Search results

  1. woodwalker

    Six line wrasse

    Are these fish known 2 jump??? I have a 55gal fowlr and not many or no places for the little bugger 2 escape. But the wrasse made it out and I'm left 2 wonder if it's h2o conditions or final destination. FYI I had the wrasse 4 over 3months and appeared heathy. Plz ease me off the cliff and say I...
  2. woodwalker

    Lighting upgrade

    I have the same ? but no answer. There must be a way to utilize the fixture with upgrading bulb and ballast??? I gotta keep researching ....
  3. woodwalker

    Lighting Question

    Is there a better bullb option with this fixure or should I just upgrade the whole light set . Its for a fish only with live rock tank Thanks for your help.
  4. woodwalker

    Lighting Question

    I have a perfecto hood with a 40W flourecent bulb can I replace that with a 32W 50/50 coral sun bulb or do I need to replace fixture too. I put the 50/50 bulb in and it has trouble starting and does not seem right??? JUst curious if maybe I got a bad bulb...
  5. woodwalker

    Coraline Alagae

    Tanks has been up for 14 months, but I just added the rock..I will start testing for calcium and see whats what....
  6. woodwalker

    Coraline Alagae

    Nope never tested for calcium, but I thought I read that calcium aids in the growth of coraline. Its early with the live rock so I am just asking before doing anything with tank thanks...
  7. woodwalker

    Coraline Alagae

    I have a 55gal FO with 25lbs of live fiji rock. What is the best way to promote the growth of the pink coraline alagae. I read about adding calcium, is that the way to go? Thanks 4 the help....
  8. woodwalker

    LFS laughter

    You go Rot Stupid. I have argued the same point on the shrimp and it seems that harming the damsel is bad but you throw the shrimp in your tank and you are good. We all must face the fact that once these fish are plucked off the reef somewhere and shipped to the lfs they are doomed. We can...
  9. woodwalker

    Upgrade Filter ?

    I had the Fluval 403 until a power outage claimed it. I went shopping for a new filter awhile back and ended up with the eheim 2215. I never had a problem with the canister filter I just wish I bought something bigger..
  10. woodwalker

    Upgrade Filter ?

    I have a small canister , Eheim2215, thats why I wanted to upgrade I guess I will see what happens...
  11. woodwalker

    Upgrade Filter ?

    I have a 55gal FO tank and looking to upgrade my Filter. Currently running a eheim canister with a protein skimmer and 2 power heads. I have 2 per clowns, a coral beauty angel, and a 6 line wrasse. any suggestions?
  12. woodwalker

    another cycling Q?

    Have you ever ran a salt water tank?
  13. woodwalker

    scissor goby...

    Can anybody tell me what to expect from a scissor goby. Problem is I never see the fish. I catch a glimpse every now and again so I know it to be alive and thats it. Does this fish swim hide or what?? everthing I have read has not helped me.. It's been in my tank for a month and looks...
  14. woodwalker

    What should I feed my new threadfin butterfly fish?

    I fed mine live blood worms. After three months it died. I read it was a questionable fish in a home tank. Nice fish if you can keep it alive. Any other food I offered the fish it was not interested. All my other fish are happy campers. I would like to try again though ....goood luck.
  15. woodwalker


    Just bought a coralife needle wheel 4 my 55gal and it's workin great. Still workin on the return cup, but from what I heard about the sea clone This one seems to be ideal. I do not know how you will be installing this device, but read the specs 'causes these puppys r not small.....Just my 2...
  16. woodwalker

    Skim bucket?

    I recently purchased the coral needle wheel protein skimmer for my FO 55gal tank. Skimmer works great, pulling all sorts of waste from tank. Question is how important is the cup that hangs on the return? It was over flowing and seemed like it was not doing much so I removed it. Is the whole...
  17. woodwalker

    seahorse set-up

    Get a new G/F.
  18. woodwalker

    protein skimmer Brand??

    I ordered the needle wheel. I did not see the remora anywayz.
  19. woodwalker

    protein skimmer Brand??

    I see two by that brand. Needle wheel by coral life and a regulaur venturi. Any experience with either?
  20. woodwalker

    protein skimmer Brand??

    Many thanks