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  1. dani*s*mom

    fairy wrassee

    I have a fairy wrasse and love her. She is a very happy tankmate to my clowns, brittle star and cleaner shrimp. She even breaks up the little arguements the clowns get into sometimes. Its like she says "hey stop that..." very cute. However, in the last few days I have noticed an...
  2. dani*s*mom


    I was told the larger, dominent clown turns into the female. The smaller of the two is the male. A least thats what I remember being told about my two clowns. I could be wrong, have been before. And yeah the powerhead moves stagnant water around the bottom areas of the tank. Just keeps the...
  3. dani*s*mom

    What am I doing wrong?

    I know this is an older thread revisted, but incase anyone is hear to research ideas I have to put in my .02 cents. I too had been dupped by a LFS into thinking that a week or two was gonna be fine for the cycle. I just want to say to anyone who is here...patience is the key. I really wish...
  4. dani*s*mom

    2 for 1 Cleaner Shrimp

    Snipe - Thanks for the pics. I have 9 astreas! And 1 unknown! (one died yesterday) The 1 unknown has a black shell, vey smooth, with a white swirl on the shell. I will keep an eye on the astreas, so far I have had no problem with them turning over and not righting themselves. They just...
  5. dani*s*mom

    Salt & Temperature

    180dude - I am new to this but I keep my 29 gal between 78- 80 degrees with specific gravity between 1.025 and 1.026. Don't know how good that is but its what I've been told to do by several folks at my LFS. :notsure: I have 2 clowns with a cleaner shrimp and some snails, LR and LS right...
  6. dani*s*mom

    2 for 1 Cleaner Shrimp

    Hi Snipe, How would I tell the difference between the two. I know thats a stupid newbie question so I am sorry but when I purchased them at LFS they just said they are turbo/astrea. Some live in bumpy cone shaped shells with lots of coraline on them. The picture in snail section on
  7. dani*s*mom

    2 for 1 Cleaner Shrimp

    Pontius - I bought Turbo/Astrea Snails. Also, on closer inspection I ended up with a hermit crab as well. Didn't know until after I bought them that one was a crab. Maybe, the crab ate the hair algea. Or maybe I am wrong about it being hair algea. It looks like dark red hair. Kinda like a...
  8. dani*s*mom

    2 for 1 Cleaner Shrimp

    I freelance. Offers me flexability since I have a daughter in school now. But started out at WAGA in Atlanta in '81, then CNN Environment unit in the early 90's. I work on non-linear systems now. Lots of changes in the industry. How long have you had your reef tank? I am just starting out...
  9. dani*s*mom

    Having so much fun

    TeresaQ, Yes it is fun. We are having such a good time learning about everything. Scary at times though due to so many different opinions on everything. Last night at the LFS, I was with one sales guy asking questions and my husband was on the other side of the store with someones else asking...
  10. dani*s*mom

    2 for 1 Cleaner Shrimp

    Should I be concerned then? Or is that a normal stress reaction from being aclimated to the tank? It was surprising that it happened so fast. The shrimp had been at the LFS for over 3 weeks and we acclimated for 2 hrs before adding to the tank. Is there something else I should look for or be...
  11. dani*s*mom

    2 for 1 Cleaner Shrimp

    Last night we went to LFS and bought 12 snails and a cleaner shrimp to help clear out the considerable hair algae and diatoms in our 29 gal tank. This is our first experience with either. My daughter woke up this morning, ran to the tank and sitting on a rock was the EMPTY shell of the cleaner...
  12. dani*s*mom

    New to SWF/A Few questions

    Hi MBrands, Thanks for posting about the SeaClone 100. I appreciate all input. As far as the BakPak, I haven't read much about it. I will check into it and see. I have to get something soon though. Really have a vicious case of Diatoms and Red Slime. I just keep doing water changes and...
  13. dani*s*mom

    New to SWF/A Few questions

    Right now we are doing a FOWLR but we want to add some feather dusters and other low light inverts, shrimp etc. Going slow with the process, too. Since it is a small tank, we can't go too crazy. That is a good idea about making your 29 gal a starter tank. I was thinking that we might get a...
  14. dani*s*mom

    New to SWF/A Few questions

    Jessica, Thanks for your reply. I see your point with the skimmer. it might be best to go ahead and get the Remora. It has just been such an investment already.:eek: I wish I could get RO for 50 cents a gallon. Every LFS I've been to in Atlanta has it for more than $1 gallon. It seems...
  15. dani*s*mom

    New to SWF/A Few questions

    Hello to All, The first thing I have to say is how impressed I am with this site. You all seem to be so knowledgable and really willing to help. We (me, hubby and 9 yr old daughter) have ventured into the world of SWF. We have a 29 gal Eclipse with a Maxi Jet 600 PH, We're in the market for...