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  1. firefishspike

    Spotted Mandarin

    cyclopese.....I've never heard of them either until my mandarin was starving then my lfs sold me a bar of it frozen, just ask your lfs
  2. firefishspike

    Clownfish: how long should I wait?

    try buying one of those clear breeder plastic thingys from your lfs to put the small clown in, that way the two can see each other and not harm one another
  3. firefishspike

    Spotted Mandarin

    if it's five years own, your pod pop should be high enough to feed him, but if nothing else, try cyclopese, my madarin loves it
  4. firefishspike

    Jellybean surfing on a bioball

    this is my nudibranch jellybean, I think she might get a high from this
  5. firefishspike

    looking to buy frags in GA

    i'll be in atlanta the 13-16.....any stores recommended?? I'm from Savannah and there is only one saltwater store here and sometimes there prises get kinda high
  6. firefishspike

    Live Rock issue

    HEY!! I'm not that old
  7. firefishspike


    the purple kind
  8. firefishspike

    Live Rock issue

    how many people out there consider their live rocks as pets...just curious, because it is live
  9. firefishspike

    BTA and clowns

    i bought mine a bta, he doesn't acknowledge it
  10. firefishspike

    if you were wondering about my avatar

    if you were wondering about what my avatar is, it's my pet hamster checking out his package
  11. firefishspike

    paint on tank

    i would just stack the lr enough so that you can't see the back, uhhhhh yeah
  12. firefishspike

    Help with food

    feed it's some corals or something???
  13. firefishspike

    What would you like?

    I agree with scorpian fish, especially the humpback nohu, seems to be a rare fish, mine cost me an arm and a leg and a right ear and all he does is play dead
  14. firefishspike

    Bye,bye snails

    all of mine are doing well I have some turbin snails and nassaurius??? snails they're really fat
  15. firefishspike

    Porcupine Puffer with Inverts?

    through my experience with FW and SW tanks, all fish will react different towards tank mates I have a small scorpian in one of my tanks, he's a carnivore, sits around and wait for other fish and iverts to come by so that he can pounce on them I have a damsel, some crabs and a nudibranch in there...
  16. firefishspike


    My nudibranch just laid eggs a couple of days ago!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!
  17. firefishspike

    30 Gallon

    a humpback nohu would be nice
  18. firefishspike

    Advice Needed!!

    you won't need a power head for the flow out, the ph for the return flow will overflow the tank so that the water will go into the overflow unit to go into your sump just make sure that the return flow power head's gph is not higher than the prefilter's gph rating you really won't need the HO...