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  1. thereefmaniac


    I use a wet dry, and all the professionals I deal with can't understand why they are high.
  2. thereefmaniac


    I can't Lower my Nitrates no matter what I do.. I have a 225 gallon fo Tank. I had a 100 gallon water change which did nothing Then I did a 200 Gallon change a week later and That did nothing.. I'm open for Suggestions I do use a Skimmer
  3. thereefmaniac

    UV VS. Ozonizers

    I need help with this one. I have a parasite problem in my 115 gallon tank I bought a uv Sterilizer, but the dealer in one store said they are a waste of money and do Nothing. He said I would be better off with an Ozonizer. I find this hard to believe since I see much more use in the field of...
  4. thereefmaniac

    Lion Fish and Trigger

    I bought a voltan Lion about a month ago 5 inches and my Fish store got in a Clown Trigger about 6 inches. I want to buy it and want to know if this will be ok Its in a 225 G tank
  5. thereefmaniac

    Feeding my Lionfish

    Hi I just bought a voltan Lion fish small one, The man in the fish store said feed him Frozed Pawn. It falls, he looks but doesn't touch. In the meantime I bought some guppies so he wouldn't starve. He ate those no problem. How do I feed him the Frozen stuff. What method works. I want him not to...
  6. thereefmaniac

    someone please help!

    It sounds like Free floating parasites getting into his gills. I'm having a simular problem. So far I found keeping on the light at night keeps the parasites off him. I don't know if this will help but it can't hurt to try. It seems these parasites attack in the dark.
  7. thereefmaniac

    Rock Beauty Parasites

    I have never see this problem. During the daylight hours the fish is fine. In the morning before daybreak he is in a corner discolored and breathing rapidly. I come home from work and he is back to normal, eating well and all. Every morning when I wake up it starts all over again. I have a 115...
  8. thereefmaniac

    African Red Star

    How can I keep my fish from destroying my Starfish, they seem to like to eat it. Fish like French angel, Queen Angel,etc.
  9. thereefmaniac

    My Friends GreenTank

    He uses RO to top off, but Tap water for the water change. Everything was all right in the beginning then it went Bad.
  10. thereefmaniac

    My Friends GreenTank

    I don't think I ever saw this Problem. My friend has a 180 Gallon FO Tank, with a berlin Skimmer. The wet dry powered by an extermal pump(Little Giant I think) His fish would be thiving than all of a sudden they die. He says the tanks gets a green tint when this happens. They would all of a...
  11. thereefmaniac

    Green tint in Water

    Ita a Glass Aqurium, and he is using no Lighting at this time
  12. thereefmaniac

    Green tint in Water

    My Friend set up a 180 Gallon Tank about 7 weeks ago. He just completed Nitrite cycle. The thing is his water always looks like a Green Tint, It was like that from the get go. Its not algea or anything and I can't figure it out either. Does anyone know how he can clear up his water so it looks...
  13. thereefmaniac

    Question For Beth

    As I said I have been changing water every day. Of Corse the fish won't eat in the QT tank, he is not happy there As far as carbon I can't use it it will remove Medicine. I use the Penquin Bio wheel filter in the tank. His eye in not popping out it Looks like a Big Bubble around it
  14. thereefmaniac

    Question For Beth

    Hi Beth I'm on the 4th day of Marcyn 2 on my Lion Fish He is in a 20 Gallon Hospital tank. I am doing a 10 gallon water change every day because of the high Ammonia in the water and 2 [hr] of Marcyn 2 after each water change. The Problem is there is no improvment yet. To me it does not look...
  15. thereefmaniac

    Bubble Eye

    It looks like an air bubble and No no Fine bubbles in tank. The eye doesn't seem to be cloudy either.
  16. thereefmaniac

    Bubble Eye

    I already put him in a hospital tank of 20 Gallons I put 1 pill of Mar 2 as instructions stated. for 5 days
  17. thereefmaniac

    Bubble Eye

    My very large VOLTEN Lion Fish has a large bubble on one eye. It looks like a A Bubble What can I do to fix him up Thanks
  18. thereefmaniac

    PH Control

    No Both tanks are Separate
  19. thereefmaniac

    PH Control

    Both tanks have the problem. My PH is now at 8.2 but was in the 7.3 range before Buffer. I Have good water circulation also.
  20. thereefmaniac

    PH Control

    I do put Buffer in but it still drops after I reach ideal PH after 2 weeks