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  1. warlock_king

    New To The Board, MY 125

    Couple of new pickups from yesterday.. got some real nice stuff The two on the left are my new pickups. one is micromussa of course the other Im not sure is a purple tint with green mouths maybe an echino? store didnt know for sure. on the right side are what was called cotton candy micromussa...
  2. warlock_king

    Thinking about adding a fish

    You will want to start with easy things.. such as leathers, kenya tree, mushrooms, riccordea, zoo's (zoanthids). 130 watts will get you buy with anything I listed but Id go bigger if you can afford it such as t5's or metal halides. A frag is just a small piece of coral, a little piece thats...
  3. warlock_king

    New To The Board, MY 125

    Ive got my eye on a nice red one. should be able to scoop it up pretty soon. an orange one would be amazing to have but unless I get one local it probably wont happen. O well to many anemones could really mess my tank up anyway. wind up stinging all my lps to death lol
  4. warlock_king

    some thursday night pics 180

    very nice tank! I see quite a few things I could use a frag of lol
  5. warlock_king

    New To The Board, MY 125

    thanks everyone! and ccampbell- Looks like we have the same idea! an rbta is already a planned addition, soon as I get one Ill have pics up I'm sure.
  6. warlock_king

    New To The Board, MY 125

    thank you chilwil
  7. warlock_king

    Too many coepods?

    If you are sure youve got tons of pods going and actually see them moving about during the night roaming the tank then I would imagine it could be possible that your tank can handle a mandarin. Ive got one but didnt add it till my tank had been running for the better part of a year. so if you...
  8. warlock_king

    is there pepperment shrimp?

    peppermint shrimp are generally around 5 bucks in my area.. but that makes no difference. what they do is clean up at night usually. they are good at taking care of aptasia if you have any and are in general a fun addition to a reef tank. cool to look at in the day if you can find them and fun...
  9. warlock_king

    New To The Board, MY 125

    hey now the reef tank has always been there its the fish only systems that I switched up way to often. I doubt that Ill be doing another of those real soon but who knows. no doubt I'll be sending some frags your way. I visited cathy's finally and have got to say her selection of top notch stuff...
  10. warlock_king

    New To The Board, MY 125

    zoos gbta and my maroon clown lovin it one of my two potters wrasse's, fungia (plate coral), rics in back random frags more random frag shots including some tiny lil bits of superman thats encrusted to my rock in front of the tiny green frag leopard and potter wrasse behind brain potters...
  11. warlock_king

    New To The Board, MY 125

    these are some coral shots from a couple days after setting up and allowing the water to clear up.. zoos, candy cane, lil hair algae on a frag disc for the tang to munch on lol zoos, paly's (those orange ones really came out weird in the picture so before Im asked no they dont really glow haha...
  12. warlock_king

    New To The Board, MY 125

    Im new to the forums, from the Kansas City area. Ive got a custom oceanic 125rr. A single overflow box in the back left corner. Its drilled for a closed loop but I dont use it currently. Mag 7 return I run 3x 250w MH and currently 1 54w t5 actinic. Ive got a ss125 skimmer which uses an upgraded...
  13. warlock_king

    From Daddy's Room to Dining Room...Keeping it "D"

    IZZY! whats up bro? Thought Id finally hit up these boards since the KC boards are getting slow. Tanks looking good. that 250w will be cool over the tank, james runs one on his 29 without much of a heat issue that I know of. My only question on your setup is the black sand. I dont believe it...