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  1. adio_54

    lion fish??? reef??

    oh well i was thinking if it was the only fish in my tank would it work??? like a dwarf?? or not even
  2. adio_54


    is this greeneye zoo easy to grow?
  3. adio_54

    lion fish??? reef??

    is there any type of lionfish that can be kept in a reef tank? im new to this so please help me.... :help:
  4. adio_54

    i need something...

    hey everyone i have just started a reef tank and i was wondering wat is a perty coral that will grow alot... do zoos grow all over??.. please help...
  5. adio_54

    Lighting for 29 gallon reef

    hey i have a 29gal and i use 2 65 watts and it works great
  6. adio_54

    130 watts

    will that be enough to have a in my 29gal reef tank?
  7. adio_54

    lighting for 29 gal reef tank

    ohh ok thanks for the help... gosh saltwater is perty expencive but well worth it lol
  8. adio_54

    29 gal reef tank lighting

    im new and i was wondering wat would be the best lighting system that i could buy for around $$150 i wanna be able to grow both hard and soft corral please help! lol
  9. adio_54

    lighting for 29 gal reef tank

    i want something that will grow both hard and soft how about metal reflectors? or however ya spell it??
  10. adio_54

    lighting for 29 gal reef tank

    im new to this.. wat would be realy good to grow corral for under $150?
  11. adio_54

    29 gal reef tank lighting?

    what would be the best lighting for a 29 gal reef tank??? i have heard that a metal halide 150-250 watt would be good im lookn for the best under $$150 wat would be good? please give rough price?
  12. adio_54

    lighting for 29 gal reef tank

    wat would be the best lighting for a 29 galreef tank??? i have herd that a metal halide 150-250 watt????? would be good im lookn for somethingy under $$150 wat would be good please give rough price