Search results

  1. debra w-c

    firefish tail fin

    I've had excellent results with treating a firefish with a torn fin with Melafix and stress coat for one week. I put him in QT and I'm sure I would put Melafix in my main tank, but it is reef safe.... Tail is fine and no problems with the recovery. I think this is common when they are kept in...
  2. debra w-c


    Not really sure, why that is. I think I read it on There is a lot of information on there about starfish. Recently, I have not had good luck with my starfish. I had a choc chip star for quite some time and then I moved him to a new tank and he died a week later. I wish I hadn't...
  3. debra w-c


    Yes I've head of this. It's common for the burgendy starfish.
  4. debra w-c

    algae sheets

    What kind of fish are you trying to feed the algae too? I guess fish are like people, some of us are salad people some of us are meat eaters :notsure: White things are probably copepods or something else harmless. I wouldn't worry about that:happy:
  5. debra w-c


    I can relate to the having no money thing... I have successfully treated ich by pulling all the fish from my tank and placing them in buckets with a heater and airline and medicating the buckets with copper. To be safe, you should leave the main tank with no fish for 5-6 wks. The ich will die...
  6. debra w-c

    Urgent Please Re:Cupramine

    Just curious about how the copper treatment went? How are the fish?
  7. debra w-c

    questions about ich

    Substrate and rock absorb copper. If you used this rock in your new tank you could not have any invertebrates in your tank ( no crabs, shrimps, live rocks, snails etc). The copper will leach out of the rock slowly over time and poison and kill these animals. If you will have a fish only tank you...
  8. debra w-c

    ick is driving me nuts!

    It is possible that one of your fish had a slight ich infection when you introduced it to your tank and now the parasite has exploded in reproduction in your tank. This may be why it hasn't shown up until recently. I would not recommend that you just feed garlic and selcon and hope for the best...
  9. debra w-c

    I am now soooo confused

    If you buy live rock and live sand you don't need to use cocktail shrimp. There will be plenty of ammonia from the what dies off on the rock to cycle your tank. You didn't mention a QT tank. Please be sure to look into the benefits of QT'ing all new fish. It's much easier then trying to pull a...
  10. debra w-c

    need help

    OOOPS that was clorax and WATER
  11. debra w-c

    need help

    Use clorax bleach and wather. Then rinse with water condition that remove chlorine. Then allow to air dry for 24 hours. It will be fine.:joy:
  12. debra w-c

    Big Problem with Tank - Please Help

    For a situation like this it's okay to do a large water change immediately. Just make sure you are matching temp, specific gravity and ph.
  13. debra w-c

    Big Problem with Tank - Please Help

    I agree you need to do a large water change. Also, just in case you didn't know amquel will detoxify ammonia but it will not hide it from your test kit. So, just because you are still reading ammonia doesn't mean the product isn't working. Keep doing water changes and adding amquel. Another...
  14. debra w-c

    5 Gallon Stock List???

    I would stick to one fish that stays pretty small and as suggested add some peaceful invertebrates for variety. I have a clown goby and it's super tiny. They only grow to about one inch full grown so I think it would be okay. It's very friendly and swims up to the front of the tank to say hello...
  15. debra w-c

    Need Positive ID

    Really, you can't see anything in the link I posted? Or do you mean the picture posted by the warlock? Weird, because I can see both pictures. You can't see the white blob in the middle? Be more specific...:notsure:
  16. debra w-c


    Your tank is cycled when ammonia is 0 and nitrite is 0. Many tanks will never achieve a nitrate of 0. Really the nitrate is not going to kill the fish or crabs. The ammonia and the nitrite are dangerous and will quickly kill the fish and crabs. You should not put these animals in a tank that is...
  17. debra w-c

    Need Positive ID

    Okay I found this link on another website. Hard to tell from your picture. Is this what it looks like: I have had two of these little things making rounds on my glass.. its fun to watch them.. they almost look like some sort of jelly fish, appears they maybe are feeding on diatoms? <actually a...
  18. debra w-c

    Options for Non-Dangerous Testing

    There are many types of tests available that are dipsticks. Maybe try that.
  19. debra w-c

    LR Curing ???

    I've done that before also. Just wait a week and then test ammonia and nitrite. When both are 0 you can safely add to your tank. Also, when it doesn't smell like rotten eggs your probably okay.
  20. debra w-c

    Need Positive ID

    They are a type of flatworm. The only bad thing about them is that they will eat copepods from your tank. Sorry can't remember there name specificially but will try to find the website I found this info on. They won't hurt anything.