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  1. olga

    Can't shake Algea Bloom

    I had very severe algae problem, and my water was cloudy and green-yellow as yours, if not worse! I posted a picture of it on this forum. Activated carbon did not helped, and I had a lots of it in my both filters. Does not mean it would not help you. What eventually did helped me (my water is...
  2. olga

    Warning about Oodinex.

    I meant Oodinex by Esha -which is treatment for various marine fish diseases including ick. They claim that "Safe to use in Marine aquariums containing invertebrates" Not so! :mad: After I put it in the tank in the right dose, two of my large blue legged hermits died. I only had two of them...
  3. olga

    RO/tap/nitrate question

    Originally Posted by alyssia Okay here is my setup: 75 gallon reef 90+ lbs of LR 50 lbs LS coralife super skimmer HOB filter 3 gallon HOB fuge with chaeto 1 yellow tang 1 kole tang 2 false percs 1 flame angel 1 sixline wrasse and 1 blackcap basslet I feed every other day I have always used tap...
  4. olga

    RO/tap/nitrate question

    As Xrayman said: RO water not going to lower nitrates. My tap water have zero nitrates too, but high on phosphates. If you have a MH lighting or more, and using tap water (high level of phospahates alaways in tap water, at least in UK) it will cause the problem for micro algae growth for them to...
  5. olga

    brown stuff on ls

    I am surprised, that you noticed "brown stuff" growing on your LR? LR is brown anyway! Ok its does get purple/pink/green eventually after coraline algae on it. Understandable if you noticed it on fake decorations. Leave it! That way they not look so "fake" lol. Ok, if you are still very...
  6. olga

    Feather duster-dead or alive?

    Originally Posted by alyssia :cheer: :cheer: I thought they were just filter feeders. Are you supposed to feed them tiny pieces of meat? :notsure: I know they are, Alyssia. I just was experimenting. ;-)
  7. olga

    Feather duster-dead or alive?

    Is my nitrates to high for inverts? Its always was 0, since cycle finished , and raised when I started to put Oodinex (ick and other diseases treatment). Can it be related, or some other reason for it? In fact: if you put Oodinex in the tank, and measure parametres after 3-4 hours, nitrates very...
  8. olga

    Feather duster-dead or alive?

    Good news! He puled his head back in the tube, then show it out again! He is alive after all! I am so happy. :jumping: I offered him tiny piece of shrimp on the stick, when head was out, but then he pulled it back.(so he is reacting!) While I was doing it, my blood shrimp crawled out of the...
  9. olga

    Feather duster-dead or alive?

    Chadman: I would thought they attaching themselves to the LR or to the sand after a while. Don't quote me on it. Maybe more experienced hobbyists will explain.
  10. olga

    Feather duster-dead or alive?

    Originally Posted by chadman how do u get your feather dusters to stay in one place? i tried burrying the one end in my cc adn that didn't work then i tried placing a rock over the one end to hold it but when i woke up with was on the floor of my tank...i think they need light and i just can't...
  11. olga

    Feather duster-dead or alive?

    Water parameters: Salinity-1.023 Ammonia-0 Nitrite-0 Ph-8.2 Nitrate -5-10 Temp-25.2C I just cant understand it. Usually he hides and retracts his head all the time. Now it constantly on the view. I am afraid that head are on the top on the of the tube, and the worm might died inside. The tube...
  12. olga

    Feather duster-dead or alive?

    For a last 24 hours my feather duster have not hid his head. When I get my hand near it, it does not do it either. Its still attached to the rock. How can you tell if its dead or alive, or whats wrong with it?
  13. olga

    big crab that dont eat meat good??

    Originally Posted by cain420 a little update on the crab... i dunno if that resembles it in the second pic or not. i saw him pickin at the lr, takin small pieces off.. i think there may be a lil die off he is eating.. make sense or would a crab not eat that?? Cain, I would not worry about it...
  14. olga

    first foray into saltwater...little help please

    Its probably not very good advise because I am newbie also, but I am sure somebody might correct me, and I want to bring this thread on top. :) You might get away with tap water (as many hobbyist do). However the major problem with tap water is phosphates, nitrates, chlorine and other chemicals...
  15. olga

    is cheating possable?

    Originally Posted by arsen_36 is there any way for fish to comfortably survive when a tank is cycling? Fresh little sardine from the supermarket for about 30 cents will "survive" comfortably. They will cycle your tank also, no need to waste shrimp ;-)
  16. olga

    is cheating possable?

    They might survive, might not. But even if they do, they not going to survive "comfortably" Prepare to be flamed, and rightly so!
  17. olga

    Pics of my 600 Gallon Being Installed!!!!

    Originally Posted by cain420 can i scuba when ur done?? LOL@Cain! The weekly 10% water change is a volume of my whole 60 gallons tank! Hope the cliche: "guys with big cars/tanks and all that... does not applies here ;-) Honestly so: I am just jealous!
  18. olga

    What's the coolest hitch hiker you found?

    I have this green thing growing on my LR. I no idea what it is. It was very small month ago or so, (size of the pea) so I thought its some type of coraline algae. But now its about 2 inches in diameter, and its not soft. Its hard, like a hard coral. But surely coral does not grow that fast in in...
  19. olga

    cleaner shrimp

    Oops. Sorry mods. I think I put wrong code mistakenly. Can you correct it please.
  20. olga

    cleaner shrimp

    PHP Code: My cleaner molted second time today during 3 weeks. I also have fire shrimp which never molted (I bought them both on the same day). Fire shrimp never attempted any "cleaning" . He always hiding behind the rocks, and come out during feeding time. Cleaner shrimp, not as shy, but he is...