Search results

  1. thereefmaniac

    My Queen Angel

    Thanks, but what is Riori? I know what fomula 2 and angel formula is, but Riori is a new one to me.
  2. thereefmaniac

    My Queen Angel

    Hi I had a Queen Angel in my tank for over 2 years. She is doing well. The only problem is over the last year her colors are faded. I'm wondering if there is anything I can do to bring her color back? Thanks
  3. thereefmaniac

    Adding Kalkwasser

    Bacically it helps maintain water conditions needed for corals, That's about all I know. Its new to me.
  4. thereefmaniac

    Adding Kalkwasser

    I just made a reef tank from a f/o 115gallon tank. I bought a drip doser for Kalkwasser. My question is: Is a 1 drip per 2 seconds a sufficient flow rate?
  5. thereefmaniac

    MH Lighting

    How should I set the timers for MH Lights and Power Compact Lights in my 115 g Reef tank I'm just starting. its 4ft wide. I have the orbit lights with pc lights and 2 175w MH Lights.
  6. thereefmaniac

    Changing to a reef tank

    Thanks, I'm way ahead of you. I do have a chiller on my tanks. Great info. Thanks for the help..
  7. thereefmaniac

    Changing to a reef tank

    Hi I'm converting one of my tanks into a reef tank. I would like info on caring for it. Its a 120 gallon f/o tank right now. I have ordered the Metal halide lights. What else do I need to buy to care for this tank. I'm planning on Live rock next weekend. Do I need a calcium reactor or what? How...
  8. thereefmaniac


    Is it a good thing to add a ozonizer to my Tsnk. Some fish dealers say its the same thing as using a uv sterilizer. Most local stores don't even carry them. Yet only one store I deal with says its a good investment, but everyone else says they are a waste of money. Please give me a little input...
  9. thereefmaniac

    Maracyn Two

    Hi everyone I want to know if you need to shut off UV and protein skimmer to treat with Maracyn 2
  10. thereefmaniac


    He acts ok. He was treated with Maracyn 2 which never works for me. He started out with cloudy eyes. Then stringy stuff coming from the eyes. His eyes are clear now but he just can't see.
  11. thereefmaniac


    Well I finally cured the cloudy eyes on my Blueface Angel, but now he can't see. He eats by finding the food on the ground. I can't take him out of Quaritine because I think he won't survive in the displaay tank being Blind. Is there an outside chance that this can be fixed? I know it probably...
  12. thereefmaniac

    cloudy eye

    Yes I did do a watechange and clean bottom before this happened. My Emperor had it before and I cured it with Freshwater dips and Benadine. The only problem is it comes back
  13. thereefmaniac

    cloudy eye

    Why do I have a great running tank then all of a sudden a fish has a cloudy eye? What causes this? All the years I have been keeping fish, I don't understand why this happens. I have excellent water conditions! Maracyn 2 only worsens the problem. So can anyone explain how to prevent this...
  14. thereefmaniac


    Has anybody had any experiance with Denitrifiers. Good or Bad?
  15. thereefmaniac

    Cloudy Eye

    I would quarantine them if I could catch them behind corals without ripping everything apart. 0 nitrates 0 Nitites 0 amonia ph 8.0-8.2
  16. thereefmaniac

    Cloudy Eye

    In my 115 gallon tank my Flame angle and my yellow tang has one cloudy eye, Maracyn 2 does nothing. In My 225 gallon tank my Juv emperor angle has one cloudy eye. There is copper in that tank All my water test is PERFECT What can I do? Or will it fix itself and go away on its own
  17. thereefmaniac

    external pump

    I would like a recommendation on a good external pump about 2000 gph with very little heat
  18. thereefmaniac

    Fisk Tank 4 Sale

    My buddy has a 180 Gallon set-up Complete wood stand and Canopy, Glass tops, UV Sterilizer, protein Skimmer, Coral, Some Live rock and Sand. All the Pumps u need plus wet dry. Less then a year old. (He could not handle the hobby) 1700.00 Local Pick-up only and will not ship!!! Over 3000 dollars...
  19. thereefmaniac

    Clean up Crew

    What can I get for a Clean up crew compatible with a Lion, French Angel, Queen Angel, Rock Beauty, Power Blue Tang?
  20. thereefmaniac


    What can I get for a Clean up crew compatible with a Lion, French Angel, Queen Angel, Rock Beauty, Power Blue Tang?