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  1. woodwalker

    protein skimmer Brand??

    I'm between the coralife and the seaclone skimmer for my 55gal FO tank. Any suggestions would be appreciated....
  2. woodwalker

    Brand-new hobbyist in Houston need advices

    I'm no expert but 5gals of tap would not kill 2 clowns. Where was the other 120 gals from??
  3. woodwalker

    color ???

    I am working on stocking a new tank also. Have you checked out the feather duster worm? I was looking to pick one or two up for my tank.....?
  4. woodwalker

    tang question

    I kept a hippo tang and a yellow tang together in my tank for over 2 yrs and had no problems. I dont know if it was luck or not but it worked well. I was hot on that powder blue tang untill I read the book that everbody on this site that everbody hails. The book says powder blues dont fare...
  5. woodwalker


    Hey thanks for all the info, going to get started on the QT. I dont know if I maxed out on my questions but one last one. I want to add LR to my tank and this seems like a good opportunity since my MT will be empty. What is the minumum requirement for LR. There is a 40w florecent in there now..
  6. woodwalker


    Thats what I think I'm going to do. Remove my 1 fish into a QT. Leave my MT empty for 6 weeks. Do I hypo my QT Tank anyway or just watch for signs, cause like I said My 1 CB is still doing well showing no signs of ill effect. I almost have a direction to go in and ready to take action...
  7. woodwalker


    Let the fun begin then. There wouldn't be and easier route w/o removing the sand. And I know if I'm in the hobby I should have the dedication 4 it..
  8. woodwalker


    I do have live sand in the tank is that gonna be a problem..?? Is there any reason why the CB is not being affected?
  9. woodwalker


    Just have a 55gal FO, no LR or QT. I figured that would be the answer but hoped for something different. The coral beaty seems fine I was hoping to bypass cleaning the tank if it wasnt necc. Thanks for the info.
  10. woodwalker


    I introduced a percula to my tank and quickly came down w/ich. As soon as I realized what was going on I removed the percula. Only other fish is a Coral beuty. If I dont see any signs on my CB after a period of time do I hypo anyway???
  11. woodwalker

    Percula with a spot?

    I tried taking a pic but had no luck. The spot appeared right after introducing it to my tank. looks just like a grain of sugar just on his jaw. no other spots or problems exist.. thnx 4 ur help..
  12. woodwalker

    Percula with a spot?

    I recently introduced a percula into my FO tank. I noticed a small white spot(like a grain of sugar) on the lower jaw, I dont believe it was there when I purchased the fish. Only other inhabitant is a cb. please help..It has not gotten bigger and fish otherwise appears normal???
  13. woodwalker

    Distilled water?

    I see all this talk 'bout R.O water, Is distilled water ok to use..
  14. woodwalker

    How many are too many

    You did not mention if the tank is cycled. The new cycle method is with live rock wich I did not adhere to. I would reframe from addding any creatures 'till you know if the tank is cycled. Keep an eye on your water for now and you should be fine..
  15. woodwalker

    tang + 75 gallon tank = possible?

    I believe a hippo tang oughta b fine 2.
  16. woodwalker

    Live sand sugestions.

    Getting back into the hobby after some years off. 55gal fish only tank. Whats the deal with all this L/R. If i add that do i need to upgrade my lighting.
  17. woodwalker

    Live sand sugestions.

    Anybody know if arag-alive sand is any good. I'm interested in swithing my substrate to sand and was wondering what was a good choice... thnx..
  18. woodwalker


    Yoda Man
  19. woodwalker


    I was told I needed special lighting?? Running a fish only tank and want L/R. Have just the plain old flourecent hood..What is needed to have L/R in tank...Lfs(I Know, I Know) says to upgrade lighting. Like I said I'm running a fish only tank so whats best!!!!