of the places on the net that I have seen sell one with a uv filter lense ..The 400is excempt ..I'm assuming it throws too much heat...Will this hurt not having the lens..I want clams, some soft corals,,in a 65 breeder..Just getting set up
  12. biggdriver

    lighting for clams

    Ok then how about bristle/christmas tree worms> I have heard they are beneficial to have in an established tank but can harm clams in the sandbed..Will they get to clams put up higher on the live rock..???And what is your opionion on having these worms??
  13. biggdriver

    Medal Halide??

    You could also look into buying or making a pendant light hood for your MH.. THey can be hung 8-10" above the water and that would also take care of the heat problem..I made one out of a replacement outdoor yard light hood made for MH bulbs..and lined the inside with reflective tape..It cost me...
  14. biggdriver

    When ordering LR online do you have to cure it yourself when you get it?

    The abrev. cc means crushed coral..the substrate you put on your undergravel filter...I too would recommend using a dsb..Deep sand least 4inches thick take out the cc and the undergravel and add the sand. Undergravels and cc tend to collect a lot of detritus..Dirt, etc and are very hard...
  15. biggdriver

    Need help with tank set-up

    Just another thought..I saw someone who had a 300g setup that was 1/2 and 1/2..Let me explain..There was live sand and rock throughout the whole tank but he siliconed a plexiglass divider in the middle..Holes were drilled to allow water flow between the chambers..That way he could have Corals on...
  16. biggdriver


    I can attest to having the same problems when I first started out about 12yrs ago>>The fish looked so awesome and everyone I saw was one I had and you look like your going down the same track I did..The most improtant thing you can do is not to rush and quarrantine every fish at least for 2wks 4...
  17. biggdriver

    Disagreement with lfs over lighting and cyle times

    thanx for everyone's help...
  18. biggdriver

    lighting for clams

    thanks sammy that just took care of my first thought on the blue color spectrum of the higher bulbs..
  19. biggdriver

    lighting for clams

    sorry for the mis infor i did mean maxima though thanks for the help...So a 20,000 k bulb 400 watt is problably not so great ...I was thinking of adding a couple of actinicts also...I thought the 20,000was the highest kelvin bulb made...Sorry but I only have a 5500k 175 watt on my 40 breeder tank..
  20. biggdriver

    trying to start reef tank

    also you forgot to mention what kind of polyps you have,,That can make a difference in the kind of care that they need.