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  1. gmanreef

    Any one in NY/NJ area has Macro algae

    Any one in the NY/NJ area has some Macro algae and stuff for a Refugium they can hook me up with. I'm setting up a refugium and need some Fauna and Detritivore sp. Thanks
  2. gmanreef

    Is a 5g Refugium sufficient

    thanks for the advise. I have a 10gallon tank, can I use that with success and I heard some were that it would stabilize the PH if I left it on 24x7 is this true
  3. gmanreef

    Is a 5g Refugium sufficient

    actually I was thinking of placing it beside the tank or just buy a hang on the back refugium (24x4x12) I have about 6" of space behind the tank and about 8 beside it I have a 6x6 space underneath
  4. gmanreef

    Is a 5g Refugium sufficient

    Is a 5 gallon Refugium sufficient for a 90 gallon tank
  5. gmanreef


    OK, I finally decided to use my smaller tank for my fish only and my larger for a reef. And I'm going to rent the 70 out to a Dwarf lion, an Eel and a Clown Sweetlip,(the dimensions are 48X18X14H)Or should I rent it out to some cardinals, clowns etc.
  6. gmanreef


    ilovefish I go a suggestion for you why don't you invest in a 120 gallon tank it's the same width, this will fit in the same space length wise and your fish will be more comfortable ;) PS. Do you have any corals with this setup
  7. gmanreef

    My new Tank

    jamos6 I like your set up. What's the size of the tank that house these guys I'm curios to know, because I have a 70 (48x14x18) that wouldn't mind setting up like yours :)
  8. gmanreef

    How much spent on tank per month

    Yep just as I suspected. I was afraid my calculations were too good to be true, I guess time will tell
  9. gmanreef


    I have a 3" sand bed and will purchase some small creaters to keep it healthy, there are some sites that sell packages with bristle worms, sand bed clams, bristle stare etc. there are also certain fish you can get that will do a good job of steering the sand. I know some wrasses and gobbies do...
  10. gmanreef

    Fish for my 90 gallon tank

    I notice that all you guys with aggressive setups have tanks over 100 gallons, am I barking up the wrong tree trying to set up my 90 gallon tank with lions, eels and wrasses and angels :(
  11. gmanreef

    RO/DI Question

    Hey guys do you have to use a RO/DI system or can I continue using the tap water purifier
  12. gmanreef

    How much spent on tank per month

    well my 90gl has 110 Lbs of live rock a TopPhatom skimmer and a 15gl sump this tank will soon house only fish. I'm not sure yet what combination I like best. I use C-Balance for my calcium and Reef Solution for every thing else this should cost me about $50 for 2 months, If my calculations are...
  13. gmanreef

    How much spent on tank per month

    How much do you guys spend on your tanks per month, I estimate about $50 per month for food and additives
  14. gmanreef

    need calcium reactor

    sorry about that, thanks for the heads up.
  15. gmanreef

    need calcium reactor

    any one know were I can get my hands on a complete set up of a calcium reactor for less than $300 :)
  16. gmanreef

    Fish thats swim around and not get eaten

    Guys I'm planning on putting 2 Dwarf lion and a Snow Flak Eel in a 70gl (48L x 18W x 14H) Nasukan suggested I may have reached my bio load limit and may not be able to do much more with the tank but I'm afraid this setup will lack some activity. What fish can I add to the tank that will swim...
  17. gmanreef

    Lion comfort

    Dottybacks huh never thought of that I always saw them as small, too small for lions and eels even if they are aggressive. you said larger ones give me the name so I could check up on it. :) man that would be great if I could add 1 or more of them. Again thank for your reply.
  18. gmanreef

    Lion comfort

    So what do you recommend with the lion and the Eel, by the way I was considering one may be two Dwarf Zebra Lion and a Snow Flake Eel. How about clowns or damsels they are a little aggressive. Thanks for the reply man :)
  19. gmanreef

    Lion comfort

    Hi guys I have a 70gal tank ( 48L x 18W x 14H ) will a Lion fish be comfortable in it ? . And also guys if the Lion is OK I may incloud an Eel and a couple tangs :) sounds beautyful but could be ugly. Please let me know what you think, if it could work and if not what would.
  20. gmanreef

    Help with my setup

    Thanks guys for the reply, I put some serious thought to it and decided to use my 90gl for my FO and my 70gl for my reef.