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  1. spyderreef

    OT Ryebread new your help ASAP.

    If I need to start over, how do I reformat the card?
  2. spyderreef

    OT Ryebread new your help ASAP.

    I didn't do anything that I haven't done before, or at least that I know of. It says that I have 61.5 MB available. This time when I put the card in I see the normal two folders. One says 100OLYMP and the other DCIM. The first time I put the card in I only saw one folder that said move and...
  3. spyderreef

    OT Ryebread new your help ASAP.

    I have a Olympus Camedia C-2000Z. I put my card in my SmartMedia card reader and double clicked to open. In the window there was a file that said something like Move and rename. I double clicked to open and their was nothing in it. I closed it and then put it back in my camera. No pictures...
  4. spyderreef

    I need some reassurance.

    The coral is fully closed and the pieces do look as if they just settled there. Should I try and blow them off with a turkey baster or should I move it where it has more current?
  5. spyderreef

    I need some reassurance.

    The leather was open the first couple of days before it stopped opening. Only part of it looks as if it is shedding. It looks more brown and flaky than gooey. It should have more than enough light. I thought maybe it had too much. I have it in a 120 gal a little more than half way up. I...
  6. spyderreef

    I need some reassurance.

    Nerdy, When your leather sheds does what comes off look brown? Also, how long does it usually take before it opens? I will try and post a pic.
  7. spyderreef

    I need some reassurance.

    I bought a beautiful yellow leather last week. It opened in my tank just fine but now it won't open and it appears to be shedding this brown skin. How do I know that this is normal and it is not gradually dying? I have a more established tank that I could move it to but I would rather not...
  8. spyderreef

    Ophiura. Star pics

    The one on the left is a flat leather coral, the one one the right is a lobophyllia or tooth coral. Jonthefb gets an 'A'.
  9. spyderreef

    Ophiura. Star pics

    Thank you for all of the great information. I will try for a closer pic. I will also try and get a pic of the other star. Thank you for your help.
  10. spyderreef

    Ophiura. Star pics

  11. spyderreef

    Ophiura. Star pics

    I got him from a friend of mine. I brought it back from Chicago in October. I have another star with the same body type but it has a very dark maroon body. I am trying to identify what it is and if they have any special requirements.
  12. spyderreef

    Ophiura. Star pics

  13. spyderreef

    Ophiura. Star pics

    Do you know what this is?
  14. spyderreef

    Ophiura. Star pics

    I was only able to take a pic of one star fish that I told you about. The other one was hiding. It looks very similar to this one except with a maroon background.
  15. spyderreef

    bubble tip?

    My friend had his under pc's. Mine are under MH. I would be interested in those that have anemones with bubble tips what type of lighting do you have?
  16. spyderreef

    bubble tip?

    I have 3 rose anemones and a two other small bubble tips. What causes the bubble on the end? When I first got the two smaller ones they had a very distinct bulb. Now they look more like my roses with no bulb. What exactly causes it? :confused:
  17. spyderreef

    What to add next.

    My 120 has cycled and it has been 3 wks. I added fish a week ago. What would be good to add next? What kind of clean up crew? I also have quite a bit of hair algae. I use RO/DI water. (Just changed all filters.) What can I do to get rid of the hair algae? Nitrate- less than 10 Nitrite-...
  18. spyderreef

    How much I appreciate this board.

    I have been working in my husbands new office stripping wallpaper, sanding and painting. We installed a door in an existing opening and of course there was some patch work to be done. The office next to us was at one time connected. They replaced the wall but it also was not finished. I have...
  19. spyderreef

    Wanted: Macro algae for refugium.

    I spent my afternoon looking to buy caulpera(sp) for my new refugium and everyone was out. Does anyone have some that they would like to sell? I live in Minneapolis.
  20. spyderreef

    Question Bang Guy.

    I believe that it is a spiney urchin. It is black with long spines. It has an orange center with a blue ring around that. I have the tank sitting on a shelf near my work bench that I do stain glass on. Since I am there quite often is there anything else that I can put in it, any fish?. At...