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  1. sj022698

    Newbie Identification help needed.

    Ok, by recommendation, I tried moving the Plate Coral (pretty sure) to the bottom and off the rock. However, it is on there pretty good an this is a first for me. It just showed up on the LR I got. For the bottom I use CaribSea Tahitian Moon Sand. Is it ok to move the plate to that? If so, how...
  2. sj022698

    Who knows everything...

    ...about skimmers??? Ok, I have a couple of questions, by the look of my photos in my gallery, is my skimmer turned on too wet? I was told if the tank is already cycled, etc... then run it wet. Does this look correct? Also, the bubble production diffuser... I know it's hard to see but it's on...
  3. sj022698

    Newbie Identification help needed.

    I just got a new piece of rock today it I think it has some extra stuff with it. #1 It looks to me like a few mushrooms which I've labeled "mushrooms" . Will you please confirm if these are mushroom. #2 I have no clue what this is so I labeled it "I have no clue" #3 This is not from the rock I...
  4. sj022698

    Oh My! What do I do???

    Just curious but I have more of a J-Tube rather than a U-Tube. I would think that the U-Tube would sit further in the water. Should I get a U-Tube? BTW... Thanks for all your help!
  5. sj022698

    Oh My! What do I do???

    Ok, so if I stick it in the water and hold my hand and the siphon starts, you are sure it will restart if power goes off and comes back on.
  6. sj022698

    Oh My! What do I do???

    I have everything setup but my overflow doesn't seem to be working correctly. I have not been able to get a siphon at all. It should start siphon even if the power goes off, etc... I have tried everything I have read, including simulating what would happen in a power outage. #1 What should I...
  7. sj022698

    I want YOUR feedback

    What do you give your frozen and seafood to? What about calcium, etc... for your LR...Do you have a nice covering of coralline algae? What is the flake primarly for? Thanks, Justin
  8. sj022698

    I want YOUR feedback

    OK. Every single person I have talked to has had a different answer to this questions so I would like to hear everyones input to make sure I am taking the appropriate measures to maintaining a stable tank. I have stuff that I have researched and made decisions on however that doesn't mean that...
  9. sj022698

    Hitchhiker? Help ASAP!

    out of the rock I just got yesterday that came from someone elses tank was an Hawaiian FeatherDuster. However, it is closed up but while doing some transfers I found a black like worm in the bottom of the tub. Is this the FeatherDuster or is it some unwanted hitchhiker? Please let me know asap...
  10. sj022698

    More Specific

    I had a post earlier but I was unable to delete it and I thought I should be more specific. I picked up a tank yesterday and they had some Marshall Island rock in it. Some of it has some green algae on it but not too much. I have scrubbed it and it is currectly in a tub with a heater, powerhead...
  11. sj022698

    Question about green algae/marshall island?

    I have some marshall island that I pulled from another tank and it has some (not a whole lot) of green algae. What should I do??? I have scrubbed it a bit with a brush. Will it go away once it is acclamated to proper water conditions and form coralline??? Do I need to cure it? Will that make it...
  12. sj022698

    Weird Skimmer question

    I am picking up a tank that is having to be broken down that is fully operational. I am putting the water in my tank especially since I don't have to cycle. (my tank is new) My question is, my skimmer is brand new and says it needs to be broken in? What is the best way to approach this with a...
  13. sj022698

    Marshall Island

    I just purchased some Marshall Island rock and it doesn't have much coralline algae. Before I put it in my tank, what should I do? Should I scrub it, should I just put it in, etc... I want it covered and know it will take time but it is coming out of a tank that has been up for a long time...
  14. sj022698

    How do you do it?

    I use 2. One for water (normal evaporation) and one for saltwater. Can I make about 20 gallons of RO water in a rubbermaid and add the salt and get it to the right point say on a monday. Then on Friday night start the powerhead and heater to do a water change on sat. Is this ok? However, if I...
  15. sj022698

    How do you do it?

    Ok, as I type I have my RO unit (100 gpd) pumping water into my tank to fill for the first time. However, I will be doing a small bit of curing some rock. From what everyone seems to be doing is keeping a 35-50 gallon rubbermaid trashcan full of RO water. My question is once I put the water in...
  16. sj022698

    I love this but is it actually live rock?

    So, do you know if Uaniva is live rock or just coral skelaton. My LFS says it's rock?
  17. sj022698

    I love this but is it actually live rock?

    Sorry didn't know. Both of them are talking about the same rock "Uaniva" So, basically it is not "live rock" I saw a beautiful rock??? at my LFS and it had great coraline growth on it and mushrooms but he said it was Uaniva. So, that means, it's not "live rock?
  18. sj022698

    I love this but is it actually live rock?

    Uaniva- said to be a type of tonga. I have heard 2 things about this rock but I would like to confirm them. #1 Link deleted says in its description that it is made of mainly "table Acropora skeletons" Does this mean its not live rock? Does that mean it's just a dead coral? #2 On Link deleted...
  19. sj022698

    How does yours work?

    I just got my RO Unit and I think I just had better expectations. I have it hooked to an indoors garden spout. It is rated at 100gpd So, that means it will only fill approx. 4.1 gallons an hour. Is this correct. I don't really care, however, I just want to make sure it's working correctly. How...
  20. sj022698

    Short term RO Unit?

    I need 60 gallons of it.