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  1. katiebc

    what kind of glue

    What kind of glue can you use to stick coral to rocks with?
  2. katiebc


    No they never shed.
  3. katiebc


    I would send you a pic but the sick ones are all dead. It looks a lot like the clown. The fish would start to fade out. Like someone was slowly draining their natural color from them. They looked like they had a fine, creamy film on them, would refuse to eat, then hide out breathing hard...
  4. katiebc

    fish loosing color

    What are your other 2 fish that are doing this. This is what mine did. Look in the disease thread up top under brooklynella. That's what mine ended up being. I hope for your sake it isn't. Did you add anything new. LR, inverts, fish anything???
  5. katiebc

    Reef safe ich treatment

    Beth's right I bought prevent ich, and it didn't do anything for the fish that already had the ich. However all my inverts stayed OK.
  6. katiebc


    I have lost too many fish to count in my 75 gallon aquarium. I am sure I have brooklynella. My lionfish started losing his color, then not eating, then dead this morning. I also lost my clown fish this afternoon. All I have left fish wise, is a cleaner wrasse, which looks awful, a snowflke...
  7. katiebc

    uv sterilizer

    If i have ich, will a uv sterilizer kill it when it is in the water stage looking fo a new host?
  8. katiebc

    uv sterl & setup

    I won't need to move my fish or anyting? Will they be ok?
  9. katiebc

    uv sterl & setup

    Ok maybe i'm a dumby but bear with me here. My LFS had me set up my tank with undergravel filter and crushed coral. This was my ignorance at the time. I didn't know crap about any of this. But i'm learning. I have been set up since Nov 2004. And now want to fix this mess i'm in. I have...
  10. katiebc

    anything else

    I have a 75g. And would like to add something else, but not sure if should or what. here's what I have: snowflake eel dwarf fuzzy lion valentini puffer blue damsel(wish my eel would just eat it) cleaner wrasse(i know but the others don't touch it yet) Carki clown (a real toughy) pinktail...
  11. katiebc

    Amonia levels way to high HELP!!!

    Has your tank cycled yet? Sounds like no. Don't add anything else living till your ammonia 0ppm and nitrite 0ppm, you will then have nitrate. Just keep that low! Don't do a water change until you have cycled or it will take a lot longer. Just FYI
  12. katiebc

    cloudy water

    My water looks a little cloudy, any suggestions?
  13. katiebc

    Volitan Lion is struggling!

    we have a dwarf fuzzy and my hubby feeds him off a stick. He uses Frozen krill, thaws it in little cup of water from the tank then puts little pieces on the end of the stick, then slowly moves it around till here the lion comes, gulp! The lion is used to being fed this way and will darn near...
  14. katiebc

    waht next to add

    When you say the bioload is what you worry about, are you saying some of the others create a lot more waste? What should my nitrate level be anyway? I know zero would be great, but as long as there isn't any ammonia or nitrite and ntirate stays low all is good right? And as far as the cleaner...
  15. katiebc

    waht next to add

    I ahve a 75 gallon, had it up 3 months now, and am trying to think what I should add next. Here's what I have Moray eel Dwarf fuzzy lion Valentini Puffer Blue Damsel Cleaner wrasse ( don't care much about, but it's fast) Clownfish (5 year old wanted) 3 turbo snails- golf ball sized big sally...
  16. katiebc

    The case of the disappering fish....

    Hey just out of curiosity what are the deminsions of your tank the pix make it look bigger than 29 gallons. You sure it's just 29 g's. I'm being nice here, trying to help!!!
  17. katiebc

    How Long Does a butterfly live

    If you don't have anything nice please don't say anything at all.
  18. katiebc

    What happened?

    Be careful witha big water change!!! Watch your amm,etc levels, it could mess your bio filter. You need to always QT sick fish, I know the hard way. Best of luck. Just curious how big was your Huma? And did it do well the rest of the fish??
  19. katiebc

    How Long Does a butterfly live

    I am wanting to purchase a couple of butterflies, of course intro them at the same time. I have plenty space my levels are all great. But my fish store says they won't carry them because they only live about 6 months. Is this true???
  20. katiebc

    ammonia level

    Ok i'm a dumby I've had my tank set up for 2 and a half weeks and I have been testing everything the the fish store said. Tonight my ammonia level has jumped to 1ppm What should I do?