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  1. biggdriver

    trying to start reef tank

    I personally would get the sp grav up to about 2.3 or so and If you aren't using Ro/di water I suggest highly on purchasing one..I had nothing but alge problems until i bought one and started topping off with ro water.You can also test your phosphates before and after you add your salt...
  2. biggdriver

    Angler fish??

    I am really interested in some of these..I know they aren't good for a reef how about a refugium..anyone know anything about them ,,if they are hard to keep etc...any help would be there a problem keeping a fish or two that is not reef acceptable ..Small trigger or the latter in...
  3. biggdriver

    Live Rock

    I have not been on this board that long but I would like this board to continue to provide the great message board that they have, Please don;t name other competitors it only hurts the host of this site..Maybe a direct email or something would be better.. I would hate for this board to have to...
  4. biggdriver

    Phosphates way up?

    I agree test your water before and after the salt is added you problably should be using a ro/di unit anyway if you aren't already.. With that much invested in the set-up they are well worth the money..It saves many headaches in the longrun.
  5. biggdriver

    Whoo Hooo!!!!! its complete!

    I have had real good luck with the green open brain coral and of course mushroom polyps are always a good starter..Leather coral and bubble coral also does well and seems to be pretty hardy..My elegance coral also grew like crazy and looked awesome but you have to be careful for the tentacles...
  6. biggdriver

    lighting for clams

    First of all thanks for all the info on my last post..I'm setting up a s60 hex due to space..anyway if I go with at least a 10,00k or a 20,00k 400 watt MH and place the clams closer to the top of the tank. WIll I have a problem.. I want a crocea and maybe a tridacna.. they seem to have the most...
  7. biggdriver

    Touchy Subject: UGF

    I worked retail pet for about 5 yrs and at that time all we had was ug filters and what a mess they were .. We were totally cleaning them out once a yr except for the saving some of the cc for the recylcing process..I suggested the reverse method and that seemed to help alot IF you have a good...
  8. biggdriver

    DSB sump

    In my opinion I would take out the cc it only seems to trap detritus and other particles due to the large grain size.. Otherwise I have heard of people mixing it but make sure you have more sand than ccto prent particles from settling in it..
  9. biggdriver

    Disagreement with lfs over lighting and cyle times

    I currently have a 40 breeder set-up with live rock(about 80lbs) and a few corals..I have 175 MH and a canister for substrate..etc..Anyway this is not about this tank..I want to setup a 60 hex ( all the space i have left) I plan on going to the dsb and lr along with a refugium..Is a...
  10. biggdriver

    What fish?

    Some of my favorite fish are triggers.. THey seem to have a huge personality and each one is different..But when adding them I try to keep them the same size and plenty of spaces they can call "their territory" along with them I have put snowflake eels and some lionfish..THis is a more...
  11. biggdriver

    New tank setup - Please can anyone help

    The uv can be a good choice for a fish only tank but Rarely is used in a reef tank...I bite my tounge.. Someone here will surely try to set me straight..I was in the retail pet business for almost 7yrs and the most common mistakes people have made ..( especially in fish only tanks) was to NOT...
  12. biggdriver

    Help: New Tank!!!!

    To answer your question about the damsels Yes they will become territorial and could wind up killing you clowns..Tangs can also be very territorial and in a small tank can lead to stress problems, causing ich, etc...This is one of the problems I have had with yellow tangs and Powder Brown tangs...
  13. biggdriver


    by the way maybe you should see if you can find some info on dsb and refugiums and take it to your lfs...THey might appreciate the help!!!!!!
  14. biggdriver


    It was not that long ago I too went to the lfs and wanted to set up a reef tank..They seemed to have all the answers until I came to this board..I would take most peoples advice on this board over one or two people at the lfs.When I asked what kind of filter I should be using He suggested a...
  15. biggdriver

    new lights for 30 gallon- vho, pc or MH?

    I prefer MH also,,,Pendants can also be used to dissipate the heat factor..One question though I am setting up a 60 hex and want to use a 400w MH pendant...will the top area be too intense for clams etc.
  16. biggdriver

    Metal Halide ... cheap, is this right? What am I missing?

    I have found a cheap place for MH Pendant lighting...Starts at 189.00 for 175w and the 400w is only 315.00 with an upgrade to 20,000k for only an extra 24 bucks any one interested e-mail me at Haven't puchased anything from here but planning on it soon...
  17. biggdriver

    Lighting for a deep tank W/ Clams

    I will be setting up a reef tank in a 60 hex and want to also keep some live clams..Used to have a reef tank before with a metal halide pendant light on it ..Is there anything better (for looks or for the corals and the clams..) Seeing as it is a deeper tank what would work the best..
  18. biggdriver

    matching flow rates??

    Can anyone tell me how to match flow rates from a refugium to the tank.. I want to try this on a home made sump and refugium with a very slow rate of flow to harbor calerpa etc. in the refuge..Anyone got any good ideas on how to make an overflow and refuge that is easy to make..I have limited...
  19. biggdriver

    Live sand substrate thickness

    I am looking at setting up about a 90 gallon hex.. since the tank is much deeper I know I need alot more intensity on the lighting aspect how about on the depth of the sand is 4 inches enough???? I think ALL GLASS only makes a 60 hex but I was told Oceanic makes a larger one...Due to limited...