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  1. spyderreef

    Question Bang Guy.

    Bang Guy, I was told that you were the one to ask about refugiums. I currently have a 29 gal that feeds into the sump for my 125. I had it set up for fish that I was keeping for my 120 and now I am going to turn it into a refugium. I have moved everything except an urchin and a star fish. I...
  2. spyderreef

    Problem with fingering leather and..

    My fingering leather and trumpet coral have been closed for more than a week. I have been meaning to do a water change because my nitrates were a little high and it's been awhile. Would high nitrates cause this or should I be looking for something else? Hammer, frogspawn, clam, plusing xenias...
  3. spyderreef

    Refugium inhabitants.

    I know someone who services tanks for a living. I usually will buy most things from him. I've been to Something Fishy and World of Fish. I buy mostly hard goods from them. I have yet to order on-line but I might try it soon. The more I know the more I feel I don't know. I like the info. I...
  4. spyderreef

    Refugium inhabitants.

    Thanks for the info. I need to ID my starfish so I will try and post a pic. I already have a star in my 125. My newest tank is a 120. I noticed that you live in Mpls. Do you belong to a club? Do you buy most of your supplies on-line or is there a LFS that you like? You can e-mail me at...
  5. spyderreef

    Refugium inhabitants.

    I moved all of my fish out of my 29gal and I am ready to turn it into a refugium. I still have a starfish and a spiney urchin in the tank. Can they stay in there when I turn it into a refugium? I don't know what kind of starfish it is. The urchin is cool, black and white with and orange...
  6. spyderreef

    Adding fish to cycled tank.

    I'm ready to start adding fish but I am not sure what to add first. I bought my friends 120 tank and his fish. I upgraded the lighting and I also made it a DSB. I really like a lot of the stoney corals and I also would like to have a couple of clams. Here is a list of the fish. 3 false...
  7. spyderreef

    Am I ready to start adding things to my 120gal?

    Bummer, I added lr two weeks ago. It seems like forever. Is it worth buying an Ammonia and Nitrite test kits? I have never tested for these on my other tank and it is doing fine.
  8. spyderreef

    Am I ready to start adding things to my 120gal?

    I am going to have the water tested for Ammonia and Nitrites later today. Salinity is 1.024 Calcium is 400 and Alk is 4.0mil/eq. If levels were close to zero I was thinking of getting some snails and some crabs. I have a DSB and I heard that fighting conch were good. Am I still trying to...
  9. spyderreef

    Christmas Tree Coral (Sphaerella)

    Sorry, my mistake. I was hoping that I could be of some help as you were helpful to me with the clam. I will keep you updated.
  10. spyderreef

    Christmas Tree Coral (Sphaerella)

    Are you talking Spirobranchus? I have a rock in my tank with five of them, all the same color. They are filter feeders but they are in a rock covered with Porites. I believe that Porites requires more light. I was trying to find some more information for you in the book that I own and it...
  11. spyderreef

    b-ionic melting xenia?

    It's so frustrating when things like that happen and you are not sure why. I have a 125 with xenia and I have always used B-ionic. My xenia had been doing great until recently and I do not know why. My salinity dropped so I am slowly trying to get it back up. Is there a reason you are...
  12. spyderreef

    Problem with a clam.

    The color is blue not black so I am not worried about it's health. The person that I bought is from will be over in a week I will have him look at it to make sure it is growing. I have not added anything lately, my tank in full because I added a number of things from my friends tank in...
  13. spyderreef

    Problem with a clam.

    The clam is on the substrate because I had difficulty in placing it on a rock. Everytime I did it would fall over. I stopped trying a while ago because I did not want to stress it. The color looks poor because of the camera. It is a lot bluer than what the pic shows. I have a 125 tank with...
  14. spyderreef

    Problem with a clam.

    Here is a pic. The color is not right but you can see the hole. Anyone know what the polyp is on it. It's taking over my tank and I would like to get rid of them.
  15. spyderreef

    Problem with a clam.

    I will post a pic as soon as I can. I know that the hole should not be there. I've had it for at least 3-4 months. The clam is about 4-5" long. I have not seen the anenome touch it but it seems to get close. I know that it has a vermitid (sp?) snail on it which is harmless.
  16. spyderreef

    Problem with a clam.

    I noticed yesterday that my clam has a hole in it about the size of a pencil. It is a blue max and the hole is in the fleshy part. Will it close up again? Is there anything I can do for it? It looks fine otherwise. Could a sting from an anemone cause it? I have one near by that soon will...
  17. spyderreef

    In wall tanks

    I bought a 120 from a friend of mine. He had his built in with a seperate room to maintain the tank and the sump in the basement. He also had a hidden panel in the front. I know I have some pics, I will try and find them for you. I also built mine in but SO likes to be able to look at it...
  18. spyderreef

    New pics of 120

    (2) 175 MH
  19. spyderreef

    New pics of 120

    The next step is to build something around that light. You are right it is bright. It is 2 400 wtt 20,000k radium and 2 110wtt blue actinic.
  20. spyderreef

    New pics of 120

    One more.