Search results

  1. spyderreef

    What is wrong with this mandarin?

    I've had this fish for about 2 yrs. I thought that he was just getting fat on all of the amphipods. (I hooked up a refugium to this tank and I have a lot of them.) He moves about the tank like normal but his eyes look funny, like there is extra flesh and his head is a lot bigger. His color...
  2. spyderreef

    This hobby can be heart breaking!

    I had this tank for over 2 years. It is a 125gal. (2) 175 watt MH, berlin hangon skimmer and a 29 gal refugium (I am having trouble growing grape caulerpa) RO/DI water. It is not a DSB. I have about 150 LBs of live rock. Last water test 6-19: CA 360 Alk 3.09 no phosphate nitrate less than...
  3. spyderreef

    This hobby can be heart breaking!

    I seem to have hit a low for my tank. I lost a yellow tang, 2 neon gobies and 2 hippos to some mystery illness a couple of months ago. I bought a blue spotted jaw fish 3 weeks ago. He didn't even last 24 hrs. I found him on the floor the next morning. Yesterday my blue maxima died and now I...
  4. spyderreef

    should I start over with my refugium?

    I don't have enough to shade. Right now it is pretty thin. Wrassecal, tell me more about your refugium.
  5. spyderreef

    should I start over with my refugium?

    I have posted recently about the problem that I am having getting grape caulerpa to grow. Please be patient, I still have not found the problem. I started this refugium because of this board and I believe in the benefits but I am frustrated and almost ready to give up. I have a 29 bow with...
  6. spyderreef

    Aiptasia in my clam!? Help.

    Maybe it is not as cool as you think. The aiptasia is on the upper inner edge by the mantel not on directly inside. Am I wrong to think that the aiptasia is going to sting the clam?
  7. spyderreef

    Aiptasia in my clam!? Help.

    I have an aiptasia on the inner part of my clam. How can I get rid of it without hurting the clam?
  8. spyderreef


    1-55 watt Coral Life 50/50 PC (50 Daylight 6000k, 50 Actinic 03 blue) 1-15 watt fl. that came with the tank Lights are on 24/7 It is a 29 gal bow that is a refugium for a 125 gal tank. I have a mag7 that pumps the water into the 29 from the sump with an overflow box that goes back to the sump...
  9. spyderreef


    I am having trouble getting my grape caulerpa to grow again. It was doing great, I even took some in to the LFS and exchanged for some food. I've done some tests but everything is in the normal range. I have test kits for alk., Ca, pH, iron, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia and phosphate. What...
  10. spyderreef

    Richard Rendos, Turtle?

    Thank you both for the info. I was like a lot of people and did not research before saying it was ok for her to have one. (She is 13). She wants to keep it in her room so I want it to stay as clean as possible. I think that I will look into using river rock. Right now I have a lot of...
  11. spyderreef

    Richard Rendos, Turtle?

    I saw your pic with a turtle tank. My daughter has a red earred slider that a friend gave her for her birthday. Turned out to be expensive for me. I put it in a 29 gal tank with a 350 magnum to help clean the water. (Tank also has a hood with UV light, night light and warming light.) How...
  12. spyderreef

    How to ship corals etc.

    I would like to be able to buy and trade with others but I don't know how best to pack things. I have never ordered over the internet so I don't know how most things come. Does anyone have any experience with this? I would like to ship some caulerpa.
  13. spyderreef

    Caulerpa in a refugium. Is this normal?

    I have a Mag 7 that pumps from my sump (which is on the floor) to my 29. I put a tee on the tube inside my tank. The return is an overflow box the goes back to my sump. My lighting may be on the border of not being enough. 1- 15watt strip light (the kind that come with the 29 setup) and a 55...
  14. spyderreef

    Caulerpa in a refugium. Is this normal?

    I have a 29 gal refugium hooked up to my 125 gal reef. I have grape caulerpa growing in it. What causes it to turn white/clear or brown? I harvested a couple of handfuls last week and now I noticed areas that appear to be dying. I have heard of it turning white but not brown and mushy. (My...
  15. spyderreef

    Terry B. and Beth

    I thought that I would give you an update on my Regal Tang. There has been much improvement. I lowered the salanity. No meds. I think this fish will make it!! It was such a good feeling to see this fish eat. It will no longer stay at the bottom. I bought frozen formula 1 and 2, spirulina...
  16. spyderreef

    opinions on Magnums

    I need parts for a Magnum 350. Before I spend money on it should I consider buying something else? I am wondering if most people like Magnums or is there something better? I want to use it on to run carbon and phosguard. I have a 120 and a 125 gal.
  17. spyderreef

    Hippo Tang

    NM reef what do you feed yours?
  18. spyderreef

    Regal Tang problem

    Sorry I don't know what a grounding probe is. I read your article about QT tanks a while back and I put pieces of PVC. He still likes the heater. I raised the heater so he will try and find another spot. I also put in some fake plants that I will use only for this tank. I have also been...
  19. spyderreef

    Regal Tang problem

    under belly. He does not look starved. There are whitish/gray patches on his body, not dots.
  20. spyderreef

    Regal Tang problem
