Search results

  1. biggdriver

    white spots - how do i diagnose?

    By the way White tufts that look like cotton are the sign of a bacterial infection..Look closely at the spots
  2. biggdriver

    white spots - how do i diagnose?

    First of all what size tank and how many fish do you have...It sounds like you have too many fish...IF your other fish were already stressed out..Territorial etc adding more could have pushed the limit..Do you have a quarrantine tank?? all fish should be quarrantined at least 2 wks prior to...
  3. biggdriver

    Want a reputable source for Maxima/Crocea Clams

    I don't mind shopping on the internet anyone have a good source for them..The problem with ordering clams online is that the color varies greatly and you have to rely on their description also Maxima clams are kind of touchy..If I could get some already attached to a rock etc..I would be that...
  4. biggdriver

    Breeding Flame angels?/

    Bout 7yrs ago there was an article in sea scope on breeding flame angels in a 125 anyone got a copy of this??? or anyone got any other source of info on breeding them.. I kind of remember reading that you can --- them by the front bar or line on the body..???Any help
  5. biggdriver


    I second that a copperband can do wonders on them ..They can multipy really fast and take over the tank..
  6. biggdriver

    evaporating water

    Ro water contains less contaminants..Doesn't matter if it's a reef or fish only... evena fish only can develope slime bacteria etc..with bad water..most city water is high in phosphates which can cause bacterial problems in the long run and get expensive to get eliminate...GO with ro or you...
  7. biggdriver

    PLEASE Help Me Experienced Ones!

    Mr. tang Have you ever completely torn down an established tank that was up and running over a yr witha crushed coral base...I worked retail fish for 7yrs and let me tell you ..there is a lot of junk that accumulates substrate is way too coarse to even think about disturbing burrows...
  8. biggdriver

    A theory about water changes, criticism welcomed(please no flames)

    Nitrates are the end result of essentially the fish waste and any pollutants in the water..They also can be in the tap water that is used for your tank..If you have a dsb it probably will take a couple of months or more..(is it Bubbling?) to start ridding your tank naturally of nitrates...There...
  9. biggdriver

    Help Me Choose a Fish please!

    First of all how big is the tank..and 2nd it's only a month old??Has it completely cylcled yet??The one thing about this hobby is not to rush it..Believe me I know first hand after having many tanks crash....Total wipeouts in one day..Please do the fish and yourself a favor and go slow....I...
  10. biggdriver

    Poll,,CLeaner crew..W/Wo hermits...What's best

    I have only reef tanks with coral and a few fish...I would like to order a cleaning crew for the new tank I am setting up (65 gallon) after it finishes it;s cylcling..It too will have a mixture of corals
  11. biggdriver

    5 beginner corals

    Bright yellow leather coral is also good and so is bubble and elegance corals..Have had leathers drop off and multiply...
  12. biggdriver

    A theory about water changes, criticism welcomed(please no flames)

    The bacteria in the substrate and in the rest of the tank will take careof the ammonia and the nitrites..but eventually you will get a build up of nitrates,,unless you havea dsb and/or live rock setup..any amount of ammonia, nitrites,nitrates in the water over along period of time can damage the...
  13. biggdriver


    If it's anything smaller than a 55 forget it..If the other trigger is a lot bigger he might harrass him too much..If you really must have him make a hiding space for him so that he can get away if he has too..YOu might try also keeping the light off on the tank for a few days to let the others...
  14. biggdriver

    Poll,,CLeaner crew..W/Wo hermits...What's best

    I have heard many different views on hermits..Only stating not to or to get them..but no real reasons why or why not..Would like some if they are beneficial,,THey sell them here with the cleaning crew packages..Which is best for a 65 and a 90 gallon..OPionions please
  15. biggdriver

    What are the best test kits out there, I don't mind paying for great quality

    I have heard that salifest are on the high end of the line and are pretty reasonably priced for the quality...Plan on buying some as soon as my others run out ..I currently have Aquarium Systems test kits I got them for half price at my lfs
  16. biggdriver

    How do you ........

    In my opinion adding chemicals wont' solve the problem in the long term..As stated above a good skimmer will help along with Clean phosphate free water..RO/Di water is the best ...A good unit can be purchased for under 200.00 In the long run it will save you alot of money in water changes and...
  17. biggdriver

    cpr aquafuge rio powerhead question

    Not really gonna help your question..But I was looking at those refugiums too..How are they...
  18. biggdriver

    Cpr Overflows Anyone like or hate them??

    Just ordered one witha rio 800rvt pump..supposedly to self prime in case of a power failure..Someone had commented to stay away from cpr ..Why???Didn't recieve it yet I could still ship it back!
  19. biggdriver

    Double ended MH....and mogul based..UV FILTEREDLIGHT??

    How about water splash..Will this eventually hurt the bulb also...Do you recommend a uv filter or shield anyway..Also will be running it will pc's
  20. biggdriver

    UV filter??

    Reposted..Thanks for the tip