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  1. effishient

    What Do I Do ,....Help Please!!

    Looks like you got yourself a good bit of equipment there... I don't have the time right now to explain how to connect everything, but I guarantee if you do some searches on this website through previous threads the the equipment/DIY section, you will find LOTS of diagrams and various setups for...
  2. effishient

    DIY Moonlights.

    As far as I know, blue light is BLUE LIGHT. I am relatively certain that your fish won't know the difference... unless you're trying to spawn them in which case it MIGHT matter what part of the blue spectrum you are using at night. With respect to corals or other more "sensitive" creatures, I...
  3. effishient

    Return Flow Pump Type?

    I am trying to decide which type/brand of pump/powerhead I should use as the return pump from my 10gal sump to my 55gal FO tank (also has a few inverts). I'm pretty sure I only need about a 10x turnover since I'm not keeping any corals or SPS. I just want to know what other people use for...
  4. effishient

    DIY Moonlights.

    I'm almost positive there are blue lights out there like you're looking for, but I don't know about using the same light fixtures for them... I only responded cause I'd like to know the answer to your question, too! Any electrician's out there?
  5. effishient

    Type of Protein Skimmer

    I'm no expert, but in the research I've done on skimmers before I bought mine (Aqua C Remora Pro w/Mag3) for my 55 gal, I would be very surprised if you could find one suitable for a 125 gal for under $200. ...Maybe if you are patient enough and find a good deal on ----, but otherwise, good luck!
  6. effishient

    Remora C Skimmer Warning

    I also have an Aqua C Remora Pro w/ a Mag3. Once, a few months ago, I came home to the pump making a strange noise and found it making a violent sandstorm in my tank as well... similar to what others have experienced. I do not have a prefilter box to actually skim surface water, which is...
  7. effishient

    Return Flow from Sump ?

    Does it matter if the outlet on my return pump is 1/2" diameter and the plastic tubing connecting it to the tank is 3/4" diameter?... assuming I can make a tight seal... does having a larger diameter tube than the diameter of the pump outlet have any negative effects (such as decreased flow...
  8. effishient

    RO vs. RO/DI

    I have read all the previous posts on RO and RO/DI water, but I don't understand the significance or importance of Deionizing water. Under what circumstances is DI necessary (if ever) or is it just an added bonus? I have a 55gal fish/invert tank that's been setup for about 9 months now. I am...
  9. effishient

    feeding starfish?

    I am sad to say I was misled when I bought my starfish, thinking it could eat happily from just the algae growth in my tank. Maybe I sound really dumb (I am fairly new afterall), but I don't have any LR in my tank. It is decorated with a combination of synthetic sand a live sand, as well as a...
  10. effishient

    SWF.COM Order!

    Yeah, that was the impression i was under... inverts don't add much of a "load" to the tank like fish do. After acclimating over a dozen different inverts, and testing the water for several days afterwards, there was no measurable increase in ammonia. I would be very careful about adding more...
  11. effishient

    feeding starfish?

    I just bought my first starfish... an orange linkia star. I know it eats algae, but do I need to feed it anything else? If so, what do I feed it and how do I feed it?
  12. effishient

    SWF.COM Order!

    For all you who are thinking about ordering from this website, I highly recommend it! I received my shipment of invertebrates today including: 1 Orange linkia starfish 2 Peppermint shrimp 3 Scarlet hermits 3 Fighting conchs 5 Nassarius snails 1 Mexican Turbo Snail Everything came in perfect...
  13. effishient

    Please help QUICK!!

    Thank you... it came loose much easier than i expected. They have been in the aquarium for about three hours now and everything is crawling (or sliming) around just fine. It's an orange linkia starfish, by the way. matt
  14. effishient

    Please help QUICK!!

    I am in the middle of acclimating my new starfish. He is sticking to the side of the bucket... How do I get him out of the bucket I'm acclimating him in to put him in the tank without hurting it? I also have snails in the same bucket, how to I get them out if they're sticking too?? Please help...
  15. effishient

    I Killed My Shrimp

    My tank finished cycling recently (after nearly two months) and my test results were: pH - 8.1 Ammonia - <0.25 ppm Nitrite - 0 ppm Nitrate - 10-20 ppm Two days ago, I placed a Red Fire Shrimp in my tank. I'm thinking that maybe the reason he died is cause I didn't acclimate him long enough. My...
  16. effishient

    Follow up on Bak-Pak

    I have an emp 400 for my 55 gal fish only tank and am unsure what skimmer to get. Any recommendations? matt
  17. effishient

    best for beginer....?

    Hey Mav, I'm very new to this hobby... got into it just over a month ago and my 55 gal is still cycling. Believe me, I know what you mean by not knowing anything about the hobby. My not-so-expert advice would be to take your time and do extensive research and planning before you make even your...
  18. effishient Order

    Thanks for the recommendation... I know that adding too many fish/creatures at once can be bad due to drastically increased loads on the tank. For my first batch of fish, I just wanted to get two or three percula clowns. Would it be too much to also get part or all of my cleaning crew at the...
  19. effishient Order

    What kind of crabs/snails did you get and how many would you recommend for a 55 gal to keep my sandbed clean? matt
  20. effishient

    Live Rock and Decorations

    That's a beautiful tank you got there! How many and of what type of snails/crabs should I get to keep my sandbed clean? matt