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  1. chadman

    Who Lives In Pa ???

    exeter...alright!! antietam here! born and raised! welcome to the boards everyone!
  2. chadman

    restarting, i guess you could say

    then just let your tank cycle again and add a few new pieces of live rock to seed the old stuff
  3. chadman

    restarting, i guess you could say

    what exactly happened? have you had water in the tank or was the live rock just sitting dry? if you kept it in the water and just let the water evaporate then your salinity is prolly so high that it killed off everything living on the live rock...i would do a pretty big water change of the water...
  4. chadman

    What do you keep with PC lights

    i have pom pom xenia,torch,open brain,frogspawn,zoas,rics,shrooms,bubble tip anemone,i think thats about everything...all under 130watts of pc lighting...
  5. chadman

    anyone know autographs?

    whats psa/dna?
  6. chadman

    large xenia rock

    i also am having a growing amount of chaeto so in addition i have prolly a clump or two of that....
  7. chadman

    ID coral please

    oh alright i didn't know that...but yup i think we've found our answer...haha
  8. chadman


    i have all maxi jets in my tank...i like them the best of all powerheads that i have had...they are easily mounted in a number of different ways and they are quiet and reliable...
  9. chadman

    ID coral please

    could it be clove coral maybe? that name rings a bell for some reason...don't mark my word i am looking on my lfs's site to see ifi can find it but i believe they may have sold the piece since
  10. chadman

    ID coral please

    no it is not pom pom xenia...i am trying to think what it is...i saw a rock full of this at my lfs and almost bought it but decided ididn't have the room in my tank....if i find/think of what it is...i willlet you know...
  11. chadman

    anyone know autographs?

    sweeet....who is mr. mint? and what are some appraisal services? are they online things where i'd have to send the sticks to them? i am from reading pennsylvania...i realize you guys prolly aren't from around here but if by chance you are let me know of any possible places in this area where i...
  12. chadman

    green fish?

    most fairy's are reef safe
  13. chadman

    green fish?

    check out some fairy wrasses maybe...they come in all joo joo stated
  14. chadman

    anyone know autographs?

    i was looking through me parents attic the other day and found six or seven autographed hockey sticks which my uncle who worked for hte flyers back in teh day had given me...i totally forgot about them until now...the one is autographed by the entire flyers stanley cup championship team from...
  15. chadman

    tank moving...

    i only had to move about three miles...i put everthing into big tubs(fish,lr,water) then just put everything back....i didn't acclimate cause they water that they were in was exactly the same as hte water i was putting them into...everyone lived and my tank now lookds totally different that prior...
  16. chadman

    large xenia rock

    just made the move today so i should have a few new specimens in a few days...let me know if your interested...thanks
  17. chadman

    tank moving...

    i made the move! everything went smoothly...i did lose one damsel though in the ordeal...and i didn't kill be honest he disappeared...i haven't tthe slightest idea what happened to him....what a shame....haha,,,
  18. chadman

    tank moving...

    sweet...yeah i hope we don't drop it!!! it shouldn't be all that heavy i don't think...thanks
  19. chadman

    tank moving...

  20. chadman

    tank moving...

    i am getting ready to move my tank today....i have read in past posts that it is bad to move your tank with any water in it cause you can break the seals...i was planning on emptying out all the water except enough to cover my sand bed..will this be too much weight still? i have a 30g tank with...