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  1. wareagle

    Moving, PLEASE HELP!!!!

    should i put the cleaner shrimp in 1 bag, and put the 2 crabs in 1 bag, and the snails in one bag, and so one or can anything be put in the same bag. Also should i take the inverts to the LFS in a tub to have them bag em?
  2. wareagle

    Moving, PLEASE HELP!!!!

    The anenome is in a crack. the LFS said to just crack the rock but i dont want to do that because the rock that it is in has alot of coraline and is a nice looking rock
  3. wareagle

    Moving, PLEASE HELP!!!!

    Whats the difference between bagging the coral and floating them compared to just putting them in a bucket covered and filled with water from the tank? Also the LFS recogmended keeping the crushed coral becuase it is now alive. And what should i do about transporting the anenome b/c it is...
  4. wareagle

    Moving, PLEASE HELP!!!!

    On January 4th I will be moving. Its a 13 hour drive and I am hoping for alot of help from everyone here to make it go smoothly. I have a 30 gallon that has been up and running for about 5 months now. Heres what is in the tank: -25lbs LR -Large GSP -Clover Polyp -Xenia -Leather Cabbage Polyp...
  5. wareagle

    Lets See some 30 Gallons

    I was hoping everyone with pics of their 30 gallon could post them so I can get some ideas. I have one aswell and will post my pics first thing tomorrow.
  6. wareagle

    Lets See some #0 Gallons

    I was hoping everyone with pics of their 30 gallon could post them so I can get some ideas. I have one aswell and will post my pics first thing tomorrow.
  7. wareagle

    aiptasia ?

    I noticed one in my tank the other day. I bought this stuff at the lfs called joes juice. Its a bottle with a syringe. Runs $20. Squirt a little at the anenome. Dead in seconds.
  8. wareagle

    What Next????

    here are the tank pics:
  9. wareagle

    What Next????

    I will be going to the lfs this afternoon and I am not sure what i want. want i really want is a bigger tank but i will be moving soon and won't be worth it. all i know i am getting is a emerald crab and a fan. i currently have the following in my 30 gallon with 130 watt pc's. *25lbs live...
  10. wareagle

    urchin split? baby snails everywhere?

    I also have an over population of snails. Counted about 30 the other day just on the glass. Not sure what caused the sudden urge for the snails to repopulate the tank.
  11. wareagle

    Water Help

    How long does RO salt water last that you buy from the lfs?
  12. wareagle

    Sundial Snail

    thanks for the advice, i saw one of those in my tank the other day, next time i see it hes out
  13. wareagle

    Identify These Please

    thanks, i'll try the boiling water idea
  14. wareagle

    Snail Problem

    all my my levels a are perfect. and the sg changed over a period of 3 days. not really worried about their death. they only cost $1. i just want the --- between them to stop. they're mass producing
  15. wareagle

    Star polip question

    my GSP are only about a week old. i bought mine that size so i am not sure how long they take to spread. i hope not fast because i love the color
  16. wareagle

    Lettuce Nudibranch EXPLODES

    you would think so. what do i get to cover them?
  17. wareagle

    Star polip question

    thanks. they are my newest addition to my tank and most definately my favorite. I just love the color
  18. wareagle

    Snail Problem

    all different kinds, some have pointed shells, most have no shells. a week and 1/2 ago salinity was at 28 now it is at 25. what would that have to do with it? thanks
  19. wareagle

    Bubble Tip not so bubbly

    I do that, i feed it about 2 times a week, i feed it a silverside chopped in 3 or 4 pieces. Would this be sufficient? I wil i got better lights. Mine are only 3 weeks old. I wonder if i can return them under warrenty still
  20. wareagle

    Lettuce Nudibranch EXPLODES

    This is the second time I have awaken to a nudibranch that has felt the wrath of a power head. Buyers beware. Stear away from these specimens as they have a habit of getting caught in poswerheads. Heres the thing. The head of the nudibranch is still alive and mooving around the tank. Its...