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  1. thereefmaniac

    PH Control

    I have a test kit!!!! I keep on adjusting Alalinity but it does not Stay, It drops to acid Quickly 225 FO tank with built-in overflow 60 Gallon wet/dry Prot Skimmer 40w UV 4 36inch compact lighting Rio 3100 power head] little giant external 100lbs live...
  2. thereefmaniac


    I Need your full email address and I will email pic
  3. thereefmaniac

    PH Control

    I use only Fish store bought RO water in both my tanks and I was wondering why I constantly keep adjusting ph. I get it up to 8.2 and within a couple of weeks its at 7.8 and dropping 225 fo 115 fo uv's on both pro skimm on both
  4. thereefmaniac


    Thanks fot the info but the pic wouldn't post its origional size it said file to large so I reduced it do I was able to post it.
  5. thereefmaniac


    Here is the Pic His Name is Luther
  6. thereefmaniac

    StingRays This is my dive club that I started.
  7. thereefmaniac


    I Live in North Lauderdale, I dive in the Fort Lauderdale area also how do I post a Pic on this forum, I see nothing about posing Pics
  8. thereefmaniac


    I caught it with a collection net... I have a 225 with a 60 gallon wet/dry being run by a rio 3100 and a external Little giant. I have a skimmer, UV, Live sand 100lbs or so.
  9. thereefmaniac


    I need a little info on Stingrays. I was out Diving and caught a ray and put him in my 225 tank. I never see these beautiful animals in the Stores nor do and web sites sell them I was wondering if there is a reason for this. He seems to be doing well, but I want to know if there is anything I...
  10. thereefmaniac


    I'm Trying to put a pic on this forum and don't know how Please Help
  11. thereefmaniac

    Fish ID

    I have a Large Angel It is Green with Blue Stipes Can anyone tell me the name of this Fish Thanks
  12. thereefmaniac


    I know its a bad Idea But, I have nowhere to put these fish, they are Large and They are doing well and Eating well
  13. thereefmaniac


    My tank is 3 yrs old. It was moved from one house to the other. I did save all the water all 225 gallons of it. The move took 5 hours. This was 3 weeks ago All fish are doing well. Lg Lion ,, Emperor angle, Power blue tang and another Angel. I not sure of the name it is a brownish color with...
  14. thereefmaniac

    Live Sand

    I bought a 225 Gallon Tank from someone. He had not nearly enough live sand in the tank. Well the tank is been at my house setup with all his fish in it for 2 weeks now. (Large Lion. Powder BlueTang, Adult Emperor Angel and another Large angel {forgot what it is called} So no I bought 3 20lb...
  15. thereefmaniac

    yellow tangs ribs

    Feed him Formula 2 its madew for algea eating fish such as Tangs
  16. thereefmaniac

    Freshwater Dips?

    Well I beg to differ!!! My French Angel was on Deaths Door. He stopped eating and was breathing rapidly and Stayed in the flow of my Powerhead. I put him in a Fresh water dip with a Solution called Dip-A-Way and withinin a few hours he looked 100 percent better. Next day he was eating again and...
  17. thereefmaniac

    My Fish are dying

    I don't have a Hospital tank, I do a one hour drip procedure for acclimation. I also use Dip-away in the water they are in to kill parasites. I normally have no problems this has been recent. I catch my fish with a net. (No Drugs used)
  18. thereefmaniac

    My Fish are dying

    Well its a 115 gal tank, with Wet dry, pro skimmer, Emperor 350 outside filter. Water conds is: 1021 sal 0 nitrites, 0 nitrates, 0 ammonia, PH 8.2 I add fish all the time. I'M A sCUBA dIVER. tHE lAST THING I added was a Maroon clown. He seems to still be doing well. I have a Flame angel also...
  19. thereefmaniac

    My Fish are dying

    I have what seems to be a Common problem, all of a sudden I seen these fish breathing rapidly and what appears to be blood spots on him like his shin is being eatin away. What is the treatment for this...
  20. thereefmaniac

    My Tank and Queen angel is Dead

    I have what seems to be a Common problem, all of a sudden I seen these fish breathing rapidly and what appears to be blood spots on him like his shin is being eatin away. What is the treatment for this infection. It seems to happen quite often to me. Water conditions test perfecy also.