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  1. wareagle

    my levels

    honestly i'm not sure what the kH is measured it. lost the book it came with. Its the tetra test. You count how many drops til the water turns yellow.
  2. wareagle

    my levels

    I know there have been many threads on proper levels but they still confuse me. Are my levels ok if they need any adjusting let me know. 29 Gallon Tank 9 Different Soft Corals 3 Fish Inverts Levels: calcium - 420 pH - about 8.0 ammonia - 0 nitrites - 0 nitrates - between 5 & 10 Kh - 5...
  3. wareagle

    Calcium Levels

    Originally Posted by Dogstar Natural Sea Water should have Cal. in it. I tested the real ocean water and it has calcium levels of 420
  4. wareagle

    Calcium Levels

    thanks dogstar. i am about to test the Real Ocean Water to see what its calcium actually is
  5. wareagle

    Adding Iodine

    thanks for the advice. any recogmendations for a good iodine test kit?
  6. wareagle

    Calcium Levels

    Thanks. I usually add it when needed in the morning and try to keep it around 390ish. I just wasn't sure if you even need to keep it that high when you don't have any hard corals. I know the inverts use it up
  7. wareagle

    Adding Iodine

    I am wondering of those out there whom add iodoine to there tank how much and how often do they add it. I currently add 4 drops a day of Kents Iodine in the morning. Since i have been doing it my corals have began growing like crazy. Have been adding the iodine for about a month now. Here a...
  8. wareagle

    Calcium Levels

    I am wondering what would be the best level to keep my calcium at. When I need to raise my calcium I add Seachem's Reef Comlete. Here a list of what is currently in my 30 gallon tank thats been up for a year now.. Oscellaris 2 purple fire fish 3 peppermint shrimp 13 or so hermits 1 emerald...
  9. wareagle

    Ideal Temp and Salinity

    thanks for the advise. my tank has been up for about 8 months and i usually keep it around 80 and salinity at .23 but i will raise it just a little.
  10. wareagle

    Adding Phytoplankton

    so your sure i should NEVER put phyto in my tank with what i have in there now. Easier on me but just want to make sure. Thanks alot for the input
  11. wareagle

    Feeding.. How much and how often?

    I'm just curious what other people with BTA's do. Want to make sure i'm not over/under feeding it. Online a website states that you should.... Feed large pieces of squid, shrimp, and other meaty foods several times a week.
  12. wareagle

    Psychadelic Mandarin, help

    I have had the purple linkia since my tank started and is in full health. A good sign i guess. Can't return the mandarin so i'm just going to try my best to keep it alive. I will look into the live pods online. Thanks.
  13. wareagle

    Adding Phytoplankton

    My lfs said that these corals are filter feeders and phyto helps keep them fed. Should i not be adding the phyto? Should i be doing it less? is it bad to add when not needed? thanks
  14. wareagle

    Ideal Temp and Salinity

    I was wondering what would be the ideal temp and salinity for my tank. heres whats in it 29 gallons 36 or so lbs live rock Bubble Tip anenome Flame Polyps Clove Polyps Green Star Polyps Star Polyps Cabbage Polyps Some other polyp not sure what Hairy Mushrooms Xenia snails, hermits, 2 cleaner...
  15. wareagle

    Psychadelic Mandarin, help

    When i add some live brine soaked in garlic he doesn't even make a move for it. In a post sometime ago i think i remember something about being able to add pods to your tank. anyone?
  16. wareagle

    Feeding.. How much and how often?

    I have had my BTA for about 4 months now in my just under a year old tank. He is healthy and has always appeared healthy. I usually feed small amounts of silversides about once a week if not less. I was wondering what is recogmended when it comes to feeding them? Thanks.
  17. wareagle

    Adding Phytoplankton

    Curious as to how much and how often one should add phytoplankton? I am about out of refridged phyto and have a bottle of phytoplex when it is gone. Currently I add phyto twice a week and use 2 caps worth each time. Good? Bad? heres what i got.... 29 gallons been up and running for a little...
  18. wareagle

    Psychadelic Mandarin, help

    Two days ago I purchased a Psychadelic Mandarin fish from the lfs. I know it probably wasn't a good idea but i'm an extreme impulse buyer. I was wondering what I can do to try my best in keeping it alive. about my tank..... 29 gallons been up and running for a little less than a year 36 or so...
  19. wareagle

    Moving, PLEASE HELP!!!!

    thing about upgrading is i'm still a college student and move almost every year. Such a long drive this time is b/c i took a year off and went back home. I def will upgrade to a much bigger tank when i have a steady home. But for now the 30 is doing just fine. looks awesome, i'll post pics...
  20. wareagle

    Moving, PLEASE HELP!!!!

    how long will fish, rocks, coral survive not in a tank?