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  1. socks002

    My new aquarium!!!!!!

    i just tryed white vinager, it works GREAT!!!!!!! gets it spotless.
  2. socks002

    My new aquarium!!!!!!

    And heres it in the house, crappy pic i know. Its the only camera i have, 1.3 MP on my cell phone, i WAS bidding on this 12 MP coolpix on ebay and lost im gonna keep looking for a better camera though, cant stand bad pics lol.
  3. socks002

    My new aquarium!!!!!!

    i could not get this cloudy stain off, i scrubbed, nothing!! i rubbed the stain with my finger though and it started to slightly come off, like those wierd kind of stains when you burn grees ino a pan and the only way to get it out is with de-greeser.(just an example lol) Do i need to get...
  4. socks002

    My new aquarium!!!!!!

    Just got back inside, scrubed and cleaned it, got all the cobwebs out of the stand, brought it all inside and put it together. before i cleaned it and after lol, leak test passed
  5. socks002

    My new aquarium!!!!!!

    After i finish eating im gonna go clean it and do a leak test and take LOTS of pics.
  6. socks002

    My new aquarium!!!!!!

    I just got a FREE 40 to 50 gallon octogon aquarium with wooden stand. Im excited. I have a second aquarium and im not even done working on the first!!! lol. Im looking around the living room trying to figure out where i can put it and later i need to do a leak test and clean it out. ANY IDEAS...
  7. socks002

    Help revive our tank.

    LOL Flower beat me to it
  8. socks002

    Help revive our tank.

    I thought i read that you are using reef salt and tap water, It is recomended to use RO/DI water, or atleased RO.
  9. socks002

    My FOWLR 55 gallon tank diary, first saltwater tank.

    well i get the light on thursday, according to UPS tracking. I just found out i could have had a nova extreme ho t5 48'' on sale for the same price i payd for this probly going to be junk thats coming in the mail. Good timing!!!!
  10. socks002

    question about a cheap t5 light i bought.

    I bought a cheap t5 fixture of or ebay yesterday for 119$, its a 4 bulb, each 54 watts, 2 white, 2 blue, 4 leds.Anyway i read reviews on this thing last night and they where NOT good!!! Said it ran to hot, stoped working. Im poining my finger at the cheap ballast it comes with. My question is...
  11. socks002

    My FOWLR 55 gallon tank diary, first saltwater tank.

    although maby all i need to do is just add a better ballast and a cooling fan and better bulbs and this new light would be alright...... maby
  12. socks002

    My FOWLR 55 gallon tank diary, first saltwater tank.

    It just said 48'' T5 aquarium reef tank light or something like that. Just read some reviews on the light on another sight and they where not good, said the light works and looks good and stuff but runs to hot, quits working, comes broken ecs......oh well. it was only 100 bucks, il play with it...
  13. socks002

    My FOWLR 55 gallon tank diary, first saltwater tank.

    Just bought a 4 bulb t5 light with led moonlights for 119$ on ebay. 216 watts!!!! this was a steal!!!!!! (i hope)
  14. socks002

    My FOWLR 55 gallon tank diary, first saltwater tank.

    OH and i will not get the cuc for 3 weeks cus of shipping and QTing so plenty of time for bacteria colonie to grow
  15. socks002

    My FOWLR 55 gallon tank diary, first saltwater tank.

    I just did the tests, ammonia and nitrite, both are zero, even after the shrimp was in there rotting for ITS CYCLED, ITS OFFICIAL! cycle done at 6 weeks. now time to order the cuc.
  16. socks002

    My FOWLR 55 gallon tank diary, first saltwater tank.

    I will find out for shure tonight when i get home freom work and do an ammonia test. shrimps ben in the tank for a few days. *fingers crossed* Hope theres no spike!!! Quote: Originally Posted by travelerjp98 sounds good! I think your tank is cycled, maybe you just missed the spikes? what did...
  17. socks002

    My FOWLR 55 gallon tank diary, first saltwater tank.

    Quote: Originally Posted by MB2415 Is that en emperor filter? if it is, how is it working? I am possibly thinking of getting one of those or a fluval 400 nope, its a aqua tech 330 from walmart. they are not vary strong, thats why im using 2 of them. I here alot of people recomending the emperor.
  18. socks002

    My FOWLR 55 gallon tank diary, first saltwater tank.

    Quote: Originally Posted by travelerjp98 You can have the coral banded and star no doubt... just that they shouldn't be treated as a cuc, more as another fish or coral. AH i see New fish list!!! cuc goes in first, few snails and crabs 2 weeks later: 2 clowns 2 weeks later coral branded shrimp...
  19. socks002

    Zoo Med Aquasun T5 lights

    Quote: Originally Posted by Slice This is the right approach. Determine what you ultimately want in your tank first. Then research what equipment you need to satisfy the requirements of your wish list. THEN try to find the best deal on your equipment choice. Looking first for a deal then hoping...