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  1. nickfish

    Bluehead Wrasse

    I bought one of these beutiful fish today. Its full of charactor and eats like a horse! AND THIS IS ONLY DAY ONE!
  2. nickfish

    goldentail moray

    Probably will eat the wrasse.
  3. nickfish

    snow flake eel

    I have never tried it but I would not trust them w/any crustation.
  4. nickfish

    snow flake eel

    I would not trust it at all. Mine will gulp down a 4" piece of shrimp whithout even chewing. I would trust them w/coral, but not crustations. Even the largest of them.
  5. nickfish

    Pics Of My New Tank!

    Do you think a dwarf lion would be good for the tank once its done? The trigger has shown no agressive or nipping behavior.
  6. nickfish

    Pics Of My New Tank!

    Well, I put in some plastic pipes for the eel to hide in but it ignored them. The only reason the coloration is bad is because well, my camera is not the best in the world. I have a matured sponge in one of the filters for biological filtration.
  7. nickfish

    How does this sump desighn look?

    This is how it would work. 1, Water flows over live rock 2, Water gets filtered out in another chamber 3, Water flows into another chamber w/more live rock, live sand, and is also used as a quaranteen and hospital tank. The sump would be disconnected before using as a quaranteen tank. 4, water...
  8. nickfish

    How does this sump desighn look?

    How does this sump desighn look?
  9. nickfish

    How many of you like roller coasters!?

    For me the more intense the better!
  10. nickfish

    Tank Pics Please!

    I would love to see some whole tank pics of agrresor tanks! I would greatly appresiate(sp?) it!
  11. nickfish

    Tank recommendation please

    Go w/the biggest size of a tank of possible.
  12. nickfish

    Tank recommendation please

    Look at this compatability chart!
  13. nickfish

    Tank recommendation please

    Triggers are not compatable w/batfish. They will nip at the bats fins like crazy!
  14. nickfish

    Pics Of My New Tank!

    What do you people think?
  15. nickfish

    Pics Of My New Tank!

    Here is the niger trigger
  16. nickfish

    Pics Of My New Tank!

    Here is a whole tank shot!
  17. nickfish

    Pics Of My New Tank!

    I meant to say, This is a neat shot of my trigger next to my eel.
  18. nickfish

    Pics Of My New Tank!

    Heres A whole Tank Shot. This tank is only in the making but has two great fish in it now!
  19. nickfish

    New Niger Triggerfish!

    I'll take some soon for everyone to see. It gets along great w/my snowflake eel.
  20. nickfish

    New Niger Triggerfish!

    These fish may not be the most dazzling in color but they are full of charactor. I have had it for a couple hours now and its a great fish.