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  1. texasreefrat

    Coral? Sponge? Whatsit?

    Special thanx to Adrian, Lord of the Reef! You make this so much easier.
  2. texasreefrat

    Coral? Sponge? Whatsit?

    Ok, got some nice liverock about a month ago through the mail. When it arrived I noticed it had a calcerious growth/Layer on some of the rock, which I thought was dead coral or possible dead sponge. After about two weeks in the tank it seemed to be growing a brown flesh, and I assumed it was a...
  3. texasreefrat

    maroons clowns

    My yellow tangs just each chose a different side of the tank and live peacefully, until one strays into the others territory. Maroons are BAD, MEAN, EVIL fish, well, in my opinion anyhow. Mine attacks everything. If I add new LR he attacks it until he breaks off a small peice or until he is so...
  4. texasreefrat

    The Ultimate Reef Book ???

    Not sure about all of it, but for Corals I have "A practical guide to corals for the reef aquarium." by Ed Puterbaugh and Eric Borneman. I swear by it because it is an easy to understand guide to getting corals, tells agression, difficulty of care, and specific needs of corals.
  5. texasreefrat

    Help me with green algae!

    I have the same problem right now. It is just part of the cycle, usually a brown bloom then the green slime follows. Im told it will die off in a little while and will be Ok. It is usually occuring around the third or fourth month of tank cycling.
  6. texasreefrat

    Button Polyps

    My polyps do this when they catch food, kind of close up and lean over. Maybe this is what yours has done, watch and see if it is better later on. Wait to add more though.
  7. texasreefrat

    Do you add Kalkwasser or run a calcium reactor?

    I kalk now but am looking for a reactor. They are confusing to me as I have never really seen one in operation. But I understand they are unparalleled in performance and much better than Kalk. Also told they add Strontium in the process which is a bonus.
  8. texasreefrat


    I would mix the water first, then add the sand slowly. Place the open bag in the tank, lower to the bottom, and gently pour as not to cloud the water.
  9. texasreefrat

    Harlequin Sweetlips

    Im looking at a spotted sweetlips, and curious how it will do in my tank with the others. Specs: 135 Gallon 2 Yellow Tangs (Large) 1 Domino Damzel 1 Three stripe Damzel 1 Percula 1 Lawnmower Blenny Various snails and a huge Hermit Candy Coral Several Gorgonians (all purple) Clove Polyps Red Base...
  10. texasreefrat

    What eats gorgonias?

    Never heard of any of those eating Gorg's. Are you sure these things are being eaten or are they dying from something else and falling apart?
  11. texasreefrat


    I have both kinds and they get along fine. Also have a large cleaner shrimp and have seen him clean the pepermints.
  12. texasreefrat

    I took a bath in RO water!

    I wish I had that much time on my hands.
  13. texasreefrat

    (*** UPDATED) Strange behavior from Scarlet Hermits

    Someone once told me that Shrooms give off a mild toxin when bothered, if yours is new that might be a bother to the crabs if in fact they do have a toxin?
  14. texasreefrat

    So what are you adding...??

    I love the DT, it is costly but worth it I think!
  15. texasreefrat

    brown algea growing everywere

    Snails and a lawnmower blenny will assist in the cleanup. When your brown is done expect green, it almost always follows.
  16. texasreefrat

    Help finding the right lighting for anemones

    Only one bulb, OUCH! Anemonies need STRONG light to live long. Possibly a 50/50 with as many watts as you can get?
  17. texasreefrat

    Need to know a safe underwater epoxy

    I frag a Purple Gorgonian pretty often, I use regular old Super Glue and have not lost a single frag as of yet. Most of the frags have grown new flesh over the glue and onto the liverock. Some say Superglue is bad, but I have dozens of purple gorgonians which are thriving that will disagree. I...
  18. texasreefrat


    I got a Lawnmower Blennie for this very reason, he worked beautifully and I highly recomend them to anyone who has an algae problem.
  19. texasreefrat

    reef tanks

    What do you want to have in the tank?
  20. texasreefrat

    Nitrate problems Help!!

    I would suggest getting a clean up crew, they do a great job of processing waste products before your water does. As for the removal of the ugf, well, there is really only one way to do it. I kept my CC and just added 2" of LS over it, some say this isnt good, but my nitrates are 0 and have been...